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Milady Standard Cosmetology
Infection Control:
Principles and Practices
© 2012 Milady, a part of Cengage Learning
Federal Agencies
• Occupational Safety
and Health
Administration (OSHA)
– Regulate and enforce
safety and health
standards to protect
employees in the
• Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS)
– Useful disposal
guidelines, medical, and
first aid information.
– Manufacturer
information on product
Federal Agencies
• Environmental
Protection Agency
– Registers all
disinfectants sold and
used in U.S.
– Disinfectants: Products
that destroy all bacteria
(but not spores), fungi,
and viruses on nonporous surfaces.
– Hospital disinfectants:
Effective for
decontaminating nonporous surfaces
exposed to blood and
body fluids.
– Tuberculocidal
disinfectants: Proven
to kill the bacteria that
cause tuberculosis.
State Regulatory Agencies
• Exist to protect salon
professionals and to
protect consumers’
health, safety, and
welfare while they
receive salon
• Require everyone
working in a salon or
spa to follow specific
• Enforcement through
inspections and
investigations of
consumer complaints
is part of an agency’s
Laws and Rules—What Is the Difference?
• Laws
– Written by both federal
and state legislatures
that determine the
scope of practice.
– Also called statutes.
• Rules and regulations
– More specific than
– Written by the
regulatory agency or
the state board, and
they determine how
the law must be
Principles of Infection
• Infection: Invasion of
body tissues by
• Prevention begins
and ends with you.
Principles of Infection
Infection Control
• Infection control:
Methods used to
eliminate or reduce
the transmission of
infectious organisms.
• Infectious disease:
Caused by
pathogenic (harmful)
organisms that enter
the body.
• Disinfection destroys
most, but not
necessarily all,
harmful organisms on
– Not effective against
bacterial spores.
Principles of Infection
• Bacteria: One-celled
microorganisms that
have both plant and
– Nonpathogenic:
– Pathogenic: Harmful
Principles of Infection
• Virus: Parasitic
particle that infects
and resides in the
cells of a biological
– Can live and
reproduce only by
taking over other cells
and becoming part of
• Human papilloma
virus (HPV): Example
of a common viral
infection often seen in
salons; also known as
plantar warts.
Principles of Infection
Bloodborne Pathogens
• Bloodborne
• Hepatitis: Bloodborne
pathogens: Diseasevirus that causes
disease and can
microorganisms that
damage the liver.
are carried in the
• Human
body by blood or body
fluids, such as
virus (HIV): Virus that
hepatitis and HIV.
causes acquired
immune deficiency
syndrome (AIDS).
Principles of Infection
• Fungi: Microscopic
plant parasites that
include molds,
mildews, and yeasts.
• Tinea barbae: Fungal
infection that affects
the skin (barber’s itch).
• Tinea pedis: Ringworm
fungus of the foot.
Principles of Infection
• Parasites: Organisms
that grow, feed, and
shelter on or in
another organism
(referred to as a
host), while
contributing nothing to
the survival of that
Principles of Infection
• Immunity: Ability of
the body to destroy
and resist infection.
• Natural immunity:
Partly inherited and
partly developed
through healthy living.
• Acquired immunity:
Immunity the body
develops after
overcoming a
disease, through
inoculation, or
through exposure to
natural allergens,
such as pollen, cat
dander, and ragweed.
Principles of Prevention
• Decontamination:
Removal of blood or
other potentially
infectious materials
on an item’s surface
and the removal of
visible debris or
residue such as dust,
hair, and skin.
• Most salons are only
concerned with
Method 1.
Principles of Prevention
• Decontamination
Method 1: Cleaning
and then disinfecting
with an appropriate
• Decontamination
Method 2: Cleaning
and then sterilizing.
– Sterilization: Process
that completely
destroys all microbial
life, including spores.
Principles of Prevention
Choosing a Disinfectant
• Disinfectants must
have efficacy claims
on the label.
• Efficacy: Ability to
produce an effect.
• Ideal disinfectant:
– Maintain efficacy in
presence of bioburden
– Requires changing after
a longer length of time
Nontoxic, nonirritating
Readily available
EPA approved
Environmentally friendly
Have no odor
Principles of Prevention
Proper Use of Disinfectants
• Disinfectant tips:
– Use only on
precleaned, hard,
nonporous surfaces.
– Wear gloves and
safety glasses.
– Follow complete
immersion guidelines.
– Dilute and change
products according to
Principles of Prevention
Types of Disinfectants
• For salon use:
– Quaternary
compounds: Known as
quats, usually
disinfects implements
in ten minutes.
– Phenolic disinfectants:
– Bleach: Household
bleach, 5.25 percent
sodium hypochlorite, is
an effective
disinfectant and has
been used extensively
as a disinfectant in the
Principles of Prevention
Disinfectant Safety
• Keep an MSDS on hand.
• Wear gloves and safety
• Avoid skin and eye
• Add disinfectant to water
when diluting.
• Keep out of reach of
• Follow manufacturer’s
Principles of Prevention
Disinfectant Safety
• Never let quats,
phenols, bleach, or
any other disinfectant
come in contact with
your skin.
• Never place any
disinfectant or other
product in an
unmarked container.
Principles of Prevention
Disinfect or Dispose?
