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1. Julius Caesar is an important figure in Roman
history because he
a. fought the First Punic War
b. became the first emperor of Rome
c. greatly increased the power of the Senate
d. expanded Rome's territory and became
dictator for life
Julius Caesar is important in Roman history because he expanded
Rome's territory (in Britain, Egypt, France, Spain, and Syria) and
became dictator for life (in 44 B.C.). Caesar exercised nearly absolute
2. "I was the adopted son of the great Julius. I
defeated all of my rivals and became the first
emperor of Rome." The person speaking is
a. Mark Antony
b. Octavian
c. Marcus Brutus
d. Gaius Cassius
The person speaking is Octavian, who
took the name Augustus Caesar after
becoming Rome's first emperor.
3. Which of the following conquered people
influenced Rome the most?
a. Greeks
b. Carthaginians
c. Gauls
d. Britons
The Greeks influenced Rome the most. After Greece was
conquered by Rome during the 2nd century B.C., Greek
literature, philosophy, science, mathematics, and art spread to
4. Two important contributions of ancient Rome
to later societies were in
a. poetry and drama
b. law and engineering
c. painting and music
d. chemistry and physics
Rome made important contributions in law and
engineering. Roman law became the basis for many
legal systems in Europe.
5. The Romans used aqueducts to
a. carry water to towns and cities
b. improve transportation on the
c. increase farm production
d. improve military training
Aqueducts were used to carry water to
towns and cities from reservoirs in the
6. During the early years of the Roman Republic,
members of the patrician class
a. were often forced into slavery because of debt
b. avoided service in the army
c. used their wealth to dominate the government
of the Republic
d. worked as small farmers, artisans and small
Members of the patrician class dominated the government of the
Republic. The patricians were wealthy landowners who traced their
ancestry to the original founders of Rome. They were the members of
the Senate, which made the laws of the Republic.
7. What is the importance of the Edict of Milan
issued by the Emperor Constantine in 313 A.D.?
a. It made Christianity the official religion of the
b. It outlawed Christianity.
c. It granted full toleration to all religions, including
d. It attempted to revive the traditional religion of the
Roman Republic.
The Edict of Milan granted religious
toleration to all religions, including
8. The decline of the Roman Empire was partly caused by
a. the widening of class distinctions between the rich and poor
b. the replacement of efficient large estates by many less
efficient small farms
c. the interest of the common people in fulfilling their
obligations of citizenship in a democratic society
d. a uniformity of traditions and customs which prevented
cultural diversity
The decline of the Roman Empire was
partly caused by the widening of class
distinctions between rich and poor.
9. Which group was responsible for the
destruction of the Roman Empire in the west?
a. Byzantines
b. Germanic tribes
c. Huns
d. Persians
The Germanic tribes living north of the Danube River in Europe were
responsible for the destruction of the Roman Empire in the west.
German tribes flooded into the empire, seizing control of its western
10. Why did Roman architects frequently use the
arch, vault, and dome in construction?
a. A shortage of stone forced them to use primarily
wood and
dried brick.
b. These devices were inherited from the Greeks,
whom they admired.
c. It allowed them to place a roof on large buildings.
d. They enabled the interiors of buildings to be
heavily decorated.
Roman architects used the arch, vault, and dome so that
they could place roofs on large buildings. They inherited
the arch from the Greeks, but invented the vault and the