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Revised January, 2016
Review Notes
Parents and Students
Grade 5
3rd Nine Weeks
Note: The Fifth Grade Standard of Learning test covers material taught in fourth and
fifth grade.
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Science Review Notes
for Parents and Students
Revised January, 2016
Grade 5 Science: Third Nine Weeks
This resource is intended to be a guide for parents and students to improve content
knowledge and understanding. The information below is detailed information about the
Standards of Learning taught during the 3rd grading period and comes from the Science
Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework, Grade 5 issued by the Virginia Department
of Education. The Curriculum Framework in its entirety can be found at the following
Standard 5.1
The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of
science by planning and conducting investigations in which
a) items such as rocks, minerals, and organisms are identified using various classification
b) estimates are made and accurate measurements of length, mass, volume, and
temperature are made in metric units using proper tools;
c) estimates are made and accurate measurements of elapsed time are made using proper
d) hypotheses are formed from testable questions;
e) independent and dependent variables are identified;
f) constants in an experimental situation are identified;
g) data are collected, recorded, analyzed, and communicated using proper graphical
representations and metric measurements;
h) predictions are made using patterns from data collected, and simple graphical data are
i) inferences are made and conclusions are drawn;
j) models are constructed to clarify explanations, demonstrate relationships, and solve
needs; and
k) current applications are used to reinforce science concepts.
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The skills in standard 5.1 are intended to define the “investigate” component and
the understanding of the nature of science for all of the other fifth-grade
standards. The intent of standard 5.1 is for students to continue to develop a
range of inquiry skills, achieve proficiency with those skills, and develop and
reinforce their understanding of the nature of science in the context of the
concepts developed at the fifth-grade level. It is also intended that by developing
these skills, students will achieve a greater understanding of scientific inquiry and
the nature of science and will more fully grasp the content-related concepts.
Science assumes that the natural world is understandable. Scientific inquiry can provide
explanations about nature. This expands students’ thinking from just knowledge of facts to
understanding how facts are relevant to everyday life.
Systematic investigations require standard measures and consistent and reliable tools. Metric
measures are a standard way to make measurements and are recognized around the world.
A classification key is an important tool used to help identify objects and organisms. It
consists of a branching set of choices organized in levels, with most levels of the key having two
choices. Each level provides more specific descriptors, eventually leading to identification.
A hypothesis is an educated guess/prediction about what will happen based on what you
already know and what you have already learned from your research. It must be worded so that
it is “testable.” The hypothesis can be written as an “If…, then….” statement, such as “If all light
is blocked from a plant for two weeks, then the plant will die.”
An independent variable is the factor in an experiment that is altered by the experimenter.
The independent variable is purposely changed or manipulated.
A dependent variable is the factor in an experiment that changes as a result of the
manipulation of the independent variable.
The constants in an experiment are those things that are purposefully kept the same
throughout the experiment.
A scientific prediction is a forecast about what may happen in some future situation. It is
based on the application of factual information and principles and recognition of trends and
An inference is a tentative explanation based on background knowledge and available data.
A conclusion is a summary statement based on the results of an investigation. Scientific
conclusions are based on verifiable observations (science is empirical).
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Standard 5.6
The student will investigate and understand characteristics of the ocean environment.
Key concepts include:
a) geological characteristics;
b) physical characteristics; and
c) ecological characteristics.
This standard extends the study of ecosystems to the ocean environment. It
focuses on the major descriptive characteristics of oceans. Among the concepts
are the geological characteristics of the ocean floor, the physical characteristics
of ocean water, and the ecological characteristics of communities of marine
The Ocean
Oceans cover about 70 percent of the surface of the Earth.
Important features of the ocean floor near the continents are the continental shelf, the
continental slope, and the continental rise. These areas are covered with thick layers of
sediments (sand, mud, rocks).
The depth of the ocean varies. Ocean trenches are very deep, and the continental shelf is
relatively shallow.
Ocean water is a complex mixture of gases (air) and dissolved solids (salts, especially sodium
chloride). Marine organisms are dependent on dissolved gases for survival. The salinity of
ocean water varies in some places depending on rates of evaporation and amount of runoff from
nearby land.
