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● This exam consists of 10 multiple-choice questions, 10 True/False. This section is worth
20 Points
● The student is also expected to answer 2 of the 5 essay prompts (questions). This
section is worth 80 points total or 40 points per essay. Be sure that you are utilizing
the color-coded writingworkshop3.ppt for correct formatting!!!
● The content from the exam has been taken from Section 1, which consists of PrologueChapter 4.
● All it takes is one mistake: Be mindful that the essay section will be strictly monitored for
cheating! If the writing even looks like it has been stolen from an online source, copied
from a classmate, or a reiterated statement I gave you, you will be marked “0”.
Section 1 Exam
1. Columbus and other early explorers searched for an all-water direct route to Asia:
Hoped to gain easier access to highly-valued Asian goods.
Believed that they could find the “10 lost tribes of Israel”.
Could help western Europe win the Crusades against the Muslims
Could prove that the Earth was flat, not round.
2. In general, most Europeans considered Native Americans to be:
Contemptible heathens
Innocent survivors of an Edenic (Golden, Perfect) Age
Their equals in every way
People who should be left alone and uncontaminated by European civilization
3. Historians agree that the Native American population of about 145 million in the
Americas was systematically and intentionally destroyed by Europeans. (True/False)
4. Until late in the 18th Century, the Chesapeake Bay area was characterized by:
A surplus of women settlers
A well-ordered church society.
A remarkably high death
A large number of unmarried widows
5. ________ servants agreed to work for a stated period in return for their transportation to
6. In explaining the relationship between slavery and racial prejudice, your textbook argued
Prejudice against blacks led to their enslavement.
The enslavement of blacks led to prejudice against them.
There was no connection between prejudice and enslavement; each had entirely
separate origins.
Prejudice and enslavement interacted in a complex way with each other as both
cause and effect.
7. Under the British Colonial System, both the English and their American colonies shared
the common aims of:
a. Complete religious toleration and democracy
b. Political and economic expansion
c. Modern capitalism and free trade
d. Increased colonial exports of manufactured goods to England
8. The system of Navigation Acts orginated in the 1650s in response to the stiff commercial
competition offered by the:
a. Dutch
b. French
c. Spanish
d. Portuguese
9. Although he was forced to surrender in 1754 to French troops, the young Virginian who
emerged as a hero to his fellow colonists was:
a. George Washington
b. Patrick Henry
c. James Madison
d. Thomas Jefferson
10. The British victory in the French and Indian War was due largely to:
a. British soldiers financed by the British government
b. American soldiers financed by the colonial assemblies
c. American soldiers financed by the British government
d. British soldiers financed by the colonial assemblies
11. Americans were most alarmed by the Sugar Act of 1764 because it
a. Could be used to stop colonial trade altogether
b. Deprived them of their right to participate in the Sugar trade
c. Opened up colonial trade in sugar to the vessels of France and Spain
d. Asserted Parliament’s right to tax Americans for revenue purposes
12. The First Continental Congress, in 1774, brought about the:
a. Realization that drastic changes must be made in their relationship with England
b. Colonies’ hopes for a peaceful reestablishment of relations with England on the same
basis prior to the Stamp Act Crisis.
c. Decision to end the boycott of British goods and resume normal trade as a gesture of
d. Formation of a Continental Army with George Washington as commander-in-chief
13. In May 1775, shortly after it convened, the Second Continental Congress:
a. Declared independence from Great Britain because of the battles at Lexington and
b. Formed the Continental Army under the leadership of George Washington
c. Organized the Continental Association to force England to repeal the Intolerable acts
d. Called on the states to write new constitutions.
14. According to your text the first major battle of the Revolutionary War was:
a. Concord
b. Bunker Hill
c. Valley Forge
d. Fort Ticonderoga
15. The United States most valuable ally in the Revolution was:
a. Prussia
b. Spain
c. France
d. Holland
16. Which of the following attributes best described George Washington:
a. Was a marvelous tactician, like Caesar
b. Failed miserably
c. Lacked genious but was a remarkable organizer and administrator.
d. Was a brilliant strategist, like Napolean.
17. In the opinion of your textbook, most American citizens in the 1780s gave their first
loyalty to
a. King George III
b. Their own states
c. The new national government
d. The country from which their ancestors originally came
18. The Olive Branch Petition was the last plea of the Continental Congress to the King of
England. (TRUE/FALSE)
19. The first Declaration of Independence was prepared by Benjamin Franklin.
20. Even after the Battle of Bunker Hill, the Continental Congress and most Americans were
reluctant to declare independence because they doubted the common people’s capacity
for self-government. (TRUE/FALSE)
21. Special Bonus Question: Martha Washington is famous for warning her husband that
the rebels should “remember the ladies” as well as the men when they reformed society.
22. Essay 1: Describe the common characteristics of initial encounters between
Europeans and Native Americans.
23. Essay 2: Explain the economic, social, and psychological factors which caused
Europeans to enslave African Americans.
24. Essay 3: Summarize the major conflicts between the American colonies and
British from 1763-1774.
25. Essay 4: Describe the major events of the Revolutionary War from 1775-1783.
Why did the Patriots win?
26. Essay 5: Summarize how the Declaration of Independence was written. Explain
why it was written. Evaluate its major features and values.
Essay 4:
During the time around the American Revolution there were multiple events that caused the
American Revolution. One of the bigger ones was the Boston tea party which was when the
British came up with the tea act which made Americans buy the tea but were taxed on, and
there was no tax in the United States at the time. So the Americans dressed up as Indians and
threw three ship loads of tea into the water in Boston to make the British angry. They did this to
make a statement saying they did not want to pay the taxes. This was not the cause of the
revolution it actually was only one of the events leading up to it. There was also the massacre in
On March 5, 1770 some British redcoats killed 5 civilian men. British soldiers had been station
in Boston for quite some time but there was still much tension. It was said that the soldiers were
getting verbally assaulted and had objects thrown at them. Soon later a few of the soldiers had
fired into the crowd instantly killing two men and injuring many others. Later two other men died
also because of wounds. The next day the governor ordered a withdrawal of the troops. 8 men
were arrested and convicted with murder. 6 were acquitted from the defending of patriot john
Adams. The other two were convicted of manslaughter. After this event tensions grew between
the thirteen colonies. The event was viewed as foreshadowing the outbreak of the American
Revolution which happened five years later.
About seven years into the war there was the stamp act that was issued. The stamp act was a
direct tax imposed by the British imperilment on the British colonies of America. There were
legal documents printed saying that the taxes had to be paid in British currency. The tax was to
help pay for troops stationed in North America for the seven years of war. Brutish felt that the
colonies should at least pay a portion of the expenses. Colonist tried many ways to release the
tax. Some said that they could be taxed without their consent. They put together petitions and
protests. This worked because soon later tax collectors began to get intimidated. The tax was
never collected effectively. There were many causes to the American Revolution. These are
most of what lead up to and caused the war. Because of all of these events the patriots became
victorious and won the war.