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Curriculum Vitae
Irinel Chiorescu
March 05, 2017
General Information
University address:
College of Arts & Sciences
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-4350
Phone: 850-644-1726; Fax: 850-644-5038
E-mail address:
[email protected]
Web site:
Professional Preparation
Doctor of Philosophy, Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France. Major:
Physics. Dissertation in Nov. 2000. "Magnetic quantum phenomena in two
limiting cases: high spin and low spin molecules". Supervisor: Dr. B. Barbara.
MSc, "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iasi, Romania. Major: Physics.
Nondegree Education and Training
Post-doctoral Researcher at the Michigan State University, working in the
"Giant Magneto-Resistance" group.
Post-doctoral Researcher at the Technical University of Delft, Netherlands,
working in the "Quantum Transport" group.
Professional Experience
Professor, Physics, Florida State University.
Associate Professor, Physics, Florida State University.
Asst Professor, Physics, Florida State University.
Vita for Irinel Chiorescu
Language Proficiency
English - fluent in speaking, reading, and writing.
French - fluent in speaking, reading, and writing.
Romanian - native in speaking, reading, and writing.
Honors, Awards, and Prizes
NSF CAREER Award 2007-2011, NSF (2007). ($500,000).
Sloan Research Fellowship (2006–2010).
Current Membership in Professional Organizations
American Physical Society
Courses Taught
Advanced Labs (PHY4822L)
Intermediate Labs (PHY3082L)
College Physics A (PHY2053C)
College Physics B (PHY2054C)
College Physics B Labs - all sections (PHY2054L)
Dissertation (PHY6980)
Optics (PHY3424)
General Physics B (PHY2049C)
College Physics A (PHY2053C)
Research Participation (PHY4910)
Condensed Matter -EXP (PHY5909)
Optics (PHY5909)
Prelim Doctoral Exam (PHY8964)
Condensed Matter (PHY5909)
New Course Development
Techniques in Experimental Physics (2009)
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Vita for Irinel Chiorescu
Curriculum Development
PHY3802L - the Syllabus was changed in form and scope, and the course is now proposed to be
an upper level Scholarship-in-Practice course (2015)
PHY6937 - Techniques in Experimental Physics. The aim of this one-semester course is to give
participants a fine start into an experimental, graduate-level research program in Physics.
In addition, the participants will deepen skills required for technical careers in the 21st
century. The course is intended for MSc and PhD students, but gifted undergraduate
students are encouraged to participate as well (2009)
Doctoral Committee Chair
Martens, M., graduate. (2015). Understanding and controlling spin-systems using electron spin
resonance techniques. [now postdoc at Berkeley Univ]
Chen, L., graduate. (2010). Passed (27 October 2010): Study of Quantum Spin Dynamics by
means of on-chip SQUIDs operable in large magnetic fields.
Groll, N. R., graduate. (2010). Passed (22 October 2010): Studies of spin systems and
superconducting phenomena using on-chip resonant cavities.
Yue, G., doctoral candidate.
Franco-Rivera, G., doctoral student.
Doctoral Committee Cochair
Lee, M., graduate. (2016). [[with Eun-Sang Choi]]
Chakroborty, S., graduate. (2014). [co-advisor with Dr. Lloyd ENGEL (NHMFL)]
Davis, D., doctoral candidate. [[with D. Larbalastier]]
Wilson, D., doctoral candidate. [MS&E: with Dr Arneil Reyes (NHMFL)]
Chappell, G., doctoral student.
Chetri, S., doctoral student. [[with D. Larbalestier]]
Freeman, M., doctoral student. [with Dr Lloyd Engel (NHMFL)]
Moon, S., doctoral student. [[with D Smirnov]]
Shafieizadeh, Z., doctoral student. [with Dr Yan Xin (NHMFL)]
Doctoral Committee Member
Pouranvari, M., graduate. (2016). [with Prof. Kun Yang]
Muhandis, M., graduate. (2015).
Cipri, R., graduate. (2014). [with Dr. Bonesteel]
Gardner, H. J., graduate. (2012).
Steven, E., graduate. (2012).
Kumar, A., graduate. (2009).
Rodriguez, E. R., graduate. (2008).
Tokumoto, T., graduate. (2008).
Popescu, F., graduate. (2007).
Chen, K., doctoral candidate.
Hu, L., doctoral candidate. [with Prof. Peng Xiong]
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Vita for Irinel Chiorescu
Li, J., doctoral candidate.
