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• Solid is a state of
matter in which
materials have a
definite shape and a
definite volume.
• Molecules/Atoms are
tightly packed in a
pattern and vibrate.
• Can not be
• Liquid is the state
of matter in which a
material has a
definite volume but
not a definite shape
(Takes the shape of
its container).
• Molecules/Atoms
are tightly packed
but can slide past
each other.
• Liquids can not be
• Gas is the state of
matter in which the
material has no
definite shape and
no definite volume
(Takes the shape
and volume of its
• Molecules/Atoms are
spread apart and
can be compressed.
Other States/Phases
• Plasma is the most • Bose-Einstein
Condensate – at
common state of
very low
matter in the
temperatures (near universe (99%).
• It is a highly
behave as though
charged (ionized)
• Present in stars.
• Check it out
Kinetic Theory
• Kinetic Energy is the • The Kinetic Theory
energy an object has
says that all particles
due to its motion.
of matter are in
The faster an object
constant motion.
moves the more
Most Energy
energy it possesses.
Least Energy
Kinetic Theory of Gas
• Gas
– Particles in a gas are in constant, random
– The motion of one particle in unaffected by
the motion of other particles unless the
particles collide.
– Forces of attraction among particles in a
gas can be ignored under ordinary
Kinetic Theory for Liquids and Solids
• Liquids take the shape of the container
because particles in a liquid can flow to
new locations. The volume of a liquid is
constant because the force of attraction
keep the particles close together.
• Solids have a definite volume and shape
because particles in a solid vibrate around
a fixed point.
Gas Laws
• Pressure is the result of a force (Push)
distributed over an area.
– Unit pascal (Pa) or Newton/meter2 (N/m2)
• Collisions between particles of a gas and the
walls of the container cause the pressure in a
closed container of gas.
• Raising the temperature of a gas will increase
its pressure if the volume and the number of
particles are constant.
• Reducing the volume of a gas will increase
the pressure if the volume and the number of
particles are constant.
Charles’s Law V1/T1=V2/T2
• Charles’s Law states
that a volume of gas is
directly proportional to its
temperature in kelvins if
the pressure and the
number of particles
remains constant.
• V = Volume
• T = Temperature
• 1 = before the change
• 2 = after the change
• Absolute Zero (0 K)
is the temperature at
which the
atoms/molecules of
matter stop moving.
• 0 K = -273°C
• 273 K = 0°C
• 373 K = 100°C
Boyle’s Law P1V1=P2V2
• Boyle’s Law states
that the volume of a
gas is inversely
proportional to its
pressure if the
temperature and the
number of particles
are constant.
• P = Pressure
• V = Volume
• Combination of the
two laws.
P1V1 = P2V2
Phase Change
• A Phase Change is • The temperature of a
the reversible
substance does not
physical change that
change during a phase
occurs when a
substance changes • Energy is either absorbed
from one state of
or released during a phase
matter to another.
•http://Weather Related News
http://Atoms Family
• Endothermic –
Energy taken in
• Exothermic –
Energy given off
• Heat of Fusion –
amount of energy
absorbed by a
substance as it
changes from a
solid to a liquid.
• Heat of
Vaporization –
amount of energy
absorbed by a
substance as it
goes from a liquid
to a gas.
Phase Changes
• Melting – Solid to a
• Freezing – Liquid to
a solid.
• Vaporization –
Liquid to a gas.
• Condensation –
Gas to a liquid
• Sublimation – Solid
to a gas.
• Deposition – Gas
to a solid.
• Vapor Pressure –
the pressure
caused by the
collisions of
particles in a vapor
with the walls of a