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Bloom Calendar
This ‘Bloom Calendar’ lists flowering times in chronological order, by month.
Please note that the bloom times listed are for our Mid-Atlantic location. Flowers will bloom later in the North and earlier in the South.
January - March
Hamamelis vernalis
sp. - red calyx, yellow petals, effective for 3-4 weeks
Hamamelis x
‘Firecracker’ - coppery red-orange
‘Arnold Promise’ - yellow flowers, appear in February and last into March
*H. x intermedia flowers often last January into mid March, depending on cv.
late March |----early March
*C. officinalis almost always opens 1-2 weeks before C. mas
Cornus officinalis
sp. - yellow, lasts early March to April
Cornus mas
‘Golden Glory’ - yellow, vigorous, flowers more abundantly than sp.
Magnolia stellata
‘Royal Star’ - pink buds, white flowers
‘Waterlily’- pink-flushed buds, white flowers, very fragrant *‘Waterlily’ & ‘Centennial’ flower 1 to 2
‘Centennial’ - white buds, white flower with pink tinge
weeks later than other star magnolias.
Prunus subhirtella
var. pendula - deep pink bud, flowers open light pink and fades to almost white
Prunus x yedoensis
‘Yoshino’ - white flowers tinged with pink, lightly fragra *’Yoshino’ blooms a week before ‘Kwanzan’
Prunus serrulata
‘Kwanzan’ - pink, double flower with 30 petals
|----------------------------------------------------mid-April |------------early April
sp. - flowers late March to early April
‘Conoy’- pink buds, white flower, non-fragrant
‘Mohawk’- dark red buds, abundant red-specked white flowers, fragrant
Cercis reniformis
‘Oklahoma’ - pink buds, wine-red flowers
Cornus florida
‘Cherokee Chief’ - ruby-red bracts, blooms a few days later than white form
‘Ann’ - deep rose-red flowers, light pink inside *’Ann’ blooms earlier than ‘Betty’
‘Betty’ - flowers deep purple-red, light purple inside, very large, mid to late April
Amelanchier x
‘Galaxy’ - dark red-purple buds, purple flower with a light rose-purple inside.
*’Galaxy’ flowers last several weeks
‘Autumn Brilliance’ - white, followed by edible blue-black fruits in June
Cercis canadensis
sp. - red-purple buds, rosy pink flowers with purple tinge before leaves emerge, effective 2-3 weeks
‘Pink Heartbreaker’ - pink, weeping
‘Lavender Twist’- red-purple buds, rosy- pink flowers, weeping
‘Forest Pansy’ - rose-purple buds and flowers *’Forest Pansy’ blooms later than the species
Syringa meyeri
‘Palibin’ - red-purple buds, white pink flowers, soft fragrance, covers plant, effective 10-14 days,
lasts mid April to mid May *all Syringa flowers last longer with a cooler spring
Spiraea x vanhouttei sp. - white flowers borne on umbels
‘Renaissance’- improved version with better pest resistance, white flowers mid April into May.
Viburnum plicatum
V. plicatum var.
‘Popcorn’ - white snowball flowers in profusion, blooms earlier than other V. plicatum cvs.
‘Summer Snowflake’ - smaller flowers than species, flowers prominently in spring
’Summer Snowlflake’ flowers sporadically into November
‘Shasta’ & ‘Mariesii’ - very similar with pure white flowers, ‘Shasta’ supposedly has a larger flower,
flowers last May to July
|---------------late April |-----------mid April
‘Eskimo’- abundant white snowball inflorescences, covers plant *very showy
Prunus serrulata
‘Snow Goose’- white, bloom before or with foliage
Viburnum carlesii
cvs. - pink/red buds, white semi-snowball flowers, fragrant
‘Diana’- red buds, white flowers turn pink, fragrant
Viburnum x rhytidophylloides ‘Alleghany’- abundant yellow-white flowers, evergreen
Viburnum x carlcephalum
sp. - pink buds, white flowers, fragrant, ‘lumpy’ inflorescences
Syringa vulgaris
sp. - purple flowers, fragrant, gone by Mother’s Day in D.C. area
‘Ludwig Spaeth’- deep purple single flowers
*dependable flowering
‘Sensation’ - deep purple single flowers with white margins
‘Charles Joly’ - magenta dbl flowers, very fragrant
‘Katherine Havemeyer’- lavender pink, large dbl flowers
*’K.H.’ blooms longer than other cvs.
sp. - white, rarely pale rose, bell-shaped, emerges before or with the leaves
Halesia tetraptera
|----------------late May |-----------------------------early May
Styrax japonicus
‘Minuet’ - light purple buds, light lavender flowers
‘Miss Canada’ - deep red buds, bright rose-pink flowers
Sp. - white bell-shaped flowers with yellow stamens, slightly fragrant
‘Jane’ - dark purple flowers, white inside
Viburnum dentatum
‘Blue Muffin’ - white flowers, loaded with blue fruits in summer
‘Chesapeake’ - pink buds, white flowers, fragrant
Magnolia virginiana
sp. - creamy white flowers, very fragrant
Cornus kousa
‘Weaver’s Weeping’ - white, weeping
Syringa patula
‘Miss Kim’ - purple buds, icy blue flowers, pleasing fragrance
Syringa x josiflexa
‘James Macfarlane’ - bright pink flowers, single, light fragrance
Physocarpus opulifolius
cvs - white or pink flowers over bronze-purple foliage
Viburnum rhytidophyllum
Syringa x prestoniae
‘Cree’ - pink buds, abundant white flowers on large cymes
‘Donald Wyman’ - red-purple buds, deep pink to light purple flowers
Aesculus octandra
sp. - yellow with a green tinge, erect 6-7” long panicles
*blooms earlier than A. x carnea
sp. - yellow with green, on long panicles
‘Briotii’ - dark red flowers, deeper red than the species
‘Ft. McNair’ - pink flowers with yellow throats
Syringa x prestoniae
Aesculus x. carnea
*a late blooming Magnolia
* blooms earlier than other C. kousa
Fall |-----------July |-------June
Summer & Fall
Cornus kousa
var. chinensis - creamy white, larger flowers than sp., bloom after leaves are out
‘Wolf Eyes’- creamy white flowers, variegated leaves with white margins
Cotinus coggygria
‘Royal Purple’ - smoky pink hairy panicles through summer
Hydrangea quercifolia
cvs. - white flowers fade to pink to brown, fragrant
Hydrangea paniculata
Hibiscus syriacus
cvs. - white, changing to pink to purplish pink, borne on pyramidal panicles
approximately 6-8” long. *lasts well into September
cvs. - bloom July through September, many cultivars available
Heptacodium miconioides
sp. - creamy white, fragrant, attracts butterflies & pollinators
Hamamelis virginiana
sp. - yellow, fragrant, lasts 2-4 weeks, usually during fall color
Heptacodium miconioides
sp. - pink sepals last from October into November
Ilex verticillata
cvs. - colorful berries in December, last into February
*lasts through July