Gurfinkel, A., doctoral student. [student of Prof. P.A. Rikvold]
Yu, L., doctoral student.
Zhang, Q., doctoral student. [student of Dr. L. Balicas (NHMFL)]
Doctoral Committee University Representative
Hazelton, A., graduate. (2016). [meteorology]
Diefenbach, K., graduate. (2015). [Chemistry Department]
Kinyon, J. S., graduate. (2015).
Phan, V. H., graduate. (2014). [Chemistry, student of Prof. M. Shatruk]
Besara, T., graduate. (2012).
Adedoyin, A., graduate. (2009).
Lita, A., graduate. (2009).
Bucur, C., graduate. (2008).
Christian, J., doctoral candidate.
Gutsev, L., doctoral candidate. [chemistry]
Sanabria, C., doctoral student. [student of Prof. David Larbalestier]
Master's Committee Chair
Zabalo, A., graduate. (2016).
Bachelor's Committee Chair
Serniak, K., student. [Honor Thesis]
Bachelor's Committee Member
Crisp, A., graduate. (2007).
Carnahan, C., student.
Hazelton, A., student.
Additional Teaching Not Reported Elsewhere
Chiorescu, I. (2014). Electron Spin Resonance in the quantum regime. QuarkNet association of
Tallahassee Science Teachers.
Chiorescu, I. (2013). rersearch advisor for a high-school student (Adisson Wasson).
Chiorescu, I. (2010). Certificate of Appreciation for excellence in mentorship awarded to I.C.
from The Center for Integrating Research and Learning - NHMFL. CIRL - NHMFL.
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Vita for Irinel Chiorescu
Chiorescu, I. (2010). Graduate student Lei Chen received in 2010, the Yung Li Wang Graduate
Fellowship Award offered annually by our Physics Department. Physics Department FSU.
Chiorescu, I. (2008). directed research of, and recommended for fellowship, the undergraduated
student Bernadette Cogswell who obtained the APS-Minority Undergraduate Physics
Scholarship. American Physical Society (APS) and the Physics Department - FSU.
Chiorescu, I. (2008). research guidance of, and recommended for fellowship, the
undergraduated student Alan Kuhnle who obtained the Goldwater Honorable Mention.
FSU, Physics Dept.
Chiorescu, I. (2007). directed research of undergraduated student Maksim Levental. FSU,
Physics Department.
Chiorescu, I. (2007). Graduate student Lei Chen was proposed by our Department as Finalist for
the University Fellowship (FSU, 2007). FSU.
Chiorescu, I. (2007). Graduate student Nickolas Groll received in 2007 The East Asia and
Pacific Summer Institute Fellowship, sponsored by NSF to perform one summer semester
of research in a lab overseas. National Science Foundation, NSF.
Chiorescu, I. (2007). Graduate student Nickolas Groll received The MARTECH Graduate
Student Fellowship for the Fall 2006 and Spring 2007 semesters. MARTECH, Physics
Dept - FSU.
Chiorescu, I. (2007). graduated one student, Andrei Botu, with MSc degree. He is currently
employed in private sector. FSU, Physics Dept.
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Vita for Irinel Chiorescu
Research and Original Creative Work
My research interests lie in the broad area of quantum effects at nanoscopic scale. The main research
direction I developed at FSU is focusing on quantum coherence and it involves studies of spin dynamics in
diluted spin systems and molecular magnets. The research program benefited from an Alfred P. Sloan
Research Fellowship and a NSF Career award, now continued with a regular NSF grant. This goal is
achieved by using superconducting devices and therefore I devoted particular attention, as a second
research direction, to superconducting properties of materials and how they are affected by the presence of
strong magnetic fields. In the planning of this research program, we develop goals in several stages. We
propose new measurement techniques, and we recently demonstrate the use of superconducting micro-chips
to study samples in high magnetic fields. We design experiments aiming to explore new physical
properties, especially related to phase coherence and spin-photon coupling. We develop new theoretical
insight, based on the accumulated data and propose future studies. On the technical side, my laboratory is
equipped with a dilution refrigerator, a vector magnet field and various microwave and fast electronic
Invited Journal Articles
Miyashita, S., Shirai, T., Mori, T., De Raedt, H., Bertaina, S., & Chiorescu, I. (2012). Photon and
spin dependence of the resonance lines shape in the strong coupling regime. Journal of
Physics B, 45, 124010. Retrieved from
Barbara, B., Thomas, L., Lionti, F., Chiorescu, I., & Sulpice, A. (1999). Macroscopic Quantum
Tunneling in Molecular Magnets. J. Magn. Magn. Mater, 200, 167-181.
