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Mechanisms of Evolution: Study Guide
1. Charles Darwin and the Galapagos Islands
2. 3 Keys to Natural Selection
3. Natural Selection in Action: Change over time
The Voyage of the H.M.S. Beagle
In _______, Charles __________ set sail from England aboard the _______________ on a
voyage around the world.
Darwin collected numerous ______________________________________ for his collection.
He ______________ the specimens, read the latest scientific publications, and
Darwin’s Contribution to Science
Darwin’s evidence led him to propose a _____________________________ pertaining to the
way _______________________________________.
This hypothesis has become the ________________________________. It was presented in his
book, ___________________________________________, published in ___________.
Darwin and the Galapagos Islands
Darwin observed that the ____________________________ were in
________________________, but had very _________________________ and corresponding
differences in _______________________.
Accordingly, he observed that the characteristics of many animals and plants
Darwin’s Case: Key Idea #1
Variation Within Species
Members within a species _________________________________ in important ways.
At the time, variations were thought to be ___________________________________________
Darwin argued that ______________________________________________________________
Provide 3 examples: 1) __________________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________________
Darwin’s Case: Key Idea #2
The Struggle for Existence
________________, both ______________________________________ exists in almost all
natural environments.
Darwin realized that _____________________ and a shortage of life's basic resources
(__________, __________, and ___________) inevitably force organisms to
How is natural variation used in artificial selection? ___________________________________
Darwin’s Case: Key Idea #3
The Inheritance of Traits
Characteristics exhibited by one parent, whether ________________________________, are
______________________ from _______________________________ (assuming that organism
is able to ______________________).
Modern ___________________presents a mechanism for _______________.
What Darwin Couldn’t Know….
Although Darwin had no way of knowing, there is a genetic mechanism for
Can you guess what this is? ________________________________________________________
Putting it all Together…
Survival of the Fittest
The ability of an organism to _______________________________ in its specific environment is
Darwin proposed that ____________________________________________________________.
An adaptation is _________________________________ that ________________ an organism's
_________________ adaptations better suit organisms _______________________________,
and in turn, they’re better able to _______________________________.
Individuals with _____________________ that are ______________________ to their
environment either _______ or _____________________________.
Natural Selection: Decent with Modification
_________________________ yields organisms that display _______________________
establish __________________________, and/or occupy __________________________.
Every living species has _________________, with changes, from _______________________.
Darwin referred to this principle as _________________________________________________.
Natural Selection in Action
Darwin wondered if animals living on different islands had once been
These separate species would have evolved __________________________________________
His observations of _____________, ____________, ______________ and other animals
supported his hypothesis.
Explain how the three different species of Galapagos Tortoises support Darwin’s Theory of
Decent with Modification: ________________________________________________________
Explain how the ‘Industrial Melanism and the Peppered Moth’ senario supports Darwin’s
Theory of Decent with Modification: ________________________________________________