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Muscles MUSCLES: Suprahyoid = Stylohyoideus Digastric Mylohyoid Geniohyoid Infrahyoid = Sternohyoid Omohyoid Thyrohyoid Sternothyroid Mastication= Temporalis Masseter Internal Pterygoid-(aka medial pt.) External Pterygoid -(aka lat. pt.-depresses jaw) Hamstrings Triceps Surae Biceps femoris Gastrocnemius Semitendinosus Soleus Semimembranosus Achilles Tendon ROTATOR CUFF MUSCLES: Muscle Insertion Action Supraspinatus Greater Tub. Abd I nfraspinatus Greater Tub. Ext. Rot. Teres Minor Greater Tub. Ext. Rot. Subscapularis Lesser Tub. Int. Rot. SHOULDER MUSCLES AND INNERVATION: Latissimus Dorsi -Thoracodorsal Serratus Anterior -Long Thoracic (SALT) Rhomboids -Dorsal Scapular Levator Scapulae -Dorsal Scapular Supraspinatus -Suprascapulai Infraspinatus -Suprascapular Teres Major -Subscapular Subscapularis -Subscapular Deltoid —Axillary Teres Minor -Axillary General Anatomy - Dr. D0nofrlo - Irene Gold Assoc. MUSCLES OF UPPER ARM ANTERIOR COMPARTMENT: Muscle Nerve Origin Biceps Musculocut. Long Hd= Supraglenoid Tubercle Short Hd= Corcoid (step on the GAS) Nerve Suprascap. Suprascap. Axillary Subscap. Insertion Radial Tub. Actions Flexion Supination Process Coracobrachialis Musculocut. Coracoid Process Adduction MUSCLES OF UPPER ARM POSTERIORcomPAtmENT: Triceps Radial Long I-Id= Infraglenoid Abd/Arm Tubercle Ext/Forearm Med Hd= Post. Humerus Lat Hd= Post & Lat Surface/Humerus Brachialis Musculocut. & Humerus Flex/Forearm Radial General Anatomy MUSCLES OF FOREARM Muscle Actions Brachioradialis Proc/Radius Flexor Dig. Sup. Phalanges Midshaft/Humerus Olecranon Proc. Coronoid/Ulna - Dr. Donofrio - Irene Gold Assoc. ANTERIOR COMPARTMENT: Nerve Origin Radial Flex/Forearm Median Flex/Fingers & Insertion Lat. Supracondylar Ridge/ Styloid Humerus Med Epicondyle/Humerus Middle Coronoid Process/Radius Wrist Pronator Quad. Ant. Inteross. Pron/Forearm Pronator Teres Median ProniForearm Distal Ulna Flexor Carpi Rad. Median Metacarp. Flex/Wrist Abd./Wrist Flexor Carpi Pisiform?? UIn. Ext & Distal Radius Med. Epicond/Humerus Radius Coronoid Proc/Radius?? Med Epicond/Humerus Ulnar Flex/Wrist Med Ulna Digits 2-5 1st & 2nd Epicond/Humerus Add. /Wrist Flexor Dig. Prof. Median Ulna Phalanges Flex/Fingers & Digits 2-5 Wrist Flexor Poll. Long. Median Radius Phalanx/ Thumb Wrist Palmaris Longis Median Med Epicond/Humerus Fascia Flex/Wrist Distal &Ulnar Distal Flex/Thumb & Palmar Tenses Palmar Fascia General Anatomy - Dr. Donofrio - Irene Gold Assoc. MUSCLES OF FOREARM POSTERIOR COMPARTMENT: Muscle Nerve Origin Actions Anconeus Radial Lat. EpicondlHumerus Ext/Forearm Supinator Sup/Forearm & Ulna Abd. Poll. Long. Abd/Thumb Radial Radial Insertion Olecranon proc/ Ulna Lat. Epicond/Humerus Post Ulna & Radius Interosseus Radius BasellSt Metacarp membr. Ext/Thumb AbdlWrist Extensor Carpi Ext/Wrist Radialis Abd/Wrist Extensor Carpi Ext/Wrist Radialis Long. Abd/Wrist Extensor Carpi Radial Lat. Epicond/Humerus Base/lSt Metacarp Brev. Radial Lat. Supracond. Ridge/ Base/2nd Metacarp Humerus Radial Lat. Epicond/Humerus Basel5th Metacarp Ext/Wrist Ulnaris Add/Wrist Extensor Dig, Ext/Little Finger Minimi & Wrist Extensor Ext/Fingers Digitorum & Wrist Extensor Pollicis Ext/Thumb Brevis Abd/Thumb Extensor Pollicis Ext/Thumb Longus & Ulna Radial Lat. Epicond/Humerus Phal/Sth