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Endocrine organs and
Pituitary Gland
Lies deep in brain, attached to hypothalmus
Anterior pituitary – adenohypophysis (gland)
Tropic hormones – stimulates another endocrine
gland to secrete hormone
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)– thyroid
Adrenocorticotropic hormone –(ACTH) adrenal cortex
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) – ovarian follicles
Luteinizing Hormone (LH)- ovulating hormone
Growth hormone – promotes normal growth
Prolactin – lactogenic hormone (breast
development for lactation)
Disorders of AP
Growth hormone
Hypersecretion – gigantism,
Acromegaly, hyperglycemia
Hyposecretion – dwarfism
Hyper – inappropriate lactation in men and nonnursing women
Hypo – insufficient lactation in nursing women
Posterior pituitary
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) – reabsorption of
water from urine in kidney to blood, decrease
urine volume
Oxytocin – stimulates contraction of smooth
muscle of uterus, initiate and maintain labor,
stimulates milk letdown
Disorders of PP
Hyper – abnormal water retention
Hypo – diabetes insipidus – elimination of too
much urine – dehydration
Hyper – increase milk flow
Hypo – prolonged labor
Produces ADH and oxytocin (PP only releases
Releasing hormones – stimulates Anterior pituitary
to release hormones
Inhibiting hormones – Inhibits anterior pit. release
of hormones
Hypothalmus functions in nervous and endocrine
systems – dominant role in regulation of many body
functions: body temp, appetite, thirst
Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3) –
speed up cells release of energy from foods,
stimulate cellular metabolism
Calcitonin – maintains homeostasis of blood
calcium, decreases the amount of calcium in
the blood, act on bone to inhibit its
breakdown, therefore calcium does not move
out of bone.
Thyroid disorders
Hyperthyroidism, increase metabolic rate, lose
weight, restless, excessively active
Exophthalmus – protruding eyes
Graves disease – inherited, hyperthyroidism, bulging eyes
Hypothyroidism – under secretion of TH
Goiter – low intake of iodine, enlargement of thyroid to
compensate for lack of iodine
Cretinism – low metabolic rate, retarded growth and
sexual development
Myxedema – lessened mental and physical vigor, weight
gain, loss of hair, accumulation of mucous fluid (eyes)
Parathyroid glands
Posterior of thyroid, Usually 4, small
parathyroid hormone – increase
concentration of calcium in blood (opposite of
calcitonin) fig. 11-12
Hyper – hypercalcemia
Hypo - hypocalcemia
Adrenal Glands – top of kidneys
Adrenal cortex – outer part, corticoids
Mineralocorticoids, MC’s – aldosterone
Glucocorticoids (cortisol, hydrocortisone)
Control mineral salts in blood (increase sodium,
decrease potassium)
Maintain normal glucose concentration and blood
Sex hormones
Adrenal Medulla
Inner portion of adrenal gland
Epinephrine, Norepinephrine – secreted
during stressful situations, works with
sympathetic nervous system (adrenaline)
Adrenal disorders
Hypersecretion of GC’s – usually because of
a tumor – Cushing syndrome
Hypersecretion in inner zone – sex hormones
called androgens, results in secondary sex
Moon face, buffalo bump due to redistribution of
body fat, can remove tumor
In women, caused by virilizing tumor
Hyposecretion of adrenal cortex - Addison
disease – muscle weakness, low blood sugar
Pancreatic islets – islets of Langerhans
Scattered among pancreatic cells in pancreas
Glucagon – increases the blood glucose
Insulin – decreases blood glucose
concentration by moving it out of the blood
Hypersecretion - hypoglycemia
Hyposecretion - type 1 diabetes mellitus – high
glucose levels in blood
Type 2 diabetes – abnormality of insulin receptors
Additional endocrine glands
Ovarian follicles – estrogen, feminizing hormone
Corpus luteum – progesterone
Testosterone – masculinizing hormone
Thymus – in mediastinum, contains WBC’s
Thymosin – several hormones that play in
important role in the development and function of
the body’s immune system
More endocrine glands…
Placenta – temporarily produce hormones
Chorionic ganadotropins (pregnancy test
indicators), estrogen, progesterone
Pineal gland – near 3rd ventricle in brain
Melatonin – regulates puberty and menstrual
cycle in females
3rd eye – optic nerve, increase at night, internal clock
and sleep cycle, supplements help to sleep
SAD – seasonal affective disorder – high levels