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Gender Equality at the
Heart of Decent Work
ILO global awareness-raising campaign
ILO Bureau for gender equality
 Why
 Designing a campaign strategy
 Campaign Management
 Impact assessment of campaign
 Case study: ILO global gender equality at the heart of
decent work campaign 2008-2009
 Lessons learned
Why campaign?
Oxford dictionary:
An organized course of action to achieve a goal
Designing a campaign strategy
Campaign preparation
Goal & Objectives
Who? Target audiences
What ? Key messages
Campaign concept
Communication products and tools
How reach audiences? Communication channels
When? Timeline
Resources and management? Campaign team and
 Impact? Indicators for success
Case study: ILO Gender equality at the heart of
decent work campaign (June 2008-June 2009)
Campaign preparation
 March 2007 ILO Governing Body decision to hold
general discussion Gender Equality at the Heart of
Decent Work at ILC 2009  chart strategic course for
future ILO work on gender equality
 TC project – Norway “Harnessing the full potential of
the 2009 ILC general discussion”
 ILC Report
 Public awareness raising campaign
 Situation analysis, draft strategy and campaign
concept developed Nov 2007
 Dedicated campaign team in place from Jan 2008
Why? Goal and Objectives
 Further advance gender equality in the world of work at
the country level
In the lead-up to the ILC 2009 general discussion
 Raise awareness on existing inequalities between women
and men in the world of work and the need to overcome
 Highlight specific linkages between gender equality and
securing decent work for all women and men as main
driver for sustainable development and ILO’s mandate
and actions.
Who? Target audiences
 Stakeholder mapping
 Direct target audiences: ILO constituents, meaning
governments, employers’ and workers organizations
of ILO member States, participants in ILC
 Broader allies and partners: the larger UN family,
regional organizations, academia, NGOs and the
 Public awareness raising campaign  target as
broad as possible
Campaign concept
 Closely linked to ILC report:
 life cycle approach
 Gender = women and men
 Part of the broader ILO Decent Work campaign and its 4
strategic objectives: Rights, employment, social protection
and social dialogue, but through gender lens and focus on
access for women and men
 Built around 12 themes, together illustrating Gender
equality at the heart of decent work
 Highlighting gender component of work of other ILO
units and success stories in the field
Campaign concept
 Partnership GENDER/DCOMM
 Implemented together with HQ and ILO field offices and
 Global: materials in English, French and Spanish (support
other languages)
 Time-bound: One year in lead-up to ILC 2009 (ILC June
2008 – ILC June 2009)
 Timeline for 12 themes (ILO and international news hooks)
Selection of 12 decent work themes
 Life-cycle
 Four key gender equality conventions
 Four strategic objectives of Decent Work
 Rights
 Employment
 Social protection
 Social dialogue
 Global campaign but regional priorities
 New issues
12 campaign themes
Communication tools/products
 Overall campaign slogan, symbol, design
 For each campaign theme:
printed materials (poster, postcard, brochure)
Video News Release
Webpage with links
Press release and/or briefing
Feature story
 Media trainings for journalists
 ILO World of Work magazine April issue
Communication tools/products
 For ILC 2009
Full set of campaign materials
new GENDER stand
Campaign banners
13th poster
Curtain-raiser movie
Paper bags, note pads
Flash presentation
Communication channels
ILO Global GENDER Network in HQ and field offices
ITC-ILO in Turin
E-mail address [email protected]
Direct mailings: comprehensive address list for regular
distribution of printed materials
 Media relations (print, audio-visual, on-line and you tube)
 Events: International Women’s Day 2009 and conferences,
meetings, workshops, world days
Campaign time-line
 Preparation period (November 2007-May 2008)
 Active campaign period (June 2008 – May 2009)
 ILC general discussion (June 2009)
 Evaluation period and campaign follow-up (July –
December 2009)
Active campaign period
June 2008
Campaign launch
Child labour/Education
ILC 2009
WDACL – 12 June
July 2008
Maternity protection
World Population Day – 11 July
August 2008
Youth employment
Int. Youth Day – 12 August
Sept. 2008
Equality – non-discrimination
Oct. 2008
Older workers
Nov. 2008
Skills, entrepreneurship, technology
Dec. 2008
Migrant workers
Jan. 2009
Climate change, green jobs
Feb. 2009
Social dialogue
World Day for Social Justice – 20 Feb
March 2009
Workers with family responsibilities
Int. Women’s Day – 8 March
April 2009
Occupational Safety and Health
World Day for Safety and Health at
Work – 28 April
May 2009
90 years of ILO action on empowerment
of women
ILO 90th anniversary celebrations
Int.Day for Older Persons – 1 Oct
Int. Migrants Day – 18 Dec
Campaign management
 Dedicated team in ILO Bureau for Gender Equality, composed
of 4 people
 GENDER network + colleagues in DCOMM
 Regional campaign support offered to the senior gender
 Materials produced with ILO technical units
 Budget:
 Graphic design, printing, translations, distribution
 Video production
 Staff costs + external collaborators
Impact: indicators for success
 Impact assessment conducted in Sep-Oct 2009 with field
input and external evaluator
 Indicators:
 Translations of campaign materials in other languages
 Requests for more materials (ILO units, field offices)
 Requests via gendercampaign email (governments,
employers’ and workers’ organizations, NGOs, students,
publications, libraries, UN agencies …)
 Links from external websites to ILO gender campaign
 Media coverage generated + use of VNRs
 “Multiplier effect” of the campaign
Launch of the Campaign
 “Soft launch” of the Gender Equality at the Heart
of Decent Work campaign: Geneva, 5 June 2008
(during ILC 2008)
 press release, a press briefing, a specific campaign
brochure, and campaign website launched in
English, French and Spanish
Theme 1: June 2008
Gender, Education and Child Labour