Metacarp Radial Lat. Epicond/Humerus Base of Phalanges 2 - 5 Radial Radius Proximal Phalanx/ Thumb Radial Ulna Distal Phalanx/ Thumb General Anatomy - Dr. Donofrio - Irene Gold Assoc. MUSCLES OF THE THIGH - ANTERIOR COMPARTMENT: Muscle Actions Quadriceps: Rectus Femoris Flex/Thigh Nerve Femoral Origin ASIS (crosses Ext I Leg Vastus Lateralis Vastus Intermedius Vastus Medialis Sartorius Femoral Flex/Thigh Insertion Patella & Tibial Tub. 2 Femur Femur Linea Aspera ASIS Medial Side/ Tibial Flex/Leg joints) Tuberosity Lat Rot/Thigh Med Rot/leg MUSCLES OF THE THIGH - MEDIAL COMPARTMENT: Muscle Nerve Actions Adductor Brevis Obturator Add/Thigh Origin Insertion Pubis Femur Flex/Thigh Lat Rot/Thigh Adductor Longus Add/Thigh Obturator Pubis Femur Flex/Thigh Lat Rot/Thigh. Adductor Magnus Add/Thigh Obturator & Ischium Femur Tiblal ExtlThigh Lat Rot/Thigh Gracilis Adcl/Thigh FlexlLeg Pectinius Add/Thigh Obturator Obturator & Pubis Symph. Tibia Pubic Crest Pectineal Line/Femur General Anatomy - Dr. Donofrlo - Irene Gold Assoc. MUSCLES OF THE THIGH - POSTERIOR COMPARTMENT: Muscle Nerve Origin Actions Biceps Insertion Femoral Flex/Thigh Femoris Flex/Leg Long Head Rot/Leg Short Head Ext/Thigh Semimembranosis Flex/Leg Tibial ischial Tuberoslty Head/Fibula Lat Peroneal Tibial Ischial Tub. Femur Med. Condyle/Tibia Med Rot/Leg Ext/Thigh Semitendinosis Flex/Leg Tibial Ischial Tub. Tibia Med Rot/Leg Ext/Thigh MUSCLES OF THE THIGH - LATERAL COMPARTMENT: Muscle Nerve Origin Actions TFL Sup. Gluteal ASIS Tensor/Fascia Lata Gluteus Maximus Ext/Thigh Inf. Gluteal Insertion Iliotibial tract & Lat. Condyle/Tibia Ilium, Sacrum, & Gr. Tubercle/Femur Coccyx Fascia Lata Abd/Thigh Lat Rot/Thigh Gluteus Medius AbdlThigh Sup. Gluteal ilium Gr. TrochanterlFemur Med Rot/Thigh Gluteus Minimus AbdlThigh Sup. Gluteal Ilium Gr. TrochanterlFemur Med Rot/Thigh General Anatomy - Dr. Donofrio - Irene Gold Assoc. MUSCLES OF THE LOWER LEG ANTERIOR COMPARTMENT: Muscle Nerve Origin Actions Ext. Digitorum Long. Deep Peron. Lat condyle/ Ext/4 i.at Toes Tibia Dorsiflex/Foot Eversion/Foot Ext. Hallicus Long. Ext/Big Toe DEEP PLNCN Insertion 4 Lat. Toes & Fibula Lat Tibia & Distal Phalanx/ Interosseous memb. Big Toe DorsiflexlFoot Inversion/Foot Tibialis Anterior Deep Peron. Cuneiform & Dorsiflex/Foot Inversion/Foot Peroneus Tertius DorsiflexlFoot Deep Peron Tibia & Medial Interosseous memb. 1st Metatarsal Fibula & 5th Metatarsal Interosseous Eversion/Foot MUSCLES OF THE LOWER LEG lATERAL COMPARTMENT: Muscle Nerve Ori_ain Actions Peroneus Brevis Superfic. Fibula EversionlFoot Peroneal Flexion/Foot Peroneus Longus Superfic. Fibula & EversionlFoot Peroneal Lat condyle/Tibia Flexion/Foot memb. Insertion 5th Metatarsal Med. Cuneiform & 1si Metatarsal General Anatomy - Dr. Donofrlo - Irene Gold Assoc. MUSCLES OF THE LOWER LEG POSTERIOR COMPARTMENTMuscle Nerve Origin Actions Gastrocnemius Tibial Med & Lat Epicond/ Flex/Foot Femur Flex/Leg Plantaris Tibial Femur Flex/Foot Flex/Leg Soleus Flex/Foot Flexor Dig. Longus Let Toes Tibial Tibial Tibia & Fibula Tibia Insertion Calcaneus Plant. Calcaneus Plant. Calcaneus Plant. Distal 4 Phalanges Flex/4 2-5 Plant. Flex/Foot Inversion/Foot Flexor Hal. Longus Flex/Big Toe Medial Fibula Distal Phalanx/ Plantar Great Toe Plant. Flex/Foot Inversion/Foot Popliteus Flex/Leg Tibial Lat. Fem. Condyle