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City States of Mesopotamia
a. “Fertile Crescent”: Area between …
b. Tigris & Euphrates Rivers
i. Flows SE into Persian Gulf
ii. Mesopotamia = “_________________________________________”
iii. Annual flooding of rivers left __________ =>
Humans’ arrival
a. People moved into area after __________________ BC
b. Why settle here?
i. River valley had . . .
ii. Access to major body of water =>
iii. Rivers allowed for easy _____________________
c. Challenges to settlers
i. Annual flooding was unpredictable
ii. Small, narrow area with …
iii. Limited natural resources =>
d. Solutions
i. ____________________ projects
ii. Built ____________ around cities, for protection
iii. ___________ for scarce goods with neighboring regions
City states of Mesopotamia
a. City States =>
i. Culturally _____________________
ii. Politically _____________________
iii. Economically _____________________
iv. Militarily _____________________ (raiding, not conquest)
b. Political power
i. Irrigation projects needed . . .
ii. Priest-King served as …
iii. Religion was the basis of political power
1. City state’s gods owned all land
2. Priest-king served as ______________________ of gods
3. “Priest-kings” ruled society
iv. After 3000 BC, war became more common and . . .
1. Fought other city states =>
2. Established dynasties
a. Kings passing power to …
b. Dynasties established from …
c. Cultural Diffusion
i. Idea or product spreading . . .
ii. Spread mainly by __________________
iii. What ideas were spread through cultural diffusion?
1. Layout of __________________
2. ________________ beliefs
3. _____________________ organization
4. Technology
Case Study: Sumerian Culture
a. Religion
i. Polytheistic (means …
1. About _____________ gods in all
2. Gods were __________________ and all powerful
3. Many had human traits
ii. Built ziggurats to please the gods
1. Temples were…
2. _________________________________ from Bible was a ziggurat
b. Science and technology
i. Inventions
1. Wheel (used for both ______________ and _________)
2. Sail helped _________________
3. Plow improved _____________________
4. Metallurgy
a. Pre 3000 BC = copper =>
b. Post 3000 BC = bronze =>
5. Sun dried bricks used in building; why mud? =>
6. Cuneiform
a. First system …
b. Used wedge shaped reed pressed into . . .
c. Tablet then fired in ___________ to create...
d. What records kept? =>
7. Number system was base __________ =>
c. Sumerian Hierarchy
i. (see social pyramid, to right)
ii. Women had many rights, but . . .