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Desert Between Persian Gulf and Mediterranean
Sea in S.W. Asia
Fertile Crescent – land in this area that provides for
some of S.W. Asia’s best farming
Fertile Plains (Eastern) – Tigris / Euphrates Rivers
Mesopotamia = between rivers
Rivers flooded Mesopotamia – left silt behind
Wheat / barley = growth of villages
Environmental Challenges
First famers in S. Meso.
Sumerians (3500 BC) arrive
Good soil attracted settlers
3 Disadvantages
Unpredictable flooding + little / no rainfall
Small region + a lot of people = defenseless
Limited natural resources
Overcoming Challenges
Irrigation ditches
Built city walls
Traded with mountain people
Required organization, cooperation, leadership
Laws to decide distribution of land and water
Beginning of organized gov’t
City States
Advanced cities
Specialized workers
Complex institutions
Record keeping
Advanced technology
Each city developed its own gov’t (with own rulers)
= city state
Gov’t controlled by priests
Middle man to Gods
Ziggurat used for many purposes
Demanded % of crops
War = elected commander
Sometimes became Monarch after
Passed power to kin
Multiple family rulers = dynasty
Grew prosperous from surplus of crops
Long distance trade (including new ideas/religion)
also known as cultural diffusion
Sumerian Culture
Polytheistic (3,000 + gods)
Gods had human qualities (humans were servants)
Priest/Kings = highest power, then wealth merchants, then slaves
Women – could pursue most occupations, hold property, join lower
ranks of priesthood
Sacrifice to keep gods happy
Could not attend upper class schools
Invented the wheel, sail, plow
1st to use Bronze and developed writing system (cuneiform)
Arithmetic and Geometry , number system in base 60 (minute/circle)
Arches, columns, ramps, pyramid-shape designs
First Empire Builders
Sumerian city-states constantly at war with each
Sargon of Akkad (Akkadians)
Defeated Sumer
World’s 1st Empire (What is an empire)
Collapse due to internal fighting, invasions, and
severe famine
Babylonian Empire
Nomadic warriors (Amorites) invaded
Took control – established capital of Babylon
Reached peak during reign of Hammurabi
Code/Laws (Hammurabi’s Code)
Would unify diverse people
Engraved in stone
282 specific laws
2 centuries after Hammurabi – empire fell to
nomadic warriors
Geography of South Asia
Mountains – Hindu Kush, Karakorum, Himalayas
Creates subcontinent (India, Pakistan, Nepal,
Indus and Ganges Rivers
Indus Ganges Plain (Around rivers)
Deccan – narrow border of lush tropical land in
southern India
Unpredictable floods and change of river course
Monsoons brought wet/dry seasons
Emergence of Civilization
Writing has not been deciphered
Area larger than Mesopotamia and Egypt
Not sure where people came from
Arrived by sea from Africa?
Passed through Khyber Pass in Hindu Kush mountains?
Built pyramids in their cities
Sophisticated city planning (buildings/streets)
Precise grid system, fortified Citadels, residential areas
Plumbing and sewage systems
Strong central government
No major social divisions
Prosperous society (clay/wooden toys)
Nonessential items
Little warfare
Shiva (major Indian God)
Mother goddess, fertility images, worship of cattle
Long distance trade
Traded with the Sumerian civilization
End to the Indus
Quality of building decreased
Cities began to fall
Indus River changed course?
Overused the land
Major catastrophe?
Unburied bodies (attack, natural disaster?)