Refereed Journal Articles
Liu, J. Y., Hu, J., Graf, D., Radmanesh, S. M. A., Adams, D. J., Zhu, Y. L., Chen, G. F., Liu, X.,
Wei, J., Chiorescu, I., Spinu, L., & Mao, Z. Q. (submitted). Discovery of a topological
semimetal phase coexisting with ferromagnetic behavior in Sr1-yMnSb2 (y~0.08).
Nature Materials. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Martens, M., van Tol, J., Dalal, N. S., Bertaina, S., & Chiorescu, I. (submitted). Spin-Orbit
Coupling Fluctuations as a Mechanism of Spin Decoherence. Phys. Rev. Letters.
Manuscript submitted for publication.
Hu, J., Liu, J. Y., Graf, D., Radmanesh, S. M. A., Chuang, A., Wang, Y., Chiorescu, I., Wei, J.,
Spinu, L., & Mao, Z. Q. (2016). π Berry phase and Zeeman splitting of Weyl semimetal
TaP. Scientific Reports, 6, 18674. Retrieved from doi:10.1038/srep18674
Liu, J., Hu, J., Cao, H., Zhu, Y., Chuang, A., Graf, D., Adams, D. J., Radmanesh, S., Spinu, L.,
Chiorescu, I., & Mao, Z. (2016). Nearly massless Dirac fermions hosted by Sb square net
in BaMnSb2. Scientific Reports, 6, 30525. Retrieved from doi:10.1038/srep30525
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Bertaina, S., Martens, M., Egels, M., Barakel, D., & Chiorescu, I. (2015). Resonant single and
multi-photon coherent transitions in a detuned regime. Phys. Rev. B, 92, 024408.
Retrieved from
Fu, R., Gunaydin-Sen, O., Chiorescu, I., & Dalal, N. S. (2015). NMR detection of dynamical
processes in antiferroelectric nanoclusters during the order-disorder transition in
NH4H2AsO4. Physical Review B, 91, 140102(R). Retrieved from doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.91.140102
Martens, M., van Tol, J., Dalal, N. S., Bertaina, S., Barbara, B., Tsukerblat, B., Mueller, A.,
Garai, S., Miyashita, S., & Chiorescu, I. (2014). Anisotropy of the molecular magnet V15
spin Hamiltonian detected by high-field electron spin resonance. Physical Review B, 89,
Bertaina, S., Groll, N., Chen, L., & Chiorescu, I. (2011). Tunable multi-photon Rabi oscillations
in an electronic spin system. Phys. Rev. B, 84, 134433. Retrieved from
Vaknin, D., Garlea, V. O., Demmel, F., Mamontov, E., Nojiri, H., Martin, C., Chiorescu, I., Qiu,
Y., Kögerler, P., Fielden, J., Engelhardt, L., Rainey, C., & Luban, M. (2010). Level
crossings and zero-field splitting in the {Cr8}-cubane spin-cluster by inelastic neutron
scattering and magnetization studies. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 22, 466001.
Chen, L., Wernsdorfer, W., Lampropoulos, C., Christou, G., & Chiorescu, I. (2010). On-chip
SQUID measurements in the presence of high magnetic fields. Nanotechnology, 21 (40),
405504 (4pp). Retrieved from
Chiorescu, I., Groll, N., Bertaina, S., Mori, T., & Miyashita, S. (2010). Magnetic strong coupling
in a spin-photon system and transition to classical regime. Physical Review B, 82 (2),
024413. Retrieved from
Groll, N., Gurevich, A., & Chiorescu, I. (2010). Measurement of the nonlinear Meissner effect in
superconducting Nb films using a resonant microwave cavity: A probe of unconventional
pairing symmetries. Phys. Rev. B Rapid Commun, 81, 020504(R). Retrieved from
Bertaina, S., Chen, L., Groll, N., van Tol, J., Dalal, N. S., & Chiorescu, I. (2009). Multiphoton
coherent manipulation in large-spin qubits. Phys. Rev. Lett, 102 (5), 050501. Retrieved
Chen, L., & Chiorescu, I. (2009). Coherent spin rotation in the presence of a phonon bottleneck
effect. EuroPhys. Lett, 87, 57010. Retrieved from
Groll, N., Bertaina, S., Pati, M., Dalal, N. S., & Chiorescu, I. (2009). Entrapment of magnetic
microcrystals for on-chip electron spin resonance studies. J. Appl. Phys, 106 (4), 046106.
