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5/18/15 22.1 Earth’s Interior and Plate Tectonics
Chapter 21: Planet Earth
—  Key Ideas:
¡  How is Earth’s interior structured?
¡  How has the appearance of Earth changed over time?
¡  What geologic features are common near tectonic plate
22.1 Key Terms
—  Crust
What is Earth’s Interior Like
—  Earth’s interior is made up of several distinct
compositional layers
—  Mantle
—  Crust – topmost layer of Earth
¡  Made up of hard, solid rock
¡  Relatively thin and makes up only 1% of Earth’s total mass
¡  Crust beneath ocean is called oceanic crust (3.1 to 4.9 mi. thick
¡  Continental crust is thicker and less dense than oceanic crust
—  Core
—  Lithosphere
—  Plate tectonics
—  Subduction
—  Fault
÷  Avg.
thickness of 12 to 25 mi (deepest beneath high mountains,
can be 70 km deep)
Earth’s Interior
—  Mantle – layer of rock beneath crust
¡  Denser than crust
¡  Nearly 1,800 mi thick
¡  Makes up nearly 80% of Earth’s total volume
—  Scientists have never drilled to mantle
—  Can only infer consistency from geologic events, like
earthquakes and volcanoes
Earth’s Interior
—  Gets warmer with depth
—  Caves are cool because the air and rock are shielded
from the sun
—  Travel deeper in to mine, temperatures rise
—  South African gold mines
¡  Can be up to 2 mi deep
¡  Temperatures reach 120 degrees F
—  Caused by energy from Earth’s interior
1 5/18/15 Earth’s Interior
—  Mantle believed to be much thicker than crust
Earth’s Core
—  Composition is solid
—  Nearly as hot as surface of the sun
¡  Believed to be anyways
—  Outermost layer is rigid
—  Core – center of the Earth, made of mainly iron and
—  Going deeper a few hundred kilometers
¡  Mantle is extremely hot and under incredible pressure
—  Geologists think the mantle is plastic
¡  Oft, and easily deformed like gum
—  Has two layers
¡  Inner core – solid metal
¡  Outer core – liquid metal surrounding inner core
Earth’s Core
—  Metals contained in core would boil on Earth’s
—  Iron – boils at 4,982 degrees F
—  Nickel – boils at 4,950 degrees F
—  Pressure is so great on outer core form mantle and
crust, substances in outer core can’t turn to gas form
—  Similarly, atoms in inner core are pushed together
due to pressure, remains solid at temps above boiling
Radioactivity and Internal Temperatures
Plate Tectonics
—  Interior contains radioactive isotopes
—  1900 – German scientists, Alfred Wegener, saw that
—  Nuclei decay and release more energy
¡  Mainly uranium, thorium, and potassium
eastern South America and western African coasts
appeared to fit together
—  Wegener hypothesized that all of the
continents might have been part of one
landmass in the past before they drifted apart
—  Isotopes are quite rare
¡  Earth is so big, there is enough to provide huge amounts of
energy as heat
¡  This energy is major factor in Earth’s high internal
Called this mass of land Pangaea
2 5/18/15 Plate Tectonics
—  Wegener supported his idea with evidence
¡  Said 200 million years ago same kinds of animals lived on
continents that are now oceans apart
—  He argued that the animals could not have evolved
on separate continents
—  Fossil of Mesosaurus found in Brazil has also been
found in western Africa
Evidence of Wegener’s
—  Wegener’s idea was called continental drift
¡  Theory that Earth’s surface is made up of large moving plates
—  Idea was largely ignored until 1960s
¡  Discovered structures on ocean floors
—  New technology provided images of “bands”
¡  Bands of rock have alternating magnetic polarities
¡  Bands differ from another in the magnetic alignment of the
rocks that they contain
Alignment of Oceanic Rocks
—  Supports theory of moving plates
Alignment of Oceanic Rock
—  Molten rock pouring onto ocean floor
¡  Creates new rock and hydrothermal vents
—  Evidence based on these aligned rocks (bands)
¡  Earth’s magnetic field has reversed many times in history
¡  North pole becomes south pole
—  Iron minerals (magnetite) in magma align with
—  On average, occurs once every 200,000 years
Earth’s magnetic field
Magnetic regions become fixed as it cools
¡  Creates permanent record of Earth’s magnetic field
—  Bands are symmetrical on either side of Mid-Atlantic
—  Rocks are youngest near the ridge, older away from it
¡  Suggests the crust was moving away from plate boundary in
both directions
Earth Has Plates
—  These plates move over mantle
—  Lithosphere – approximately 100 km (60 mi) thick
and made up of the crust and upper portion of the
Made up of 7 large pieces (and several smaller ones) called
tectonic plates
—  Continents are embedded into these plates
¡  Plates move in relation to one another
¡  This theory is called plate tectonics
3 5/18/15 Earth Has Plates
How Do They Move?
—  These plates move at a rate of 1 to 10 cm per year
—  Scientists really don’t know how they do it
—  May seem slow
¡  But they have moved considerable distances
¡  Have been doing this for millions of years
—  Boundaries do not always coincide with continental
—  Some plates move toward each other
¡  Some move away from each other
How Do They Move?