The basic motions of ocean water are the waves, currents, and tides.
As the depth of ocean water increases, the temperature decreases, the pressure increases, and
the amount of light decreases. These factors influence the type of life forms that are present at
a given depth.
Plankton is tiny free-floating organisms that live in water. Plankton may be animal-like or plantlike. Animal-like plankton is called zooplankton. Plant-like plankton (phytoplankton)
carries out most of the photosynthesis on Earth. Therefore, they provide much of Earth’s
oxygen. Phytoplankton forms the base of the ocean food web. Plankton flourishes in areas
where nutrient-rich water upwells from the deep.
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The ocean floor is much like land it is just covered with water. You would see landforms such as
mountains, valleys, hills and plains. The ocean floor has important features to include: the
continental shelf, the continental slope, the continental rise, the abyssal plain and the
ocean trenches.
Ocean Floor Feature
Continental Shelf
It is at the beginning of the shore line
and covered with thick layers of mud,
sand and rocks.
Sunlight is able to shine on the
continental shelf therefore; plant and
animal life is can survive here.
Continental Slope
It is at the end of the continental shelf
and is also covered with thick layers of
mud, sand and rocks.
Continental Rise
The area that connects the continental
slope to the ocean floor and is also
covered with thick layers of mud, sand
and rocks.
Ocean Trenches
These are very deep and dark. Very
little sunlight, animal or plant life is
found in the trenches.
Abyssal Plain
These are flat areas of the ocean floor
that are covered with mud and sand.
Seamounts are also located on these
flat plains. Seamounts are formed by
erupting volcanoes.
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Ocean currents, including the Gulf Stream, are caused by wind patterns and the differences in
water densities (due to salinity and temperature differences). Ocean currents affect the mixing
of ocean waters. This can affect plant and animal populations. Currents also affect navigation
What are currents?
Currents are ocean waters that travel in large circular patterns.
What causes currents?
There are three things that can cause currents; wind patterns, temperature, and salinity.
Causes of Currents
Wind Patterns
Winds that blow in the
same direction year
Example: The Gulf
Stream located along the
east coast of the United
States in the Atlantic
Currents are created by
changes in water temperature.
Salinity is the
amount of salt in
the water. As the
sun heats the
water it
evaporates and
affects the amount
of salt in the
ocean water. Salty
water is heavy and
it sinks. Less salty
water rises to the
surface. The up
and down motion
of the salt water
creates ocean
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Revised January, 2016
Virginia Standards of Learning Grade 5 Science Test
Released Practice Test Items
Write the correct ocean feature in each box to properly label the ocean floor.
1. Continental Shelf
2. Continental Slope
3. Continental Rise
4. Trench
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What do the arrows on the map represent?
A Size of waves
B Water density
C Ocean currents
D Time between tides
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Standard 5.7
The student will investigate and understand how Earth’s surface is constantly changing. Key concepts
a) identification of rock types;
b) the rock cycle and how transformations between rocks occur;
c) Earth history and fossil evidence;
d) the basic structure of Earth’s interior;
e) changes in Earth’s crust due to plate tectonics;
f) weathering, erosion, and deposition; and
g) human impact.
This standard focuses on the constantly changing nature of Earth’s surface and
builds on concepts learned in standards. Among the important ideas presented in
this standard are the rock cycle, fossil evidence of change over time, energy from
within Earth that drives tectonic plate movement, shifting tectonic plates that
cause earthquakes and volcanoes, weathering and erosion, and human
interaction with the Earth’s surface.
The Rock Cycle
Rocks move and change over time due to heat and pressure within Earth and due to
weathering, erosion, and deposition at the surface. These and other processes
constantly change rock from one type to another.
Depending on how rocks are formed, they are classified as sedimentary (layers of sediment
cemented together), igneous (melted and cooled, e.g., lava and magma), and
metamorphic (changed by heat and pressure).
Rocks have properties that can be observed, tested, and described. Composition, grain size and
textural features, color, and the presence of fossils help with identification.
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Rocks and other materials on Earth’s surface are constantly being broken down both chemically
and physically. The products of weathering include clay, sand, rock fragments, and soluble
Materials can be moved by water and wind (eroded) and deposited in new locations as sediment
Weathering is the breaking down of rocks.
Erosion is the carrying away of the rocks and materials by either wind or water.
Deposition is the depositing of rocks and materials in a new location as sediment.
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Scientific evidence indicates the Earth is very ancient — approximately 4.6 billion years old.
The age of many rocks can be determined very reliably.
Fossils provide information about life and conditions of the past.
The Rock Cycle Never Ends!
The Earth’s Layers
Scientific evidence indicates that the Earth is composed of four concentric layers — crust,
mantle, inner core, and outer core — each with its own distinct characteristics. The outer
two layers are composed primarily of rocky material. The innermost layers are composed
mostly of iron and nickel. Pressure and temperature increase with depth beneath the surface.
Model of the Earth
Inner Core –
composed mostly of
iron and nickel
Outer Core composed
mostly of iron
and nickel
Mantle composed
primarily of
CrustThe thinnest layer
and composed
primarily of rocky
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Earth’s thermal energy causes movement of material within Earth. Large continent-size blocks
(plates) move slowly about Earth’s surface, driven by that thermal energy.
Most earthquakes and volcanoes are located at the boundaries of the plates (faults). Plates can
move together (convergent boundaries), apart (divergent boundaries), or slip past each
other horizontally (transform boundaries, also called strike-slip or sliding boundaries).
Geological features in the oceans (including trenches and mid-ocean ridges) and on the continents
(mountain ranges, including the Appalachian Mountains) are caused by current and past plate
Convergent Boundaries
When plates push
together convergent
boundaries are formed.
They cause mountain
ranges on land. Such as the
Appalachian Mountains of
Convergent boundaries
form trenches under water.
They force plates downward
instead of upward below
Divergent Boundaries
A divergent boundary is
formed when plates
move apart. Most form
on ocean floors by
magma rising up
between two plates.
Sliding, Strike-slip or
Transform Boundaries
These boundaries are
formed when plates slide
past each other.
These boundaries cause
They form volcanoes
and mountain ranges
under water.
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Human Impact on the Earth
Humans have varying degrees of impact on Earth’s surface through their everyday activities. With
careful planning, the impact on the land can be controlled.
What are some ways humans’ negative impact on the land can be controlled?
Think for a moment about what it would be like without paper, napkins, toilet paper? Where do
these things come from?
o They originate from trees. Companies must begin by farming large areas of trees. In order
to control the impact on the land, it is necessary to plant and replenish what is used
What can you do? Can you think of one way humans can have a positive impact on the
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Revised January, 2016
Released Practice Items
Virginia Standards of Learning Grade 5 Science Test
Follow this link to find practice test:
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Mass is the amount of matter in an
Volume is the amount of space
occupied by an object.
Milliliter is a unit of liquid volume.
Length is the distance between two
A millimeter is one-thousandth of a
meter and 1/10 of a centimeter.
A centimeter is a unit of length in
the metric system; one-hundredth of
a meter, or about two-fifths of an
inch, about the width of a large clip.
A meter is a unit for measuring
metric length; is equal to about 1
A kilometer is a metric unit and is a
little smaller than 1 mile.
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Temperature is a measure of how
hot or cold something is.
Degrees are units of temperature.
Celsius is a metric unit for
Estimation is a method of making an
educated guess at a measurement.
independent variable
A prediction is a forecast about what
may happen in some future
situations. It is based on the
application of factual information
and principles and recognition of
trends and patterns.
A variable is something in an
experiment that can change or stay
the same.
An independent variable is a variable
that is changed in an experiment.
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dependent variable
A dependent variable is a variable
that is observed and that changes in
the response to the independent
An inference is a logical conclusion
based on observations.
