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Tools and Procedures
A Common Measurement
Why do scientists need a common
system of measurement?
• .
Researchers need to replicate
one another’s experiments,
and most experiments involve
When collecting data and doing
experiments, the system of
measurement most scientists use
is the ___________________
• Metric System
What is the metric system?
• The metric system is a decimal
system of measurement whose
units are based on certain
physical standards and are scaled
on multiples of 10.
Give the correct number or metric
unit for the following:
• a. 1000 meters = 1 ____
• b. 1 liter =___ milliliters
• c. 1 gram = ______milligrams
• d. 1000 kilograms = 1 ________
Metric System
• a. 1000 meters = 1 kilometer
• b. 1 liter = 1000 milliliters
• c. 1 gram = 1000 milligrams
• d. 1000 kilograms = 1 metric ton
Analyzing Biological Data
When scientists collect data, what
are they often trying to find out?
• They are trying to find out
whether certain factors
changed or remained the
What does a graph of data make
easier to recognize and understand
than a table of data?
• A pattern
What are microscopes?
–Microscopes are devices that
produce magnified images of
structures that are too small
to see with the unaided eye.
What are compound light
• They are microscopes that allow
light to pass
through the specimen and use
two lenses to form an image.
How do chemical stains make light
microscopes more useful?
• They can show specific structures in the
What are the two main types of
electron microscopes?
• a. Transmission electron microscopes
• b. Scanning electron microscopes (SEMs
Compare how a TEM and an SEM
produce images.
• A TEM shines a beam of electrons
through a thin specimen,
• whereas an SEM scans a narrow beam of
electrons back and forth across the
surface of a specimen.
• .
How must samples be prepared for
observation by an electron
• Samples must be preserved and
Laboratory Techniques
• A group of cells grown in a nutrient
solution from a single original cell is called
a ____.
• Culture
What technique do biologists use to
separate one part of a cell from the
rest of the cell?
• cell fractionation
What is the single most important
rule for your safety while working in
a laboratory?
• Always follow your teacher’s instructions
and the textbook directions exactly.
A device that produces magnified
images of structures that are too
small to see with the unaided eye
• microscope
A well-tested explanation that
unifies a broad range of
• theory
Change over time
in an organism is to ___.
• evolve
The process by which
organisms keep their internal
conditions fairly constant
• homeostasis
An organized way of using
evidence to learn about
the natural world
• science
Evidence gathered from
• data
The chemical reactions through
which an organism
builds up or breaks down materials
• metabolism
A collection of living matter
enclosed by a barrier that
separates it from the surroundings
• cell