Post. Tibia Med. Rot/Leg Tibialis Posterior Flex/Foot Tibial Tibia, Fibula Interosseous Navicular, Memb, Cuneiforms, Inversion/Foot 2-4th Metatarsals Plant. Cuboid, General Anatomy - Dr. Donofrio - Irene Golcl Assoc. MUSCLES of the PELVIC DIAPHRAGM: Pubococcygeus Levator Ani Iliococcygeus Coccygeus piriformis m. pelvis seen from above lumbar vertebra hipbone ischial spine pubococcygeus m: rectus pubic crest genital hiatus puborectalis m. tendinous arch of pelvic iascia iliococcygeus m. coccygeus m. General Anatomy - Dr. Donofrio - Irene Gold Assoc. Bone: SKELETAL TERMS: Epiphysis: -ends of long bones Metaphysis: -between epiphysis & diaphysis - most vascular growth zone Diaphysis: .shaft of a long bone Epiphyseal plate: -cartilage between end and shaft of bone Osteoblast: -bone forming cell derived from mesenchyme Osteoclast: -multinucleated cell that breaks down bone Lamella: -concentric matrix around osteoblast Lacuna: -small space or cavity around cells. (contains osteocytes) -Lacuna of Howship Trabeculae: -fibrous strands in medullary compartment that are interconnected Haversian system?canal and lamellae concentrically arranged. -Basic structural unit of compact bone. Volkman's CanaJ: -transverse canal in bone. -contains nutrient artery. BONY ANATOMY: Head: Parietal Frontal Temporal Occipital Sphenoid Zygomatic Ethmoid Nasal Maxillary Mandible Clavicle: Lateral 1/3 is trapezius attachment. Lateral end - acromion process First bone to begin ossification. Transmits forces from the arm Trapezoid line Con old tubercle Spine of Scapula at the superior end. Root of spine at T3. Coracoid Process Acromion process Supraglenoid tubercle Infraglenoid tubercle Humerus: The anatomical neck is immediately distal to the head. The surgical neck is immediately distal to the anatomical neck The deltoid tuberosity is on the lateral surface of the humerus = the deltoid attachment. General Anatomy - Dr. Donofrio - Irene Gold Assoc. Radius Put a cap on the head of the radius : Ulna Coronoid process Pelvis: (male and female differences) Male: Pelvic bowl is smaller male: Obturator Foramen is circular Upside down martini glass;. Female: Pelvic bowl is wider female: Obturator Foramen is cat eyes Upside down margarita glass. Femur: Adductor tubercle on the medial femoral condyle. Adductor Magnus attaches here. Lesser trochanter is the insertion for Psoas Major muscle. Fovea Capitus is a small indentation in the head of the femur. The femoral head is directed Anterior, Superior, and Medial. Tibia Medial and Lateral condyles Soleal Line on the posterior tibia. Medial malleolus : Fibula: Too short to make up part of the knee joint Lateral malleolus Intercondylar eminence. ANATOMICAL PROCESSES ON BONES: Humerus: Lesser Tubercle; Femur: Lesser Trochanter. h: h: h: h: h: h: h: Ulna: : Apex. Greater Tubercle f: Greater Trochanter Deltoid Tuberosity f: Intertrochanteric Line Capitulurn (artlc. wi Radius) f: Condyles (lat& mecl) Trochlea (artic. w/ Ulna) f: Adductor Tubercle Head (at elbow) f: Tibia: Condyle (med &lat) Radial Tuberosity f: Soleal Line Styloid Process (at wrist) f: Medial Malleolus f: Intercondylar Eminence Coronoid Process, Olecranon; Fibula u: Ulnar Tuberosity (Trochlear Notch) u: Head, Styloid (at wrist) u: Radial Notch. Scapula: Spine; Clavicle: First to ossify. s: Acromion s: Coracoid