Dynasties in
Natural barriers
Pacific Ocean (East)
Taklimakan Desert + Plateau of Tibet (West)
Himalaya Mountains (Southwest)
Gobi Desert + Mongolian Plateau (North)
2 Rivers run through this area
Huang He + Yangtze
Mountain ranges + deserts = 2/3 of China’s land
90% of remaining farmable land is between Huang He +
Yangtze Rivers
Chinese thought people living elsewhere were
Thought China was center of civilized world
Huang He provided yellowish silt (loess)
Good and bad
Earned nickname “China’s Sorrow” (Killed 1 Mil +
Flooding of whole villages
Isolation caused less dependence on trade
Did not completely protect them from invasion
Civilizations Emerge
No written records from this time = unknown
events (educated guess)
China’s first dynasty = Xia Dynasty
Led by Yu -> developed flood-control and irrigation
Shang Dynasty = 1st family to leave written records
Built elaborate palaces and tombs
Early Cities
Anyang = one of oldest and most important
Built mainly of wood
Upper class lived within city walls / lower did not
Constantly at war
Chariot becomes major war time tool
Dynasty ruled by warrior-nobles
Peasants = lowest class
Had limited farming tools
Bronze was too “precious” for tools
Origins of Chinese Culture
Group > Individual
Lives based to serve family + king/emperor
Respect for one’s parents = most important virtue
Men controlled property and decision making
Women seen as inferior
Girls (13 – 16) had arranged marriage
Improved status by bearing children
Religious Beliefs
Believed spirits of family had the power to bring
good fortune or disaster
Made sacrifices to honor dead relatives
Conversed with Gods through dead relatives
Made contact through oracle bones
Inscribed questions in bones
Cracked the bone and interpreted what they saw
Development of Writing
Each character in the language stands for an
idea not a sound
No connection between written and spoken
Chinese unified under one system of writing
Disadvantage = had to memorize a lot of symbols
10k + to be true scholar
Zhou People
Overthrew Shang dynasty around 1027 B.C.
Adopted much of Shang culture
Mandate of Heaven
Ruler of Shang dynasty was so terrible, Gods had
taken it away and given it to the Zhou People
Political system in which nobles, or lords, are
granted the use of lands that legally belong to
the king
In return nobles owed loyalty and military service
to the king and protection to the people who
lived on their estates
Technology and Trade
Zhou built roads and canals to supply the large
growing cities
Introduced coin money
Civil servant class emerged = ran daily operations
of city
Use of iron for weapons and agricultural tools
Pyramids on
the Nile
Egyptian geography
Nile River (longest in world)
Flooding- fertile black mud
Wheat and barley – irrigation
Upper/Lower Egypt
Domain ended at cataracts
Riverboats could not pass
Upper Egypt (South)
Lower Egypt (North)
Nile provided transportation
Environmental Challenges
Nile low = crops and growing decreased
Nile high = flooding villages
Desert = protection and segragation
Menes united Egypt
Kings = gods aka Pharaohs
Theocracy – Pharaoh headed religion, gov’t, and
King’s ruled after death (ka = external spirit)
Pyramids = kings resting place (bigger than palace)
Massive public works programs, great gov’t and
leadership from Pharaoh
Egyptian Culture
Religion / Life
Ra = Sun god, Horus = god of light, Isis = ideal
mother/wife, Osiris = god of death
Life after death
Heart weighed less than feather
Mummification, Coffin inside tomb, personal items
Egyptian Society
King, Queen, Royal
Wealthy Land Owners, Gov’t Officials, Priests, Army
Middle Class (Merchants,
Lower Class (Peasant Farmers, Unskilled Laborers)
****Could gain higher status through marriage or success in their
jobs ****
- Highest service (Must be able to read and write)
Egyptian Writing /
Crude pictographs
Developed into Hieroglyphics
Papyrus = Reeds that grew in marshy delta
Split, dampened, pressed, repeat
Number system for collecting taxes
Geometry for property and flood surveying
365 days, 12 months, 30 days in a month , 5 days for
holidays and feasting
Knew how to check for heartbeat, splint broken
bones, surgery
End of Old Kingdom after Pharaohs lost power
Weakness and turmoil
Strong Pharaohs regained control during Middle
Kingdom (restored law and order)
Invaded by the Hyksos (Asian nomads)
Egypt fell to Hyksos