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Virus Notes
1. Viruses are not composed
of cells.
All a virus can do is make copies of itself. A virus
can’t make a copy of itself without a host cell.
Once a virus is inside of a host it can act in two
It can become active or it can become latent,
which is an inactive or dormant stage.
4. Active Virus
A. An active virus multiplies and destroys the host
B. The virus attaches to the host cell.
C. The virus’s hereditary material enters the host
D. The hereditary material of the virus causes the
cell to make viral hereditary material and proteins.
E. New viruses form inside of the host cell.
F. New viruses are released as the host cell bursts
open and is destroyed.
5. Latent or Dorman Virus
A. The hereditary material of the virus becomes
part of the host cell’s hereditary material.
B. As the host cell reproduces, the viral DNA is
C. A latent virus may be dormant for many
D. Outside factors induce the virus to become
active. When this occurs, the virus becomes
active and the host cell is destroyed when the
virus is released.
6, 7,8, and 9
6. Viruses affect all living things.
7. A virus that attacks a bacteria is called a
8. A vaccine is used to PREVENT a disease.
9. Edward Jenner is credited with developing
the first vaccine.
10. Antibiotics are used to TREAT bacterial
11, 12, and 13
11.Are antibiotics effective against a virus? NO
12.A virus is made of a strand of hereditary
material surrounded by a protein coat (outer
13.Scientist hope to help people with genetic
disorders and to find a cure for cancer by
using gene therapy.
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