f: Head of Tibia f: Lateral Malleolus c: Trapezoid line c: Conoid Tubercle General Anatomy - Dr. Oornofrio - Irene Gold Assoc. BONES of the HAND: CARPAL BONES: Bone b: Scaphoid (Navicular); b: Lunate b: Triquetrum b: Pisiform (sesamoid bone b: Trapezium (aka .Greater Multangular) b: Trapezoid (aka Lesser Multangular) b: Capitate b: Hamate ?? Distal; phalanx; Proximal; phalanx; First metacarpal; Trapezoid; Trapezium; Navicular; Lunate; Phalanges; Metacarpals; Carpals; Capitate; Hamate; Triquetral; Pisiform. Joints of the Hand: Joint: DiP (Distal Interphal.) PIP (Prox. Interphal.) MCP (Metacarpalphalangeal) BONES of the FOOT: TARSAL BONES: Talus Node: Heberde. n's Bouchard's Haygarth's Pnemonic: Hell Being in Hayward Calcaneus Navicular Cuneiforms: Medial Middle Lateral Cuboid (most lateral) Merti's Joint = between Tibia and Talus Main ankle Joint = Talocrural Joint. Distal phalanx Proximal phalanx First metatarsal First cuneiform Second cuneiform Third cuneiform Navicular Talus Middle phalanx Proximal phalanx Fifth metatarsal Cuboid Calcaneus. Tuberosity of calcaneus Disease: CA RA or OA RA General Anatomy Ligaments Shoulder: Acromioclavicular= Coracoacromial = Coracoclavicular = - Dr. Donofrio - Irene Golcl Assoc. acromion → clavicle coracoid → acromion Conoid and Trapezoid Ligaments Foot: Deltoid Ligament = medial malleolus → Tarsus (Tarsus = talus, navicular, calcaneous) 1. Tibiotalar 2. Tibionavicular 3. Tibiocalcaneous Lateral Ligament = lateral malleolus → Tarsus Most commonly injured 1. Anterior talofibular 2. Posterior talofibular 3. Calcaneofibular Spring Ligament = sustentaculum tall → Navicular Plantar Calcaneonavicular Spine: ALL = Anterior Longitudinal Ligament = Front of vert. Bodies; From atlas to occuput = Anterior Atlanto-Occipital. PLL = Posterior Longitudinal Ligament = portion of canal) Back of the vat bodies (in the anterior Wider in Cervicals, Thinner in Lumbers Homonym of Sacrococcygeal From Tectoral Membrane LF = Ligamentum Flavum IS SS = Interspinous = Supraspinous C2 to Occiput = = Lamina to Lamina (posterior portion of canal) High elastic fiber content = Between the spinous processes = From SP to SP From C7 to Occiput = Ligamentum Nuchas TL - Transverse Ligament = Holds dens in fovea dentalis of atlas (Fovea Dentalis is on post. side of ant. tubercle of atlas.) CL AL = Cruciate Ligament = Alar Ligament AD Apical Dental Pan. of cruciate ligament = Runs from occiput to body of C2 & includes TL. = From sides of the dens to occiput. Limits rotation aka 'Check Ligament' = From apex of dens to foramen magnum of occiput General Anatomy - Dr. Donofrio - Irene Golcl Assoc. Ligaments Shoulder: Acromioclavicular= acromion → clavicle Coracoacromial = coracoid → acromion Coracoclavicular = Conoid and Trapezoid Ligaments Foot: Deltoid Ligament = medial malleolus → Tarsus (Tarsus = talus, navicular, calcaneous) 1. Tibiotalar 2. Tibionavicular 3. Tibiocalcaneous Lateral Ligament = lateral malleolus → Tarsus Most commonly injured 1. Anterior talofibular 2. Posterior talofibular 3. Calcaneofibular Spring Ligament = sustentaculum tall → Navicular Plantar Calcaneonavicular Spine: ALL = Anterior Longitudinal Ligament = Front of vert. bodies From atlas to occuput = Anterior Atlanto-Occipital PLL = Posterior Longitudinal Ligament = Back of the vat bodies (in the anterior