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3. Principles of Judaism
Rome invaded Judea 63 bc, unlike oth R provinces, Jews believed in 1 God.
Capital: Jerusalem
A. Ancient Israelites
Hebrews/Israelites/people of Israel, hx comes from Torah, their sacred text, beg.
with story of Abraham.
1. A Migrating People
2K bc, nomadic Abe moved west into Canaan/Palestine from Mesopotamia and founded
the Israelite nation. Later moved to Egypt & stayed for 400 yrs. Moses led return to Is.
2. The Kingdom of Israel
By 1K bc, King David united warring tribes into nation of Is. His son, King Solomon
traded with Eg & Mptma Empires. Built grt temple and capital Jeru. Western Wall still
remains & is a sacred symbol of current and hx faith.
3. Division and Conquest
Sol’s lg bldg projects = ↑ taxes, forced labor caused revolts. Kgdm split into S Israel/N
Judah, too weak to fight invaders. Assyria conquered 722 bc. Babylonians captured
Judah 586 bc, King Neb destroyed grt temple and exiled Israelites. Persian Cyrus later
conquered Bab. and let exiles return to “Judea”, now called “Jews”. Rebuilt Sol’s
temple, but lived under Persian rule. The hx of the Jews is a series of migrations.
B. God’s Covenant with the Israelites
Hx/Faith interconnected. Relig belief not separate from soc, econ, polit life. Each
event part of “God’s plan”. Collected stories of Is became Hebrew Bible. Relig of
Judaism began when exiles returned from Babylon. Faith based on covenant c
God. Jews agreed to obey laws
1. One God
Is were monotheistic when other groups were polytheistic. Is prayed to God to protect
them. Eventually believed their god was supreme.
2. The Chosen People
Is believed God promised them protection and homeland in exchange for obedience and
faith. Believed Canaan was the “promised land”, Jews “chosen people”.
3. The Torah
“Instructions” developed sacred text as a record of God’s teachings. First 5 books give hx
of Israelites, tells of migrations, stories of Abe & Moses. Includes God’s laws. Oral
Torah has unwritten laws and commentaries by scholars and rabbis, and allows flexibility
& adaptation.
C. Teachings on Law and Morality
Laws imp & estab in the Torah. Laws on cleanliness, food prep, criminal acts, &
moral principles.
1. The Ten Commandments
God renewed covenant with Is and gave 10 comm to Moses after Is left Eg. Moses =
lawgiver. Torah = 5 bks of Moses. 1st four commandments about relig duty of the ind to
God: keeping the Sabbath (a holy day for rest & worship), 5-10 are rules of ind conduct
toward others: Honor your parents, don’t murder, don’t steal. Basic moral laws that
Jews must obey. Core of Judaism.
2. The Seven Universal Laws
10 comm are laws for Jews . 7 univ laws for everyone: don’t murder, don’t steal, One
law estab courts. Idea led to modern concept of human rights.
3. An Ethical Worldview
Jews have freedom to make their own choices, but God will punish if they choose wrong.
Big disobedience leads to big punishments like invasions. Prophets: spiritual leaders that
interpret God’s will & warn disobedience=disaster. Also teach ethics (moral standards of
behavior): Be good to others. Jewish beliefs led to ideas of political & legal equality.
D. The Scattering of the Jews
Diaspora. Jews moved to Middle East & Mediterranean, returned to Canaan, or
stayed in Babylon, after being released from captivity in 586 bc. By the time of
Roman conquest, some Jews were traditional, some radical. New Jewish groups
led to a new religion under Prophet Jesus: Christianity. 66 ad: Jews revolted
against Roman rule. 70 ad: Romans destroyed temple in Jeru. By then more Jews
lived outside of homeland. This continued for centuries, but Canaan/Palestine
always considered homeland.
Focus Question: Why did the concept of law mean so much to the Jewish people?
Keep track of positive & negative events in the hx of the Jews.
What role did migration play in the history of the Israelites?
Why do you think the Western Wall is sacred to Jewish people around the world?
How did the Jews’ beliefs differ from those of other nearby peoples?
What is the source of basic moral laws that Jews must obey?
How did the scattering of the Jewish people begin?
Terms. Definition & significance.
How could you characterize the hx of the Israelites in a single sentence?
How is the Torah related to the covenant?
What important democratic ideas did Judaism promote through its ethical view of the
How did the breaking of the covenant bring about the diaspora?