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The Quantum Model of the Atom
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Only works for Hydrogen
Why couldn’t electrons jump to any level –
not just specific energy levels?
Why didn’t atom collapse?
What about the chemical behavior of atoms?
Postulated electrons
also have a dual
wave-particle nature
Electrons act like
waves confined
around the nucleus
(standing waves) and
therefore could only
have certain
Video – Tacoma
Narrows Bridge
These correspond to
the energy of Bohr’s
Investigation showed
that electrons can be
diffracted and can
interfere with each
These are wave
Electrons have a dual
wave-particle nature.
Locate electrons
using photons
Photons change
position and/or
velocity of an
Example waves in
 It
is impossible to know both
the position and the velocity of
an electron or any other
Developed very complicated equations
Equations treated electrons as waves
Solution of the equation allowed for only
specific energies and frequencies of waves
Their ideas led to a new theory of the atom
Call Quantum Theory/Quantum Mechanics
Describes mathematically the wave properties
of electrons and other small particles
Waves in macroscopic vs. microscopic
Give us only an area of probability of finding
an electron
Use the concept of orbital (area where it is
likely you will find the electron) rather than
orbit (path of the electron)
Orbital – three dimensional region around the
nucleus that indicates the probable location
of the electron
Orbitals described by 4 Quantum Numbers
which indicated the properties of the orbitals
and the electrons in those orbitals.
First three result from the solution of
Schrödinger’s Wave Equations
Fourth is the spin of the electron
Quantum numbers are n, l, m, s
Called the Principal Quantum Number
Gives energy level and period
As n increases electron energy increases
As n increases the distance from the nucleus
to the electron increases
Always a positive integer (n = 1, 2, 3, 4, …)
Number of orbitals in an energy level = n2
◦ 1st Energy Level – 1 orbital
◦ 2nd Energy Level – 4 orbitals
◦ 3rd Energy Level – 9 orbitals
Number of electrons in an energy level = 2n2
◦ 1st Energy Level – 2 electrons
◦ 2nd Energy Level – 8 electrons
◦ 3rd Energy Level – 18 electrons
Called the angular momentum Quantum
Gives the shape of the orbital
l = 0, 1, 2, …., (n-1)
Shapes associated with letters
Stand for names given to groups of lines in
the spectra of alkali metals
s – sharp (Spherical shape)
p – principal (Dumb-bell shape)
d – diffuse (More complex)
f – fundamental
After f – orbitals are alphabetical, i.e. g, h, i,
1st Energy Level – 1 Orbital – s
2nd Energy Level – 2 Orbitals – s and p
3rd Energy Level – 3 Orbitals – s, p and d
2s, 2p
3s, 3p, 3d
4s, 4p, 4d, 4f
Gives the Orientation of the Orbital in 3
s – spherical – only 1 orientation
p – dumb bell – 3 orientations: px, py, pz
d – double dumb bell – 5 orientations
f – “CRAZY!!!” – 7 orientations
m = -l, …..0…….+l
So for p orbitals m = -1, 0, 1
Accounts for magnetic properties of the
Magnetic properties are due to the spin of the
charged electrons
Magnet demo
Each orbital can hold 2 electrons ( Remember
# of electrons = 2n2)
Values for s = + ½ and – ½
Demo – butterfly orbital
The atom is like an
onion – in layers
Between each layer
is an area where
there are no
electrons – nodes