portion of canal) Wider in Cervicals, Thinner in Lumbers Homonym of Sacrococcygeal From C2 to Occiput = Tectoral Membrane LF = Ligamentum Flavum IS SS = Interspinous = Supraspinous Ligamentum Nuchas TL - Transverse Ligament = Lamina to Lamina (posterior portion of canal) High elastic fiber content = Between the spinous processes = From SP to SP From C7 to Occiput = = Holds dens in fovea dentalis of atlas (Fovea Dentalis is on post. side of ant. tubercle of atlas.) CL AL = Cruciate Ligament = Alar Ligament AD Apical Dental Pan. of cruciate ligament = Runs from occiput to body of C2 & includes TL. = From sides of the dens to occiput. Limits rotation aka 'Check Ligament' = From apex of dens to foramen magnum of occiput General Anatomy - Dr. Donofrio - Irene Gold Assoc. Arteries and Veins CORONARY ARTERIES: Left Coronary Artery has 3 branches: Right Coronary Artery has 3 branches; 1. Muscular Branch 1. Muscular Branch 2. Anterior Interventricular Branch 2. Posterior Interventricular Branch 3. Circumflex Artery 3. Marginal Branch CORONARY VEINS (7): 1. Great Cardiac 2. Middle Cardiac 3. Marginal 4. Anterior Cardiac 5. Small Cardiac 6. Oblique 7. Coronary Sinus -Most veins empty into this sinus. BLOOD SUPPLY from the ARCH of the AORTA Foregut: Pharynx Thoracic Aorta Lower Respiratory Tract Bronchial Esophageal Posterior Intercostals Abdominal Aorta Left Gastric a. Splenic a. Celiac Trunk Hepatic a. Superior Mesenteric a. (to RIGHT side of Abdomen) Stomach Duodenum Liver & Pancreas Spleen Midgut: Small Intestine Cecum, Appendix Ascending Colon First 2/3 of Transverse Colon Hindgut: Last 1/3 of Transverse Colon Inferior Mesenteric a Descending Colon (to LEFT side of Abdomen) Rectum, Anus Bladder/Urethra: Internal lilac a. Genitalia: Pudendal a. VEINS of the ABDOMEN: Superior Vena Cava (SVC): Inferior Vena Cava (IVC): Azygous .drains Right Abdomen External & Internal lilac (R & L Intercostals & Lumbars) -begins L1 -L2 Hemiazygous -drains Left Abdomen Common lilac -drains: -begins L1 -L2 -testicles or ovaries -crosses over at Ts to join Azygous v. -Phrenic -Suprarenal -Renal -Hepatic General Anatomy - Dr. Donofrlo - Irene Golcl Assoc. ARTERIES & VEINS of the ARMS: Arteries: Axillary → Superior Thoracic Thoraco-acromial Lateral Thoracic Subscapular Anterior & Posterior Circumflex Humeral Brachial → Profunda Brachii Radial → Superficial and Deep Palmar Arches Ulnar Veins: B asilic (medial arm) Median Cephalic (middle arm) (lateral arm) Brachial Axillary Subclavian Brachiocephalic General Anatomy - Dr. Donofrto - Irene Geld Assoc. ARTERIES & VEINS of the LEGS: Arteries: External lliac Femoral Popliteal Anterior Tibial Posterior Tibial (front of leg) (back of leg) Dorsalis Pedis Peroneal Arcuate Medial & Lateral Plantar Plantar Arch Deep: Superficial: Med. & Lat. Plantar Small Great ,I, Saphenous Saphenous Post. & Ant. Tibia] (lat. leg) (med. leg) Popliteal Popliteal Femoral Femoral External lilac Common Iliac IVC General Anatomy - Dr. Donofrio - Irene Gold ASSOC. Nerves NERVES: 'BRACHIAL PLEXUS: Anterior Div. Anterior Div. C5s - C6 - C7 Lateral Cord C7 - T1 Medial Cord head/Median n Posterior Div. nn C5- T1 Post Cord Upper & Middle Trunk Inf. Trunk All 3 Ulnar & Median n Musculocut. & Lat Axillary & Radial Upper Subscapular n Middle Subscapular n (Thoracodorsal n) Lower Subscapular n