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Chapter 11: Rome and Christianity Study Guide (KEY)
Section 1
1.) What major influence did Galen have on Roman society?
2.) What did the Romans invent, which allowed their structures last?
3.) Who were the most powerful elected officials under Rome’s tripartite government?
4.) How does the Roman language influence how people speak and write today?
Modern languages are based on the Roman language
5.) Why were Roman roads originally constructed?
*To allow Rome’s armies to travel through the empire
6.) Why did the Roman trade network grow? Provide one reason.
They needed to bring in food from other parts of the Mediterranean.
7.) What is the main reason the Roman language spread throughout its empire?
The Romans conducted business in their language.
8.) Identify three achievements of the Ancient Romans and explain how each achievement influences our
present-day culture.
* Importance of written laws
*Equal treatment for all citizens
*Rights and duties of citizens
*Excellent, durable roads
*Strong bridges
*Building designs that inspired later societies
*Aqueducts to move water
*Large and strong buildings
*Columns and open spaces
*Realistic statues
*Lifelike portraits
*Focused on improving people’s lives
*Stoic philosophy emphasizing people’s civic duty
Section 2
9.) Why did many people become followers of Jesus?
*He traveled and taught them about his ideas
10.) Why is the cross a symbol of Christianity?
Jesus of Nazareth was executed on a cross. Christians believe that he then rose from the dead, which showed that he
was the Messiah. This makes the cross an important symbol.
11.) What is one similarity between Christmas and Easter?
*Neither is based on an exact date in history
Section 3
12.) What did Roman emperors began to fear about the empire by the end of the AD 100s?
The empire had become too large to defend efficiently
13.) What was the capital of the eastern Roman Empire?
14.) Why did many nearby countries declare war on Rome? *Because they were threatened by Rome’s power
15.) What event do many historians consider the end of the Western Roman Empire?
A barbarian general overthrowing the emperor and naming himself king
16.) Why did the Roman Empire collapse? Provide three reasons.
*Disease, increased taxes, and corruption