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Marieb Chapter 13 Part A PNS
Student version
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Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
• All neural structures outside the brain
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Central nervous system (CNS)
Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
Sensory (afferent)
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Motor (efferent) division
Somatic nervous
Autonomic nervous
system (ANS)
Figure 13.1
Sensory Receptors
• Specialized to respond to changes in their
environment (stimuli)
• Activation results in
(awareness of stimulus) and
(interpretation of the meaning
of the stimulus) occur in the brain
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Classification of Sensory Receptors
• Can do this based on:
• Stimulus type
• Location
• Structural complexity
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Classification by Structural Complexity
1. Complex receptors (special senses)
Vision, hearing, equilibrium, smell, and taste
2. Simple receptors for general senses:
Tactile sensations (touch, pressure, stretch,
vibration), temperature, pain, and muscle sensation
Unencapsulated (naked) or encapsulated dendrites
(covered) as sensors
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Unencapsulated Dendrites
• Thermoreceptors
• Cold receptors (10–40ºC)
• Heat receptors (32–48ºC)
Also located in
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Unencapsulated Dendritic Endings
• Nociceptors (PAIN
• Respond to:
• Located in skin, periosteum, joint capsules, tendons,
meninges, blood vessel walls, etc.
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Unencapsulated Dendrites
• Light touch receptors
• Tactile (Merkel) discs
• Hair follicle receptors
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Table 13.1
Encapsulated Dendrites
• All are mechanoreceptors
We will discuss:
• Muscle spindles—muscle stretch
• Golgi tendon organs—stretch in tendons
• Joint receptors—stretch in
articular capsules (a proprioceptor)
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Table 13.1
Classification by Stimulus Type
• Mechanoreceptors—respond to touch, pressure,
vibration, stretch, and itch
• Thermoreceptors—sensitive to changes in temperature
• Photoreceptors—respond to light energy (e.g., retina)
• Chemoreceptors—respond to chemicals (e.g., smell,
taste, changes in blood chemistry)
• Nociceptors—sensitive to pain-causing stimuli (e.g.
extreme heat or cold, excessive
pressure, inflammatory chemicals)
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Classification by Location
1. Exteroceptors
Respond to stimuli arising outside the body
Receptors in the skin for touch, pressure,
pain, and temperature
Most special sense organs in this class
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Classification by Location
2. Interoceptors (visceroceptors)
Respond to stimuli arising in internal viscera
and blood vessels
Sensitive to chemical changes, tissue
stretch, and temperature changes
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Classification by Location
3. Proprioceptors
Respond to stretch in skeletal muscles,
tendons, joints, ligaments, and connective
tissue coverings of bones and muscles
Inform the cerebellum and cortex of our
position in space
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From Sensation to Perception
• Survival depends upon sensation and
• Sensation: the awareness of changes in the
internal and external environment
• Perception: the conscious interpretation of
those stimuli
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Sensory Integration
• Input comes from exteroceptors,
proprioceptors, and interoceptors
• Input is relayed toward the head, but is
processed along the way
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Sensory Integration
The signal can be processed and altered at
three different levels:
1. Receptor level—the sensor receptors
2. Circuit level—ascending pathways
3. Perceptual level—neuronal circuits in the
cerebral cortex
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Perceptual level (processing in
cortical sensory centers)
2 Circuit level
(processing in
ascending pathways) cord
Free nerve
endings (pain,
cold, warmth)
Receptor level
(sensory reception Joint
and transmission
to CNS)
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Figure 13.2
Processing at the Receptor Level
• Stimulus energy is converted into a graded potential
called a receptor potential (don’t pay attention to the
term generator potential- only used with special
• In general sense receptors, it works like this:
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Processing at the Receptor Level
• In special sense organs:
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Adaptation of Sensory Receptors
• Adaptation is a change in sensitivity in the
presence of a constant stimulus
• Receptor membranes become less responsive
• So the receptor potentials decline in frequency
or stop
• Why does this happen? Is it a good thing?
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Adaptation of Sensory Receptors
• Phasic (fast-adapting) receptors adapt
• Examples:
• Tonic receptors adapt very slowly or not at all
• Examples:
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Adaptation - What Happens to Signaling?
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Processing at the Circuit Level
• Ascending pathways of three neurons conduct
sensory impulses to the appropriate brain regions
• First-order neurons
• Conduct impulses from the receptor level to the
second-order neurons in the CNS
• Second-order neurons
• Transmit impulses to the thalamus or cerebellum
• Third-order neurons
• Conduct impulses from the thalamus to the
somatosensory cortex (perceptual level)
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Perception of Pain
• Definition: an unpleasant sensory and emotional
experience associated with actual or potential tissue
• Warns that you are “at the edge of a cliff!”
• Stimuli include:
Some pain impulses are blocked by inhibitory
endogenous opioids (
• Is pain necessary?
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Referred Pain
• Visceral pain afferent fibers travel along the
same pathway as somatic pain fibers
• Referred Pain = pain stimuli arising in the
viscera are perceived as somatic in origin
• Examples:
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Referred Pain
Lungs and
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Small intestine
• Does everyone have the same pain threshold?
• Does everyone have the same pain tolerance?
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• Pain tolerance is influenced by many factors:
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How Is Pain Processed?
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• Defined as “
• Major Analgesics
• Other agents that can act as pain relievers
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Classification of Nerves
• Peripheral nerves classified as cranial or spinal nerves
• Most nerves are mixtures of afferent and efferent
fibers and somatic and autonomic (visceral) fibers
(carry sensory + motor = mixed nerves)
• Pure sensory (afferent) or motor (efferent) nerves are
rare (which cranial nerves are purely sensory?)
• Types of fibers in mixed nerves:
• Somatic afferent and somatic efferent
• Visceral afferent and visceral efferent
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Regeneration of Nerve Fibers
• Mature neurons can’t divide
• If the soma of a damaged nerve is intact, its axon will
• Involves coordinated activity among:
• Macrophages
• Schwann cells
• Axons
• CNS oligodendrocytes bear growth-inhibiting proteins
that prevent CNS fiber regeneration (UGH!)
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