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The Reformation
• Accusations that the church leaders were
corrupt and not in it to teach the word of God
• Many of the clergy had lavish lifestyles.
• Martin Luther- Most famous reformer against
the Catholic Church
• He was a model monk
– Prayed hard
– Went to confession
– Memorized the Bible
– Lived Modestly
• Began to question the church’s practices,
especially how they abused indulgences
• An indulgence is a payment to the church
that would wipe away any of your past sins
and sins not yet committed.
• The Church was abusing the sales of
indulgences for money
• In defiance of the church, Luther nailed his
95 Theses to the church door in
• He said, nowhere in the Bible did it
mention indulgences
• Luther didn’t intend to start a new religion, but
his ideas eventually blossomed into a new
religious movement.
• Started the Lutheran Church
• Protestant vs. Catholic
• Catholicism taught that man needed a middle
man to reach God.
– Confession
– Pope is the supreme head
– Purgatory
– 7 Sacraments
• Protestant thought is that faith in Christ and the
Bible alone was all a Christian needed
• King Henry VIII would deliver the decisive blow to the
Catholic Church in England
• At first Henry was a big time supporter of the Catholic
• Henry wanted a male heir to be the next king after his
• Him and his wife Catherine were not able to produce a
male, so Henry wanted a divorce
• Divorce was against the Catholic Church rules. Till
death do us part used to actually mean that
• Then Henry tried to get an annulment but the Pope
• Henry married another women in secret named Anne
Boleyn and produced another daughter named
• Henry and the English Parliament would denounce the
Catholic Church and create their own Church of
England (Anglican Church).
• Very similar to Catholicism. Basically just switched
power from the Pope and gave it to the King.
• Mary would be the leader after Henry’s death and she
returned England to Catholicism
• Mary would persecute and execute many who didn’t
agree to convert back to Catholicism.
– “Bloody Mary”
• After Mary’s death, her half-sister Elizabeth would
become the queen and return England once and for
all to a Protestant country.
1. Why was there growing accusations against the Catholic
2. Who was the most famous reformer against the Catholic
3. What is an indulgence? Why was Luther against them?
4. What did Luther do to show his defiance of the Church?
5. What are some major differences between Protestantism
and Catholicism?
6. Why did Henry VIII break away from the Catholic Church?
7. How did Mary earn her nickname?
8. What did Elizabeth do when she took over the throne?