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It is at the beginning of the shore line and
covered with thick layers of mud, sand and
continental shelf
Sunlight is able to shine on the continental
shelf therefore; plant and animal life is can
survive here.
continental slope
It is at the end of the continental shelf and
is also covered with thick layers of mud,
sand and rocks.
continental rise
The area that connects the continental
slope to the ocean floor and is also
covered with thick layers of mud, sand and
ocean trenches
Ocean trenches are very deep and dark
depressions in the ocean floor. Very little
sunlight, animal or plant life is found in the
abyssal plain
An abyssal plain is the flat area of the
ocean floor that are covered with mud and
sand. Seamounts are also located on these
flat plains. Seamounts are formed by
erupting volcanoes.
Sediments are soil, sand, and minerals
that are washed from land into water by
weathering and erosion.
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Salinity is the measure of all the salts
dissolved in water.
plant-like plankton
Microscopic organisms that live in aquatic
environments. They are the foundation of
the aquatic food web. Also called
animal-like plankton
Tiny invertebrates that float freely
throughout bodies of water. Also called
ocean currents
Currents are ocean waters that travel in
large circular patterns. Three things can
cause currents; wind patterns,
temperature, and salinity.
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The breaking down of rocks.
The carrying away of the rocks and
materials by both wind and/or water.
The depositing of rocks and materials in a
new location as sediment.
sedimentary rocks
Rocks that have layers of sediments
cemented together.
igneous rocks
Rocks that have melted and cooled. Ex.
Lava and magma
metamorphic rocks
Rocks that were changed by heat and
Items that provide information about life
and conditions of the past.
Earth’s crust
The thinnest layer of Earth composed
primarily of rocky material.
One of the outermost layers of Earth
composed primarily of rocky material.
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inner core
The innermost layer of Earth composed of
iron and nickel.
outer core
One of the innermost layers of Earth
composed of iron and nickel.
Heat energy
thermal energy
plate tectonics
Large rigid blocks (plates) that interact with
each other at their boundaries.
These occur when the plate tectonics move
together causing mountain ranges on land
and trenches under water.
These occur when the plate tectonics move
apart on the ocean floor. They form
volcanoes and mountain ranges
convergent boundaries
divergent boundaries
transform boundaries
These occur when the plate tectonics slip
past each other horizontally. They cause
earthquakes. Also called strike-slip or
sliding boundaries.
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Revised January, 2016
4th Grade Science Review Notes
for 5th Grade Parents and Students
Science: Third Nine Weeks
Fifth grade students will take the Virginia Standards of Learning Science Test at the end
of the fifth grade. Information addressed on the test will include information from the
fourth and fifth grade Science Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework as issued by
the Virginia Department of Education. The Curriculum Framework in its entirety can be
found at the following website:
Standard 4.9
The student will investigate and understand important Virginia natural
resources. Key concepts include:
watershed and water resources;
animals and plants;
minerals, rocks, ores, and energy sources; and
forests, soil, and land.
Virginia has a rich variety of natural resources. These provide the raw
materials for our daily lives and sustain our economy. Natural
resources are finite and must be used wisely to ensure their
continued availability. This concept of natural resources is introduced
in 1.8 (1st grade). It is intended that students will actively develop
and utilize scientific investigation, reasoning, and logic skills (4.1) in
the context of the key concepts presented in this standard.
Virginia’s Natural Resources
Virginia is rich in a wide variety of natural resources, including forests, arable
(farmable) land, coal, sand and aggregate (rocks), wildlife, aquatic organisms, clean
water and air, and beautiful scenery.
Virginia’s water resources include groundwater, lakes, reservoirs, rivers, bays and the
Atlantic Ocean.
Groundwater -water that is found beneath Earth’s surface
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River -a large natural stream of fresh water flowing along a definite path,
usually into the sea or ocean. Example: James River
Lake - a body of water entirely surrounded by land and unconnected to the sea
except by rivers or streams. Example: Silver Lake
Reservoir - natural or artificial lake or large tank used for collecting and storing
water. Example: King William Reservoir
Bay - is a wide indentation in a shoreline having deep water that is surrounded
by land on three sides. Example: Chesapeake Bay
Ocean – is a very large body of salt water. There are five oceans on Earth.
Example: Atlantic Ocean
What is a watershed?
A watershed is an area over which surface water (and the material it carries) flows to a single
collection place. Within the state of Virginia there are nine distinct watersheds. These nine are part
of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed which covers approximately half of Virginia’s land area. The
other two major watershed systems are the Gulf of Mexico and the North Carolina Sounds.
What is the difference between a house address and a watershed address?
A mailing address lists a house number, street, town, and state, conveying a location based upon
man-made boundaries. A watershed address lists the streams, rivers, and bay to identify a location
based upon the flow of water across a watershed. Both addresses list information in order from local
to global. Depending on the path water takes to reach the bay, a watershed address may be long or
short. Here are examples of both:
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“We All Live Downstream”
 Students may wonder where water goes after it flows down the street during a heavy
 Water travels over and through the land.
 Sewage treatment plants, homes, commercial, residential developments, farms, and factories
all have an impact on water quality.
Virginia has a great variety of plant and animal resources.
 One of the greatest negative impacts on resources, results from conditions that contribute to
increased runoff, sediment, and nutrient levels in the water. Increased runoff causes erosion
and flooding of waterways.
 The rapid water picks up and spreads pollutants.
 Erosion of exposed soil contributes sediment to the water.
 The most effective method of reducing erosion-causing runoff and pollutants entering the
water is the maintenance of vegetation along the riverbank.
 Vegetation serves as a natural filter, slowing the flow of runoff and holding the soil in place.
 Vegetation also shades the waterway and prevents the water from reaching unhealthy
temperature levels.
 Farmers who practice no-till farming and/or contour plowing help to reduce runoff and
 Developers who maintain a vegetated buffer along waterways help to reduce the potential
runoff of pollutants and sediment.
 Contractors who use retaining fences also reduce the level of runoff and erosion.
Natural and cultivated forests are a widespread resource in Virginia.
Virginia’s Mineral Resources:
Where do minerals come from? They are mined from the earth.
What minerals can be found in Virginia? Some of Virginia’s important minerals include
limestone, granite, sand, gravel, and coal. Coal is the most important mineral resource in the state.
Why are they important? Many of Virginia’s industries and individuals depend on the mineral
resources of our state. Some of these include the transportation industry, various manufacturers,
farmers, artisans, scientists, the construction industry, and the mining industry.
Are they renewable or nonrenewable? Coal, for example, is nonrenewable. Once it is used, it is
gone forever. Therefore, we must use our resources wisely.
Virginia’s soil and land support a great variety of life, provide space for many economic
activities, and offer a variety of recreational opportunities.
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Revised January, 2016
Practice Test Items
Virginia Standards of Learning Grade 5 Science Test
Follow this link to find practice tests:
1. A Virginia natural resource
important to the state’s economy, as
well as a primary source of energy,
is –
2. Which is the best action to help
protect water resources in Virginia?
A. Dispose of pet waste in a stream.
B. Rinse spilled gasoline with a hose.
C. Organize a river cleanup program.
D. Put hazardous waste in with house
3. Which of these is an important natural resource of the Chesapeake Bay?
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A river is a large natural stream of fresh
water flowing along a definite path,
usually into a sea or ocean.
A lake is a body of water entirely
surrounded by land and unconnected to
the sea.
A reservoir is a natural or artificial lake or
large tank used for collecting and storing
A bay is a wide indentation in a shore line
having deep water that is surrounded by
land on three sides.
An ocean is a very large body of salt
Groundwater is water that is found
beneath Earth’s surface.
A watershed is an area over which
surface water and the materials it carries
flows to a single collection place.
watershed address
A watershed address lists the streams,
rivers, and bay to identify a location
based upon the flow of water across a
Minerals are items mined from Earth.
They include limestone, granite, sand,
gravel, and coal.
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nonrenewable resources
Nonrenewable resources are resources
that are gone forever once it is used up.
Examples: coal, oil, natural gas
renewable resources
Renewable resources are resources that
we will always have. Examples: sunlight,
water, wind
cultivated forests
Cultivated forests are forests that have
been planted by humans.
natural forests
Natural forests are forests that grew and
were renewed by spreading seeds and
natural resources
Natural resources are resources that can
be found in nature. Example: trees
human-made resources
Human-made resources are resources
that are made by humans. Example:
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