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Read pgs.77-80. Complete Review
1. What is a cell membrane? What is it’s function?
2. Draw and label a phospholipid. How are they arranged in the cell
membrane? What are phospholipids composed of?
3. Draw a cell membrane and label the following: protein,
cholesterol, protein channel, carbohydrate, phospholipid
4. Is a receptor a protein, carbohydrate or lipid? What are the 2
types of receptors? And what are the differences between
them? Draw each type of receptor.
5. What is homeostasis?
6. Explain how a tea bag is selectively permeable. What is another
example of selective permeability?
7. How many layers does the cell membrane have? What is it
composed of?
8. Name 3 molecules we find in the cell membrane.
9. What is the fluid mosaic model?