Retrieved from
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Nellutla, S., Pati, M., Choi, K.-Y., van Tol, J., Chiorescu, I., & Dalal, N. S. (2007). Coherent
manipulation of electron spins up to ambient temperatures in Cr5+ (S=1/2) doped
K3NbO8. Phys. Rev. Lett, 99, 137601. Retrieved from
Chen, L., Ramsey, C. M., Dalal, N. S., Ren, T., Cotton, F. A., Wernsdorfer, W., & Chiorescu, I.
(2006). Enhanced magnetic hysteresis by phonon-bottleneck and resonant phonon
avalanche in a molecular paddlewheel complex of Ru5+2. Applied Physics Letters, 89,
252502. Retrieved from
Bertet, P., Chiorescu, I., Semba, K., Harmans, C. J. P. M., DiVincenzo, D. P., & Mooij, J. E.
(2005). Dephasing of a Superconducting Qubit Induced by Photon Noise. Phys. Rev. Lett,
95, 257002. Retrieved from
Burkard, G., DiVincenzo, D. P., Bertet, P., Chiorescu, I., & Mooij, J. E. (2005). Asymmetry and
decoherence in a double-layer persistent-current qubit. Phys Rev B, 71, 134504.
Retrieved from
Bertet, P., Chiorescu, I., Semba, K., Harmans, C. J. P. M., & Mooij, J. E. (2004). Detection of a
persistent-current qubit by resonant activation. Phys. Rev. B - Rapid Comm, 70, 100501.
Retrieved from
Chiorescu, I., Bertet, P., Semba, K., Nakamura, Y., Harmans, C. J. P. M., & Mooij, J. E. (2004).
Coherent dynamics of a flux qubit coupled to a harmonic oscillator. Nature, 431, 159.
Retrieved from
Chiorescu, I., Nakamura, Y., Harmans, C. J. P. M., & Mooij, J. E. (2003). Coherent quantum
dynamics of a superconducting flux qubit. Science, 299, 1869. Retrieved from
Chiorescu, I., Wernsdorfer, W., Müller, A., Miyashita, S., & Barbara, B. (2003). Adiabatic
Landau-Zener-Stückelberg transition with or without dissipation in low spin molecular
system V15. Phys. Rev. B - Rapid Comm, 67, 020402. Retrieved from
Chiorescu, I., Giraud, R., Jansen, A. G. M., Caneschi, A., & Barbara, B. (2000). Phonon-assisted
relaxation in the quantum regime of Mn12-ac. Phys. Rev. Lett, 85, 4807. Retrieved from
Chiorescu, I., Wernsdorfer, W., Müller, A., Bögge, H., & Barbara, B. (2000). Butterfly hysteresis
loop and dissipative spin reversal in the S=1/2, V15 molecular complex. Phys. Rev. Lett,
84, 3454. Retrieved from
Chiorescu, I., Wernsdorfer, W., Müller, A., Bögge, H., & Barbara, B. (2000). Environmental
effects on big molecule with spin 1/2. J. of Appl. Phys, 87 (9), 5496.
Chiorescu, I., Wernsdorfer, W., Müller, A., Bögge, H., & Barbara, B. (2000). Non-adiabatic
Landau-Zener transitions in low spin molecular magnet V15. J. Magn. Magn. Mat, 221,
103. Retrieved from
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Vita for Irinel Chiorescu
Stancu, A., & Chiorescu, I. (1997). The cross-over condition in the coherent rotation model and
the Preisach-type models. IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, 33 (4), 2573-2579.
Chiorescu, I., & Stancu, A. (1996). The cross-over of hysteresis branches in the
Stoner-Wohlfarth model. An. st. Univ. Al.I. Cuza, 42 (2), 59-70.
Chiorescu, I., & Stancu, A. (1996). The mean field interactions in moving Preisach-type models.
I. Linear moving term. An. st. Univ. Al.I. Cuza, 42 (2), 71-80.
Stancu, A., & Chiorescu, I. (1996). The mean field interactions in moving Preisach-type models.
