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East & Southeast Asia Review Questions
1. What creates the border between Thailand and Laos?
Mekong River
2. What mountain range divides the rice bowl from the wheat belt?
Qin Ling Mountains
3. How does the Gobi affect China?
Cool winds/dust storms
4. What mountain range forms the border between Mongolia & China?
Altay Mountains
5. Describe the season and the direction of the monsoon winds.
Winter- NW Summer- SE
6. Which current makes Japan’s temperatures even more extreme?
Kuril Current
7. In what festival do people spray water on Buddhist statues?
8. What causes tsunamis?
Seismic activity, displacement of H20
9. Draw East Asia. Draw, label, & describe monsoon winds.
10. Which dynasty began the Great Wall?
11. During which dynasty saw the founding of Confucianism?
12. What was the last dynasty of China?
13. When did Japan begin building their empire?
1890s-1940s, fall of the shoguns
14. When did North Korea invade South Korea?
15. What was a main cause for East Timor wanting independence?
Religious differences, violence of Indo.
16. Which SE Asian countries are ________?
17. What is the government system and economic system of ____?
18. What did Europe and Japan claim parts of China as?
Spheres of influence
19. What did Mao and North Korea do to their farming sectors?
Communes, control all aspects
20. What are 3 problems with the Three Gorges Dam?
21. What religion is found only in Japan?
22. Which philosophy encourages self-discipline in ethical/moral conduct? Confucianism
24. When did the US pull out of Vietnam? And when did the war end?
1973, 1975
25. Besides being the largest man-made waterway, what is sign. about the Grand Canal? connects rivers, runs N/S
26. List the order of events leading up to Pol Pot’s reign?
Depose PS, LN in, civil war, PP wins
27. What is the official language of China?
28. Now with its free market economy, where is China’s best h.c.?
The cities (competition, $$)
29. Who has the best health care & standard of living in SE Asia? Worst? Singapore/ Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia
30. Who made up Mao’s Red Guard during the Cultural Revolution?
Teenagers, kids