 World Day against child labour 2009 theme education
 Brochure: Formula for progress: Educate both girls and
 Messages:
 Child labour is detrimental for both girls and boys
 Girls need education like boys
 Girls may face more barriers and difficulties
 Video news release Moroccan circus school
replaces child labour with education
 theme materials developed in partnership with International
Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC)
Theme 2: July 2008
Maternity, paternity and work
 Slogan: Protect the future: Maternity, paternity and
 Messages: Convention 183 + paternity leave
 Video news release Protecting
maternity in Cambodia’s textile factories
 Theme materials developed in partnership with TRAVAIL
Theme 3: August 2008
Breaking gender barriers in youth employment
 Brochure: Youth Employment: Breaking gender barriers for young
women and men
Messages: youth employment, gender stereotypes and occupational
segregation, young women vulnerable situation, discrimination
Feature story: A young woman’s quest in a male-dominated
profession in Brazil
Video news release Young Women and Men in Kyrgyzstan
Press release issued on International Youth Day
(11 August 2008)
Theme materials developed in partnership with Youth
Employment Programme (YEP)
Materials distributed at 4th World Youth Congress
(August 2008, Canada)
Theme 4: September 2008
Equality and non-discrimination
 Brochure: Remove the obstacles! On the right track to
 Messages: ILO Conventions 100 and 111,
discrimination, benefits of equality
 Video news release Equal Pay in the
restaurant sector in Portugal
 Feature story Women in the police force in Fiji
 Theme materials developed in partnership with
NORMES – Equality team
Theme 5: October 2008
Senior workers
 Brochure: Rights, jobs and social security: New
visions for older women and men
Messages: ageing populations everywhere,
multiple layers of discrimination faced by older
workers, social security issues, spec. issues for
older women
Video news release on Chaltu: Never Too Old to Change
Her Life (Ethiopia)
Press release : ILO Gender Equality campaign highlights
need for rights, jobs and social security for older women and
Theme materials developed in partnership with
Employment Policy and Social Security Departments
Theme 6: November 2008
Skills and entrepreneurship
 Brochure: Skills and entrepreneurship:
Bridging the technology and gender divide
 Messages: gender gap in access to skills/technology,
women’s entrepreneurship and economic
empowerment, vocational training
 video news release on Women's Cooperative Spins Ancient
Technologies into Commercial Success (Argentina, with
 Feature story From Veil to Camera: Empowering women
through skills training (India)
 Theme materials developed in partnership with SKILLS and
Women’s Entrepreneurship Development and Gender Equality
programme (WEDGE)
Theme 7: December 2008
Migrant workers
 Brochure: Women and men migrant workers:
Moving towards equal rights and opportunities
Messages: feminization of migration, spec.
issues faced by men and women migrant
workers need specific policies and measures,
social protection, discrimination
Video news release on Protecting Male and Female Filipino
Nurses Migrating Abroad
Feature story From high fashion “alta moda” to dressmaking in Ukraine
Theme materials developed in partnership with MIGRANT
Theme 8: January 2009
Green jobs
 Brochure: Green jobs: Improving the climate
for gender equality too !
Messages: impact of climate change on working
women and men (employment sectors), role of
women in mitigation of climate change impact, green jobs
Video news release When community clean-up generates
livelihoods for women (Burkina Faso)
Feature story: India’s barefoot solar engineers fight climate
change and poverty (India)
Theme materials developed in partnership with
Theme 9: February 2009
Social dialogue
 Brochure: Social dialogue at work: Voices and
choices for women and men
Messages: women’s participation in social
dialogue (governments, employers’ and workers’
organizations), Crucial role of social dialogue and
tripartism in advancing gender equality in the world of work
Video news release: Social Dialogue: Creating employment
opportunities for Yemeni women
Theme materials developed in partnership with
Theme 10: March 2009
Workers with family responsibilities
 Brochure: Work and family: The way to care
is to share!
Messages: Convention 156, unpaid care work,
need for policies to better balance work and
family responsibilities for women and men
Video news release Sharing work and family responsibilities
in Paraguay – ratification of C. 156
Feature story: By cooking and cleaning, Cambodia’s Mr.
Mom sweeps away poverty
Theme materials developed in partnership with TRAVAIL
Theme 11: April 2009
Occupational safety and health
 Brochure: Providing safe and healthy workplaces
for both women and men
 Messages: importance of OSH culture,
women and men in different employment sectors,
specific OSH policies and measures needed for
women and men, workplace violence,
 Video news release: Women construction workers in India
 theme materials developed in partnership with SafeWork
Theme 12: May 2009
Women and the ILO
 Contribution to ILO 90th anniversary celebrations
 Brochure: Women’s Empowerment:
90 years of ILO action!
 Messages: ILO’s action from protection of women to
equality of opportunity and treatment, women’s economic
empowerment, advancement of women within the ILO, key
 Video news release with Ms. Ducci, Executive Director,
Office of the ILO Director-General
Lessons learned
 Very ambitious campaign but with sustainable outputs
 Successful way of illustrating complex themes
 Mix of themes = striving for gender equality in the world of
work has many dimensions and needs attention throughout an
individual’s life
Mix of channels: use even more the new media?
Mix of materials: allowed for different usages by different target
Language strategy: global campaign  local languages for
maximum impact
Importance of global gender network and ILO partner units
Campaign management process and resources crucial
Website: click on: