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Financial Statement Modeling
& Spreadsheet Engineering
“Training in spreadsheet modeling improves
both the efficiency and effectiveness with which
analysts use spreadsheets”
Steve Powell, Dartmouth College
Understand the Decision
What is the problem?
 What questions must be answered?
 What is the time horizon of the problem?
 What kind of output information is
 Who will use the information?
 What level of detail is necessary?
Structural Inputs of the Model
Define the equations and relationships that
make up the model
What are the decision variables and what are the
linkages between the decisions and the goal of the
What are the constraints?
 Definitions based on accounting rules
 Economic, industry, resource and technological
What happens at the end of the planning horizon?
Data Inputs
Internal data that describes the current
state of the system
Firm’s financial statements
 Resources and capacities
External data that describes the firm’s
operating environment
Economic conditions such as interest rate,
costs, stock prices
Financial Analysis
Assess the strengths and weaknesses of
the firm’s current condition
Ratio analysis
 Break-even analysis
 Operating and financial leverage analysis
Generate pro forma financial statements
to identify strategies to improve the
condition and assess future risks
Growth and the Need for
Growth frequently associated with cash
The problem
Faster growth  more profits  more cash
This is incorrect!
Growth and profits do not equal cash flow
Growth is not an end in itself
Needs to be managed
Firms often fail because they do not plan for
Cash Flow is Needed to Support
Cash is the life blood of organizations
Funds receivables and inventory
Buys productive assets
Pays investors fair returns
 Cash needed to support growing sales can exceed
cash flow
Firms fail when
Needs of expansion
Resources for expansion
Flow of a Sales-Driven Model
Modeling Sales Forecasts
Simple Method: Assume average or different
growth rate for each period
Develop detail forecast by product, business
unit, customer or geographic market and
aggregate forecasts
Forecast the unit price and volume
Forecast size of market and estimate market
Forecast costs and apply a margin assumption
to derive sales
Financial Planning Model
Items that are functional relationships of sales
Percent of sales
Items that are functional relationships of other
financial statement items
Operating expenses
Working capital and fixed assets
Interest, depreciation, dividends, marketable
securities, cash flows
Items that involve policy decisions (e.g. longterm debt, equity, capital expenditures)
Generating the Income Statement
Expenses in period t
Related to asset and liability balances at the
end of period t – 1
Interest Expenset based on Debtt-1
 Depreciationt based on Gross Fixed Assetst-1
 Related to Sales in period t
COGSt = COGS/Sales * Salest
Balance Sheet Sector
Track financial state of firm through time
Balance sheet equations go a long way towards
ensuring this
Results in one period (t – 1) become inputs to next
period (t)
Debtt = Debtt-1 + Debt Issuedt – Debt Repaidt
Feed into income statement
Interest Expenset = Debtt-1 * Interest Rate
Investment Module
Calculates Required New Investment
Compile changes in assets
Add cost of maintaining production
Left side of balance sheet
Current Assets
 Including Cash Balance
 Not including discretionary items (e.g. marketable
Long-term assets
 Net Fixed Assets
 Goodwill
Replacement of depreciated assets
Output information to Financing Module
Three Sources for Financing New
Internal equity
Increase in liabilities that increase naturally
with sales
Current year's retained earnings
External capital markets
New debt or equity
Sustainable Growth in the Rapid
Growth Phase
The "it takes money to make money" phase
 Increased sales require more assets of all
 Internal sources don’t generate enough cash
Retained earnings
Increase in spontaneous liabilities
Need to raise capital externally
New question: How fast can firm grow without
altering its current capital structure?
The “Plug”
The balance-sheet item which will “close”
or balance the balance sheet model so
that Total Assets will always equal Total
Liabilities & Equity
 Models the assumption of how the firm
finances itself
 Examples are cash & marketable
securities, debt, debt & equity
 See Plugs.xlsx
Plan Your Layout
On paper, map out the different sections
of your model and their planned
locations within the workbook
 Consider how
readable the model layout will be for the
 easy it will be to modify the assumptions
 easy it will be to extend the model to include
more time periods or new products.
Data Inputs
 Decision Variables
 Internal Data and Data Structures
 Pro-forma statements
 Other structural relationships
 Documentation
Layout Strategies
Modules on different worksheets
 Stair-step format in same worksheet
 For each strategy,
Consider how difficult it will be to insert or delete a
row or column
Consider how much linking needs to be done
between different modules
Consider linking a data input to the computation
area or output for later reference
Range Names
Use range names to create an overview
of a worksheet in the model layout.
Highlight the cell or range you want to
name, select Insert>Name>Define (2003)
or Formulas>Define Name (2007)
 Use View>Zoom where the Zoom factor is
set to less than 40% to see overview
To apply name to all relevant formulas in
spreadsheet, Insert>Name>Apply (2003) or
Formulas>Define Name>Apply Name (2007)
Other Layout Considerations
Gaps between logical areas improve
Isolate blocks of similar formulas for safe
and convenient copying
Use styles, fonts and colors with
consistent meanings
Data Input Guidelines
Isolate constants into their own cells
Do not use constants in formulas unless it is
a number like 1 or 100 being used in
percentage calculations
 Don’t have multiple instances of a number
that is used as a decision variable or
 Organize decision variables and model
parameter/assumptions logically into separate
physical areas
To Reduce Formula Errors
Use relative and absolute cell addressing
where appropriate (Use [F4] to modify $ in
 Set up common structures in different parts of the
model (e.g. same row labels for different
 Use formulae for a cell which are consistent in their
relationship to adjacent cells
Minimize linking formulas across worksheets
 Split complex formulas into multiple
intermediary formulas
Circular References
Created when expenses in period t refer to assets
and liabilities in period t, resulting in modified
values for the plug which then impact the income
statement and the Addition to Retained Earnings
Iterative process is required to produce a
consistent and correct final set of financial
To solve, use Tool Options Calculation Iteration
(2003) or MS Office Button>Excel Options>
Formulas> Iteration (2007)
Not all circularities are convergent. Make sure to
verify accuracy!
Verify Formula Reliability
Use Excel’s Auditing Toolbar
Tools>Auditing> (2003)
 Formulas>Formula Auditing (2007)
Use [Ctrl]+` to toggle between formulas
and calculations
 Use Conditional Formatting to flag
suspicious results
Format>Conditional Formatting (2003)
 Home>Conditional Formatting (2007)
Calculating a Plug with the Investment
and Financing Modules
Investment module
Required New Investment
Financing module
Required External Financing
Spontaneous Financing
Internal Equity Financing
Required External Financing  Required New Investment
 Spontaneous Financing
 Internal Equity Financing
• See Logic for Debt as Secondary Plug Excel file
Testing the Model
Extreme growth
Does it balance under extreme conditions?
Does it make sense?
Set growth rate to -50% and 50%
Does it still balance?
Do debt or equity go negative?
What happens to excess cash flow?
High Interest
What happens when Net Income is negative?
Document the Spreadsheet
Use range names to make individual formulas
more readable and module layouts clearer
 Use comments to document assumptions and
modifications in a formula’s logic as well as
sources of data
 Use textboxes to describe portions of the
model’s logic and assumptions as well as
instructions for use
 Create a worksheet to describe the purpose of
the model and document changes