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the Prophet
Life and Times of
Muhammad –
“The Praised”
• Crossroads for trading
• Birthplace of
Muhammad – 570 A.D.
• Major pilgrimage site –
the Hajj
• The Kaaba
• Polytheism
Birth of Mohammad – 570 A.D.
Main Sources for Muhammad’s Life :
• Quran or Koran - Muslim “Word of God” as revealed through the angel Gabriel
• Early Biographies
• Hadith – Saying, Act, or Islamic Law seen as coming directly from Muhammad.
• Christian Byzantine Sources - (Different Perspective Obviously) They indicate that
both Jews and Christians saw Muhammad as a deceiving prophet, or at least certain
circles did. “Do prophets come with a sword and chariot?”
Muhammad - Childhood
• Father died just before his birth
• Mother died before six years old
• Sent out of Mecca to get a better
education in a healthier
• Grandfather sent him to work
with the Bedouins until.
Grandfather died.
• Uncle – Abu -Talib was a
• Much of what we know could be
considered legend.
The Legend • While sitting at the
Ka’bah Muhammad’s
Grandfather was
worried about his
• Father died before
his birth.
The Legend Continued
Birth and named
“Muhammad” or
“Praised One”
The donkey
overtaking the
Five year dream of
Angels cleansing his
Christian Hermit saw
a mark of
between his
Marriage - Khadijah
• Muhammad ran caravans for
widow named Khadijah
• She proposed marriage
• Muhammad was 25
• Khadijah was 40
• Supposedly a happy marriage
• 2 sons – died in childhood
• 4 daughters
• Died after 25 years of
40 years old – Idol Worship
The Ka’Bah
Build by Abraham
Corruption and
Idol Worship
• Muruwwah Code
• Nomads –
Polytheistic and
believed in jinns
or genies.
• There were Jews,
Christians, and
Hanifs who were
all Monotheistic.
The Ka’Bah
Black Stone - al-Ḥajar al-Aswad
Muhammad the Prophet and
Angel Gabriel – “Night of
• 610 AD during the Arabic
month of Ramadan
• The Cave of Hira
• Muhammad chosen as
the last “seal of the
• Revealed the Qur’an to
Abu-Talib and Ali
• Abu-Talib – Muhammad’s Uncle – Never
• Ali – First Male Convert
• Early convert to Islam
• Muhammad’s cousin/son-in-law –
Married to Fatimah – Muhammad’s
• Shia Muslims Follow Ali - “Shia Ali”
means “followers or faction of Ali”
• The first or 12 Imams
• Shia Muslims do not follow the Caliphs
(Elected Leaders)of Sunni Islam Sunni
Muslims see Ali as the 4th Caliph
Muhammad Returns to Mecca
• Driven out of Mecca shortly
after 620 – abt. 622 - Hijra
• 630 AD – Muhammad
returned to Mecca and
destroyed the idols in the
Ka’Bah or Kaaba
Isra - A Journey on a Winged
• Told Meccans he had a
night journey (Dream) on
winged horse - Isra
• Started in Jerusalem
• Went through the seven
levels of Heaven.
• Received from God the
fundamentals of the
Islamic Creed or beliefs.
• The Foundation Stone
• Wailing Wall
A Journey on a Winged Horse
Al- Buraq – The
mythological winged
steed that
transported the
prophets to Heaven.
Jerusalem - Revered by Three
Religions –
Jews – Christians - Muslims
The Hijra: The Turning Point –
Year 1 Muslim Calendar
• “Islam” – Arabic word for “submission” inferring
submitting to God.
• “Muslim” Arabic word for “submitter” – one who
submits to God.
• *Controversy – “Submit” by the sword? Or Submit
• Ummah – Muslim Community / Nation
• New teachings angered Meccans. They threatened
• Left Mecca for Yathrib in 622 (Later called Medina or
“City of the Prophet)
• This journey became known as the “Hijra”.
• The Muslim Calendar – Year 2011 = 1432
• This is why Muslim holidays are not sincrinized with
our Gregorian Calendar.
• 619 – Khadijah (Wife) and Abu Talib (Uncle) died.
Early Survival
• Reaction by early Jews and
• Meccan Emigrants refused to
• Attacking Caravans (page 33)
• Attacking during the Hajj
• Victory at Badr
• Controversy - “Does a prophet
come with swords and
• This is where Jews and
Christians disagree about
Muhammad being a prophet.
• Picture: Massacre of the
Banu Qurayza
Muslim Life in Medina
• Established laws about marriage, divorce,
inheritance, theft and punishment for crime, etc.
• The Quran is mostly silent on these issues.
• Most of this comes from the Hadith – the teachings
and actions supposedly attributed to Muhammad.
• Some modern day criticisms.
• To be fair - *Remember we a judging a 7th
century man and traditions by modern standards
and many of these traditions were found in early
Jewish and Christian traditions.
• Treatment of Women
• Muhammad’s plural marriages - polygamy
• Treatment of Jews – massacres etc.
Criticisms – Modern Issues
Women’s Rights
Criticisms – Modern Issues
Criticisms – Modern Issues
Polygamy and Honor Killings
Criticisms – Modern Issues
Intolerance for Other Religions
Baminyan Buddhas in Afghanistan
Ground Zero - 911 Memorial Mosque
On the eve of expected city approval of a mosque and Islamic center two blocks from Ground
Zero, backers of the project are pledging to include a memorial to the victims of the Sept. 11,
2001, terror attacks as part of an effort to allay opponents' complaints that the mosque's
location is insensitive. Called - Cordoba House – Carl Palodino
"We've heard and felt their pain, and we're extending ourselves," said Daisy Khan, a partner in
the building and the wife of the cleric leading the effort. "We want to repair the breach and be
at the front and center to start the healing."
Return to Mecca
• 628 – returned to Mecca and signed
a peace treaty with the Meccans –
the Meccans saw Muslims as equals
• 629 – came back as part of the Hajj
• 630 – Returned with an Army
• Muhammad required the Arab
tribes to accept Islam and pay taxes
to support Islam.
• 632 – Nearly all Arabs tribes were
Muslim. (By Traditional Accounts)
Death of Muhammad
• Appointed Abu-Bakr to lead the public worship
• Final pilgrimage – Hajj – to Mecca establishing this as
one of the Five Pillars of Islam.
• Final sermon – “every Muslim is a brother to every
other Muslim and that you are now one brotherhood
– Connection – “The Muslim Brotherhood”
• Died 8 June 632
• The Quran was
compiled after
his death.
Caliphs and Early Converts
• Head of an Islamic state or Ummah
and Islamic community –
• Means – “Successor” or
“Representative” – “Commander of
the Faithful”
• Not Prophet – Muhammad is the
• Big argument over who rules after
Muhammad’s death
• Abu-Bakr – Muhammad’s wealthy
best friend – 1st Caliph
• Umar – 2nd Caliph
• Uthman – 3rd Caliph
Read Page 256 - 257
• Arab for “strength” and
• Later lesser governor
under a Caliphate.
• Not a religious but a
political leader
• Turkey - The title has
been defunct since the
Republic of Turkey
abolished the Ottoman
Caliphate in 1924
High Ranking Sheikhs
• Sheikhs mean “Elder”
a position of honor in
a tribe
The Roman Empire
The Roman Empire
Splits East and West – 395 A.D.
The Roman Empire
Constantinople –
Justinean I and Constantine I
The Fall of
Constantinople – Istanbul
The Spread of Islam
The Ottoman Empire – 1453-1922
Muslim World Today and
Modern Turkey - 1923