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Modern World History 8
Review Sheet: Modern China
Filial Piety
Shang Dynasty through Communist China
Class Notes
Rationale for studying China
Handouts and Questions
“Background Information on Confucianism”-Confucius stressed peace and harmony,
filial piety, the five relationships.
“Background Information on Daoism”-Laozi felt that people would find happiness
internally rather than externally, humans should observe nature and try to live in
harmony with it.
“Background Information on Buddhism”-Siddhartha Gautama recognized that life is full
of pain and suffering, and the most effective way to overcome this was by seeking
Other Material
DVD and Review Sheet: “China Rises: City of Dreams”
“The Shooting of the Students at Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China, June 7th, 1989.”
Textbook Readings
Chapter 15
Section # 2 “Enduring Traditions”-Chinese civilization dates back to the Shang Dynasty,
Shang Dynasty achievements included writing, the creation of a reliable calendar, and
bronze making, the Mandate of Heaven first developed during the Zhou Dynasty-rulers
had a right to rule if they provided good government, Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism.
Section # 3“Patterns of Life”-Social hierarchy in traditional China (Gentry, peasants,
artisans, merchants, soldiers), traditional China was a patriarchal society, joint families
and arranged marriages were common.
Section # 4“Roots of Revolution”-The West attempted to open up China to trade, the
Chinese viewed foreigners as barbarians, domestic developments (famine, high taxes)
and the Industrial Revolution led to the decline of the Qing, the Opium Wars with
Britain (1839-1842 and 1856-1860) ushered in a period of western domination of China,
foreign powers established spheres of influence within China, the Taiping Rebellion
forced the Qing government to enact reforms, the Boxer Uprising was directed against
foreigners in China and ultimately crushed by a coalition of foreign troops, the Republic
of China was founded in 1912 by Sun Yat-Sen, the Long March (1934-1935) generated
peasant support for Mao Zedong and the Communists,
Chapter 16
Section # 1“The People’s Republic of China”-Mao Zedong and the Communists
defeated Chiang Kai-Shek in 1949, Communist promises to the poor (land, etc), Mao
Zedong turned China into a totalitarian state, the pro-democracy movement was crushed
by Deng Xiaoping with the 1989 Beijing Massacre (also called the Tiananmen Square
Section # 2“Economic Development”-The failure of the Great Leap Forward and
Mao’s effort to modernize China in the 1950s, the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) and
Mao’s attempt to eliminate the moderates and revive Chinese Communism, Deng
Xiaoping and the Four Modernizations, Tiananmen Square (Beijing) Massacre (1989).
Section # 3“Changing Patterns of Life”-Communism replaces Confucianism, rural and
urban divide, the population problem and the one-child policy, education for all, more
rights for women.
Section # 4“China and the World”-China’s new role in the global economy, China and
the Soviet Union, the United Nations recognized China in 1971, human rights violations
continue to plague China, China to host the 2008 Olympics, 1997 Hong Kong returned
to China, China’s relationship with Japan and Taiwan.