• Multiuse: Also known
as reusable items;
can be cleaned,
disinfected, and used
on more than one
person even if the
item is accidentally
exposed to blood or
body fluid.
• Single-use: Also
known as disposable
items; cannot be used
more than once.
– Examples: wooden
sticks, cotton balls,
sponges, gauze,
tissues, paper towels,
and some nail files
and buffers.
Principles of Prevention
Disinfecting Electrical Tools and Equipment
• Hair clippers,
electrotherapy tools,
nail drills, and other
electrical equipment
have contact points
that cannot be
immersed in liquid.
• Clean and disinfect
using an EPAregistered disinfectant
designed for use on
these devices.
Principles of Prevention
Disinfecting Nonelectrical Tools and Implements
• State rules require all
multiuse tools and
implements to be
cleaned and
disinfected before and
after every service—
even when used on the
same person.
Principles of Prevention
Disinfecting Work Surfaces
• Before beginning every
client service, all work
surfaces must be
cleaned and disinfected.
• Clean and disinfect
tables, styling stations,
shampoo sinks, chairs,
arm rests and any other
surface a customer’s skin
may have touched.
Principles of Prevention
Cleaning Towels, Linens, and Capes
• Clean towels, linens,
and capes must be
used for each client.
• Launder according to
the directions on the
item’s label.
• Be sure that towels,
linens, and capes are
thoroughly dried.
• Store soiled linens
and towels in covered
or closed containers,
away from clean
linens and towels.
• Use disposable neck
strips or towels.
Principles of Prevention
Disinfecting Foot Spas and Pedicure Equipment
• Equipment that
contains water for
pedicures must be
cleaned and
disinfected after every
pedicure, and the
information must be
entered into a
• Some state regulatory
agencies allow singleuse tub liners in
pedicure equipment.
• Check with your state
Principles of Prevention
Soaps and Detergents
• Chelating soaps: Also
known as chelating
detergents; work to
break down stubborn
films and remove the
residue of pedicure
products such as
scrubs, salts, and
• Hard tap water
reduces effectiveness
of cleaners and
• If your area has hard
water, ask your
distributor for pedicure
soaps that are
effective in hard water.
Principles of Prevention
Additives, Powders, and Tablets/Dispensary
• Additives, powders,
• Keep the dispensary
and tablets cannot be
clean and orderly,
used instead of EPAwith the contents of
registered liquid
all containers clearly
disinfectant solutions.
• Remember: There are • Keep product MSDSs
no shortcuts!
in a convenient,
central location for the
Principles of Prevention
Handling Single-Use Supplies/Hand Washing
• Throw all single-use
• Wash hands
items after one use.
thoroughly before and
after each service.
• Anything exposed to
blood must be double- • Minimize use of
bagged and marked
antimicrobial and
with a biohazard
antibacterial soaps.
sticker, separated from
other waste, and
disposed of according
to OSHA standards.
Principles of Prevention
Waterless Hand Sanitizers
• Antiseptics: Chemical • Antiseptics can
germicides formulated
contain either alcohol
for use on skin and
or benzalkonium
are registered and
chloride, which is less
regulated by the Food
drying to the skin than
and Drug
Administration (FDA). • Use hand sanitizers
only after properly
cleaning your hands.
Universal Precautions
• Universal Precautions: • Bloodborne
Guidelines published
pathogens are more
by OSHA requiring
difficult to kill than
employer and
germs that live
employee to assume
outside the body.
that all human blood
• Clients may be
and body fluids are
infectious for
showing no
bloodborne pathogens.
symptoms or signs of
Universal Precautions
An Exposure Incident: Contact with Blood or
Body Fluid
• Exposure incident:
Contact with nonintact
(broken) skin, blood,
body fluid, or other
potentially infectious
materials that is the
result of the
performance of an
employee’s duties.
Universal Precautions
An Exposure Incident
Stop the service.
Put on gloves.
Stop the bleeding.
Clean the injured area.
Bandage the cut.
Clean and disinfect the
work station.
7. Discard single-use
contaminated objects by
double bagging.
8. Make sure multiuse items
are cleaned/disinfected
before removing gloves.
9. Remove gloves and seal
them in the double bag
with other contaminated
items for disposal.
10. Recommend the client
see a physician if
redness, swelling, pain, or
irritation develop.
Professional Salon Image
• Keep floors and
workstations dust-free.
• Control dust, hair, and
other debris.
• Keep trash in a covered
waste receptacle.
• Clean fans, ventilation
systems, and humidifiers
at least once each week.
• Keep all work areas
• Clean and disinfect
restroom surfaces.
• Do not use the salon for
cooking or living purposes.
• Never place food in
refrigerator used to store
salon products.
• Prohibit eating, drinking,
and smoking where
services are performed or
product mixing occurs.
Professional Salon Image
• Never place implements
in mouth or pockets.
• Properly clean and
disinfect all multiuse tools
before reusing.
• Clean and disinfect all
work surfaces after every
• Properly wash hands
before and after each
• Professional
– Follow state and federal
laws and rules.
– Keep your license current
and notify the licensing
agency if you move or
change your name.
– Check your state’s Web
site weekly for any
changes or updates to
rules and regulations.