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Evolution Study Guide-Answers
1. List 4 things that can cause a species to go extinct.
1) predation
2) loss of habitat 3) meteor 4) disease 5) loss of food 6) climate change
2. What structural adaptation allows birds to fly?
Birds evolved hollow bones, strong breast plate, 4 chambered heart, feathers from scales
3. What caused the mass extinction at the end of the Mesozoic era?
Asteroid striking Earth, causing atmospheric debris to block out sunlight.
4. List 3 things an animal would need to survive another ice age?
Thick fur, body mass, fat tissue, large body (heat loss), short ears, short snout,
slow metabolism
5. Why do animals camouflage themselves with the environment?
To increase their chance at evading predation. To live long enough to reproduce.
6. What process drives evolution?
Natural Selection
7. What percentage of species that have ever lived on Earth have gone extinct?
8. List 3 structural adaptations and 3 behavioral adaptations.
Long neck of giraffe
Leopards spots
changing dietary habits in winter
Zebra stripes
Beak size and shape
Large eyes on deep sea fish
9. List the 4 types of evidence for evolution.
Homologous & Vestigial Structures, fossil records, DNA similarities
10. Define taxonomy.
The practice and science of classifying organisms into similar categories.
11. Draw a picture of a bird’s beak that would eat tough, thick seeds.
Also draw a picture of a bird’s beak that would eat insects.
12. Define Adaptation.
A feature that is common in a population because it provides some improved function for survival. An
Organism’s ability to change.
13. What will the fossil record show if two species are genetically similar?
The older the fossils, the more common skeletal features they both will have. Common Ancestor
14. If humans and cows have similar structures it means they have a common ancestor.
15. Define species.
The category of classification below Genus. A species must consist of related organisms capable of
Interbreeding and creating fertile offspring.
16. List 3 examples of natural selection.
Peppered Moth Scenario, long neck of the giraffe, white/gray fox, bird beaks on Galapagos
17. Why is biological classification important?
1) helps scientists organize info 2) easy to ID creatures 3) makes it easy to ID new species
18. Name at least 3 structures that are homologous between a human and a cow.
1) legs
2) arms (forelimbs)
3) eye 4) ears
5) digestive system
19. How long might it take for a single species to become many diverse species?
The process of genetic variation takes hundreds of millions of years.
20. What was the first organism that appeared on Earth?
Bacteria→ invertebrates→ fish→ amphibians→ reptiles→ mammals
Bacteria I FARM
21. In a series of sedimentary rock, where are the oldest fossils found?
The deeper you go (on the bottom).
22. What adaptations do polar bears have to survive? List 3 examples
1) hollow fur – traps air inside, making the bear buoyant
4) small, rounded ears – heat loss
2) white fur – camouflages bear
5) skin under fur is black – retains heat
3) thick layer of fat under skin – warmth 6) long, stiff fur between pads of feet – traction on ice
23. If you share a common ancestor you must have what type of structures?
Homologous and/or vestigial structures
24. What can cause a single species to develop great diversity over time?
Adaptations to their changing environment (natural selection) leads to species diversity.
Isolation due to continental drift can cause species to diversify
25. Why is there missing information in the fossil record?
Not every creature that dies becomes a fossil. Some can’t form a fossil (jellyfish). Some fossils not yet found.
26. Modern birds are related to what type of creature?
27. How do we know past species have become extinct?
Fossil record stops abruptly, with no further fossils discovered. May have died out, or evolved.
28. Name two (2) of the three reasons why organisms get larger as they evolve.
1) fewer predators
2) lose less heat the larger they are 3) eat less per body weight (↓ metabolism)
29. What are vestigial structures? Name 3 examples in different organisms.
A part of a creature that is greatly reduced from an ancestor and is no longer functional
in the modern species. Coccyx, wings of flightless birds, whale hip bone, wisdom teeth, appendix
30. When calling an organism by its technical name, scientists only use it’s……….
Genus and Species names
Modern man
Homo sapiens
Wise man
31. The classification System for all life begins with Kingdom and ends with Species.
Name the categories in between these two.
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
32. Between Homologous, Analogous, and Vestigial Structures, which are used by
Scientists to prove that species have changed over time?
Homologous and Vestigial
33. Early organisms. Bacteria, algae, invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals.