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Human Anatomy and Physiology - Honors, Chapter 14
The Digestive System and Body Metabolism
Anatomy of the Digestive System
1. Distinguish the functions of the alimentary canal and accessory digestive
_____________________________________ digests and absorbs
Accessory digestive organs __________: ex., pancreas provides enzymes
Organs of the Alimentary Canal
2. Trace the alimentary canal.
Mouth, __________________, esophagus, _________________,
small intestine, _________________________
3. Describe functions of the tongue.
_______________ food with saliva
Initiates ________________________
Holds tastebuds
4. Distinguish the tissues and functions of the four tunics of
the alimentary canal.
Surface epithelium, connective tissue, smooth muscle
Connective tissue + blood vessels + nerves
____________________ integrity, nourishment, control
Circular and longitudinal smooth muscle
Squeezes and ______________________
5. Describe the role of peritoneal adhesion in fighting infection.
_________________ together around infection
Seals it off and _________________________ it
6. Describe the secretions of several cell types in the gastric glands.
Chief cells: _______________________
_______________________: HCl
Mucous neck cells: ________________
_____________________________ cells: hormones like gastrin
7. Differentiate the three phases of gastric secretion.
________________: sight/smell/taste stimulate via
parasympathetic NS in _______________________________
__________________: distension/peptides/high pH stimulate by
neural and gastrin
Distension is initially ___________________________
Further distension _________ by the enterogastric reflex
Small Intestine
8. List three modifications of the small intestine, other than its length
and diameter, which increase its surface area.
Plicae circulares
Large Intestine
9. Describe the major functions of the large intestine.
___________________________ and eliminate residues
10. Contrast the inside surfaces of the small and large intestines.
Small: plicae, villi, microvilli and ___________________
Large: smooth wall, no enzymes, more mucus-producing cells
Bacterial Flora
11. Describe the digestive functions of intestinal bacteria.
_______________________ nutrients
Release _______________, contribute to odor
Make some _____________________
Digestive Process Occurring in the Large Intestine
12. How often can one expect mass movements of material
through the colon?
_____________________________ times daily
13. Contrast the functions of the external and internal anal
Internal ________________ sphincter keeps anus closed
Mass movement into the rectum initiates defecation
reflex, both sphincters relax
_____________________________________ sphincter
may then be engaged for neatness
14. Contrast three types of food poisoning.
_________________ with Salmonella, Shigella, or E. coli
_____________________________ of dead Salmonella
Botulin exotoxin from _____________ (canned) sources
Accessory Digestive Organs
Salivary Glands
15. List several functions of saliva.
_________________ and binds food
Contains _____________________
Protects with ______________ and ________________
Dissolves chemicals for ______________
16. Contrast the tissues composing a tooth.
Enamel is ________________, no blood vessels/nerves?
Dentin = _________________________
Pulp = __________________ tissue, blood vessels, nerves
17. Describe the major functions of the pancreas.
Produces ________________
Neutralizes __________________________
Produces ___________________ and __________________
Liver and Gallbladder
18. Describe the major digestive functions of the liver and gallbladder.
Liver produces ______ to eliminate cholesterol and emulsify fats
Gallbladder _____________, concentrates, ______________ bile
19. List the functions of hepatocytes.
Produce _______
Process/regulate blood-borne ___________________
Store ________________________ vitamins
_______________ by converting ammonia and degrading toxins
Produce blood ____________________
20. How do gallstones form?
Cholesterol _______________________________, crystallizes
21. Contrast the causes of infectious and non-infectious hepatitis.
_________ forms may be blood-borne (A), or from
contaminated ________________________________
Non-infectious forms are from ___________________________
and mushroom poisoning
22. Rationalize several blood chemistry test results that indicate liver
High _________________________/decreased urea since
ammonia is not being converted to urea
High _______________ from degraded Hb; not being excreted
High ____________________ may indicate liver is not regulating
Increased immunoglobulins to fight liver disease
High lipoproteins/triglycerides may indicate liver is not regulating
__________________________; liver not able to make enough
Functions of the Digestive System
Overview of Gastrointestinal Processes and Controls
23. Briefly describe the five essential activities of the gastrointestinal tract.
_____________________ - putting food into mouth
Food breakdown
________________________: physical, big pieces to small
____________________: enzymatic breakage of chemical bonds
Food movement
________________________: contractions push food along
________________________: alternating contractions mix food
__________________ - out of the lumen, into the capillaries and lacteals
_______________________ - elimination of indigestible waste
24. What are the most important stimuli and responses mediated by receptors in
the walls of the digestive tract?
Stimuli: __________________, pH, breakdown products
Activate/inhibit _____________ making juices/hormones
Activate/inhibit _______________________________
25. Distinguish extrinsic and intrinsic controls on digestive activity.
Extrinsic: involve the _____ and stimuli coming from outside the GI tract
Initiated by stimuli ___________________________
Responses mediated by nerves entirely with and local hormones
Activities Occurring in the Mouth, Pharynx, and Esophagus
Food Ingestion and Breakdown
26. Describe the chemical digestion of starch beginning in the mouth.
Mouth: starch to ___________________ and oligosaccharides by
salivary ______________________
Small intestine: starch to dextrins and oligosaccharides by
pancreatic amylase
Small intestine: dextrins and oligosaccharides to maltose by
Small intestine: maltose to glucose by ____________________
Food Propulsion - Swallowing and Peristalsis
Activities of the Stomach
Food Breakdown
27. Describe the chemical digestion of protein beginning in the stomach.
Stomach: protein to large polypeptides by ______________
__________________________: large polypeptides to small
peptides by trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase
Small peptides to amino acids by __________________
Food Propulsion
28. How does the enterogastric reflex control the emptying of the
Duodenum __________________ with chyme
_______________________________ inhibits stomach emptying
Activities of the Small Intestine
Food Breakdown and Absorption
29. Describe the mechanical and chemical digestion of lipid beginning in
the small intestine.
__________________________ by bile salts
Emulsified fats to monoglycerides, __________________, fatty
acids by pancreatic ________________
30. Contrast the absorption of lipids and from the absorption of most
other substances by the small intestine.
Lipids by diffusion into capillaries and ___________________
Amino acids and sugars into the capillaries by _______ transport
Food Propulsion
Activities of the Large Intestine
Food Breakdown and Absorption
31. Describe the digestive functions of intestinal bacteria.
_______________ nutrients, release gases, contribute to odor,
make some ____________________
Propulsion of Residue and Defecation
32. How often can one expect mass movements of material through the
Three or four times ______________
33. Contrast the functions of the external and internal anal sphincters.
______________ involuntary sphincter keeps anus closed
Mass movement into the rectum initiates
__________________________________, both sphincters relax
External voluntary sphincter may then be engaged for
34. Contrast catabolism and anabolism and describe their energetic relationship.
_______________ breaks down molecules, anabolism builds them up
Catabolism harnesses energy at ATP, ______________ uses that energy
Carbohydrate, Fat, and Protein Metabolism in Body Cells
Carbohydrate Metabolism
35. How does the body deal with hyperglycemia?
Excess glucose is stored as _________________ in the liver and muscles
If prolonged, converted to _______
Fat Metabolism
36. How does acidosis/ketosis develop with its associated fruity breath?
_______________________________ may be incomplete
____________________ acid and ketones build up = fruity breath
Protein Metabolism
37. Contrast essential and non-essential amino acids.
Non-essential (12/20) ___________________________ by the body,
need not be consumed
____________________ (8/20) cannot be made, must be consumed
38. Describe the processing of excess amino acids.
____________________ removed and combined with CO2 to make urea
The rest is digested for ________________
The Central Role of the Liver in Metabolism
39. List non-digestive functions of the liver.
_____________ drugs and alcohol
Degrade ________________________
Make ________________________ and blood proteins
40. Why is the blood drained from the viscera routed to the liver via the hepatic
portal system?
________________ the liver
Regulate _________________________________ levels
General Metabolic Functions
41. How do glycogenesis, gluconeogenesis, and glycogenolysis contribute to the
homeostatic control of blood sugar level?
_______________ blood glucose
Glycogenolysis ______________________ glycogen to glucose
Gluconeogenesis makes ___________ from fats and amino acids
__________________ blood glucose
_________________ makes glycogen from glucose removed
from the blood
Cholesterol Metabolism and Transport
42. Why is high LDL bad and high HDL good?
______ transports fats _________________________
______ transports fats to the ____________ for processing and disposal
Body Energy Balance
Regulation of Food Intake
43. What factors are believed to control food intake?
__________________ levels
_______________________ factors
Metabolic Rate and Body Heat Production
44. Contrast basal metabolic rate and total metabolic rate.
________ = amount of heat per unit of time under basal conditions
TMR = total kcal required for ______________________
Body Temperature Regulation
45. Locate the body's thermostat.
46. Distinguish and rationalize the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
Heat _______________________
Rapid heartbeat, low BP, ________________________
Fluid loss
Heat __________________
Body heat rises rapidly; _______________________
High heat ________________________________, more heat,
more __________________________