Plate Boundaries
—  One hypothesis
¡  Suggests plate movement results from convection current in
asthenosphere – hot, plastic portion of the mantle
—  Plate tectonics helps scientists
¡  Study and predict volcanic eruptions
¡  Has provided information on earthquakes
—  Plates of lithosphere float on asthenosphere
¡  Rock is “bubbling” like hot oatmeal and moves the plates
—  Volcanoes and earthquakes most often occur
—  Others believe this method does not provide enough
energy to move the plates
They say that plates are driven by the force of gravity acting on
their own massive weight
where tectonic plates come together
—  At plate boundaries, many other geologic
features, such as mountains and rift valleys,
can also occur
Mid-Oceanic Ridges
—  They are the result of divergent boundaries
¡  Occurs where two plates move apart and create a gap between
¡  Hot rocks rise from the asthenosphere
¡  Cools to form lithosphere rock
¡  Two diverging plates pull the newly formed lithosphere from
the gap
¡  Drop in pressure causes asthenosphere to partially melt,
forming magma
¡  This then forms new oceanic crust
Mid-Oceanic Ridges
—  These are mountain ranges at divergent boundaries
in oceanic crust
Formed by magma rising to Earth’s surface and cooling
—  Along center of mid-ocean ridge is rift valley
¡  Narrow valley that forms where plates separate
—  Most studied is Mid-Atlantic Ridge
¡  Most of this ridge is under water
¡  A portion of it is at sea level in Iceland
¡  Run roughly down center of Atlantic Ocean, from Arctic Ocean
to southern tip of South America
4 5/18/15 Oceanic Plates and Convergent Boundaries
—  Oceanic plates dive beneath continental plates at
convergent boundaries
—  Newer lithosphere is created at divergent boundaries
¡  Older lithosphere is destroyed at convergent boundaries
¡  Example: Andes mountains in South America
—  Subduction – denser lithosphere of oceanic plate
sinks into the mantle, dragging oceanic crust with it
Subduction Zones
Subduction and Volcanoes
—  Ocean trenches, mountains, and volcanoes are
—  Chains of volcanic mountains form along overriding
formed at subduction zones
—  Ocean trenches: form along boundary between
oceanic plates or oceanic and continental plates
—  Water-bearing rock and sediment are heated by
Can be very deep
¡  Marianas trench is deepest (deepest point is 6.8 mi beneath
ocean surface)
plate at subduction zones
surrounding mantle
Releases water into overlying mantle
Water lowers melting point of rock at high pressures
¡  Magma forms and rises into crust
—  Magma cools and low-density rocks build up over
millions of years, creating high mountain chains and
—  Sometimes, convergent boundary occurs when two
plates of oceanic lithospheres collide
—  Denser of two plates sinks beneath other
Forms deep oceanic trenches
—  Fluids released from subducted plate causes mantle
rock to melt, forming magma
—  Magma rises, forming island arc
—  Continental plates that collide produce mountain
Himalayas – tallest range in the world
—  Grow in both width and height
—  Since they move so slowly, they only grow several
centimeters a year
Chain of volcanic islands
5 5/18/15 Transform Fault Boundaries
—  Plate movement can cause cracks in lithosphere
Transform Fault Boundaries
—  Transform fault boundary – when rock moves
—  Once break occurs, rock continues to move and
horizontally at faults along plate boundaries
scrapes nearby rock
—  Fault – crack where rock moves in this manner
—  Plate movement at these areas is one cause of
Can occur in any area where forces are great enough to break
San Andreas fault in California
21.2 What are Earthquakes
—  You can see that earthquakes occur mostly at
the boundaries of tectonic plates where the
plates move with respect to one another
—  Earthquakes occur at plate boundaries
Energy is released as seismic waves
Earthquakes and Waves
—  Energy is transferred by waves
¡  Measured as shock waves
—  Three types of waves are generated
¡  Longitudinal – originate from focus
÷  Move
faster through rock than others
waves to reach recording stations
÷  For these reasons, they are known as primary waves, or P waves
÷  Travel by compressing Earth’s crust in front of it and stretching
the crust back of it
—  Focus – exact point inside Earth where earthquake
÷  First
—  Epicenter – point on surface directly above the
Seismic waves move in all directions
Damage here is usually greatest
Transverse Wave
—  Move more slowly than longitudinal waves
—  These are called secondary or S waves
—  Motion is similar to when is shaken up and down
Surface Wave
—  P and S waves spread out from focus like light
leaving a light bulb
—  Surface wave – moves only across Earth’s surface
—  The surface bends and reshapes as it shakes
—  Surface waves cause more destruction than P or S
Act in a circular motion
—  P and S shake buildings up and down and back and
forth in high frequency
Surface waves have rolling motion and longer frequncy
6 5/18/15 Measuring Earthquakes
—  Because energy from earthquakes is
transferred by waves, scientists can measure
the waves to learn about earthquakes and
about the interior of Earth through which the
waves travel
—  Scientists measure the power of each earthquake
And the amount of damage the earthquake causes