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Pitfalls -- Finding the Time to Implement
Making Time Work for You!
Lori Shipman
NY FarmNet Consultant
415 Warren Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
Northeast Center
for Risk Management Education
Time Management Quadrants
Not Urgent
Time Quadrant Examples
A. Deadlines, emergencies, daily chores
Milking the cows, assistance with calving, harvesting a
crop before a storm
B. Preventative, planning, keeping on schedule
Routine field work, culling cows, program signups
C. In the now, daily activities
Business phone calls, correspondence,
meetings, clean-up
D. Time wasters, fun stuff
Decorating the barn for the holidays, vacation, junk
mail, and spam
Organization System
Farm Owner
Book keeper
 Who does what?
 Matching talents with jobs
 When is it done?
 Deadlines, time of day, seasonal
 How will information flow?
 Milker enters data, herdman reviews, hands receipts to
book keeper for expenses, etc
It Takes All Kinds
 No two people organize alike
 Variation in values
 Variation in brain types
Organizing by Brain Type
 Maintaining Style
Law & Order
 Harmonizing Style
Emotional & Communicative
Buddy system
 Innovative Style
Color & Adventure
Try anything
 Prioritizing Style
Thinking & Rational
Taken from Lanna Nakone’s book ” Organizing for Your Brain Type”
Organization a Time Saver
 Minimize clutter
Keep/sell or donate /trash
Everything has a place
 Files, box, shelf, toolbox
Time and order
 Events, calendars, paper flow
Task delegation
 Use the best person for the job
and at least one backup
Work with personalities
 Use the strengths and cover for
Be Creative
Keeping the wheel in balance
List priorities
Activities that “need” to be done
How will you do this?
Does it fit your values?
Work and family
Help to Prioritize
What’s the Worst that could happen?
Define the task
 How important is it to you
 How important is it to success and health and
safety, business goals, and personal goals
 Does it need to be done now?
Try, Try, Again
 Find something that works
 Evaluate and adopt or Try something else
 Get ideas from others
 Share your successes
The “carry it with you”, nested major project/to-do list:
Two blank sheets of paper folded in half so you end up with 5.5” x 8.5”:
(fold over)
Project 1
- etc.
Project 2
Project 3
One folded half-sheet lists current/upcoming major
projects with room for list of tactics
Project 4
Project 5
This Week’s To-do List
-Mon. blah, blah
-Mon. blah, blah
-Tues. blah, blah
-Tues. blah, blah
-Wed. blah, blah
Other folded half-sheet is a daily to-do list
-Thurs. blah, blah
-Fri. blah, blah
-Sat. blah, blah
Project list nests inside the weekly to-do list
for easy and constant reference. Weekly list
updated Monday mornings. Project list
updated as needed.
Make Time Work for You!
 End in Mind
How do I want to spend my time to meet my
 Organize
Develop systems, identify places, develop
 Prioritize
Find balance
Finding Balance: What are the Critical Slices in Your Wheel?
Module Objectives:
 Develop an understanding of the need for
and organization system
 Develop an understanding of different
views to organization
 Develop a balance of time
 Priorities
 Develop an environment for sharing tools
and resources for time management