II. Non-linear moving term. An. st. Univ. Al.I. Cuza, 42 (2), 81-88.
Refereed Proceedings
Bertaina, S., Groll, N., Chen, L., & Chiorescu, I. (2011). Multi-photon Rabi oscillations in high
spin paramagnetic impurity. In International Conference: Resonance in Condensed
Matter Altshuler 100 (pp. 012008). Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 324.
Chen, L., Carpenter, E. E., Hellberg, C. S., Dorn, H. C., Shultz, M., Wernsdorfer, W., &
Chiorescu, I. (2011). Spin transition in Gd3N@C80, detected by low-temperature on-chip
SQUID technique. In 55th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
(pp. 07B101). Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 109.
Frank, M. P., Meyer-Baese, U. H., Chiorescu, I., Oniciuc, L., & van Engelen, R. A. (2009).
Space-Efficient Simulation of Quantum Computers. In The 47th Annual Southeast
Regional Conference, Clemson, South Carolina (pp. article 83). Association for
Computing Machinery, doi: 10.1145/1566445.1566554, Retrieved from
Frank, M. P., Oniciuc, L., Meyer-Baese, U. H., & Chiorescu, I. (2009). A space-efficient
quantum computer simulator suitable for high-speed FPGA implementation. In Quantum
Information and Computation VII, Orlando, April 2009 (pp. 734203). Proc. SPIE, Vol.
7342, doi:10.1117/12.817924, Retrieved from
Barbara, B., Chiorescu, I., Wernsdorfer, W., Bögge, H., & Müller, A. (2002). The V15 molecule,
a multi-spin two-level system: adiabatic LZS transition with or without dissipation and
Kramers theorem. In 16th Nishinomiya-Yukawa Memorial Symposium,
Nishinomiya-Japan, Nov. 13-14, 2001 (pp. vol. 145, p. 357). Progress Theor. Phys.
Suppl., Japan. Retrieved from
Wernsdorfer, W., Chiorescu, I., Sessoli, R., Gatteschi, D., & Mailly, D. (2000). Quantum Phase
Interference in Magnetic Molecular Clusters. In 22nd conf. Low Temperature (Helsinki,
Finland), August 4-11, 1999 (pp. vol. 284, p.1231). Physica B: Condensed Matter
(ELSEVIER, Amsterdam, Netherlands). Retrieved from
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Refereed Reviews
Barbara, B., Chiorescu, I., Giraud, R., Jansen, A. G. M., & Caneschi, A. (2000). Mesoscopic
Spin Tunneling in Molecular Crystals. Journal of Physical Society of Japan, 69, suppl. A,
383-394. Retrieved from
Invited Presentations at Conferences
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2017, March). Coherent manipulation of multi-level systems.
Presentation at the meeting of National Institute of Information and Communications
Technology, Tokyo, Japan. (International) Retrieved from
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2014, November). Photon manipulation of spins and sensitive detection
by on-chip methods. Presentation at 2nd International Workshop on Superconducting
Sensors and Detectors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, SIMIT, Shanghai, China.
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2014, September). Spin dynamics in quantum magnets using high field
electron paramagnetic resonance. Presentation at The 67th Fujihara Conference
"Real-time dynamics of physical phenomena and manipulation", The Fujihara
Foundation of Science, Tomakomai, Hokkaido, Japan. (International)
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2013, July). EPR analysis of V15 molecule, experiments and
simulations. Presentation at the International Workshop "Quantum and classical
coherence and foundations of quantum mechanics", CNRS and Universite J. Fourier,
Grenoble, France. (International)
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2012, October). Coherent dynamics of spins placed in quantized
electromagnetic fields and studied using superconducting devices. Presentation at
International Workshop on Cooperative Quantum Dynamics and Its Control, Jülich
Research Center - Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Jülich, Germany. (International)
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2011, November). Photon Manipulation of Spins and Sensitive
Detection by On-chip Methods. Presentation at 40th Southeastern Magnetic Resonance
Conference, SMRC, Atlanta, GA. (International)
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2011, February). Photon manipulation of spins and sensitive detection
by on-chip methods (confirmed). Presentation at 3rd international Workshop on
Dynamics and manipulation of quantum systems, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2010, December). Spin-photon strong coupling, towards on-chip
applications. Presentation at Quantum Coherent Properties of Spins III, PITP - UBC
Canada, FSU, U of Central Florida, Orlando. (International)
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Chiorescu, I. (presented 2010, June). On-chip methods to study low temperature magnetic and
superconducting samples. Presentation at The Third Workshop on Current Trends in
Molecular and Nanoscale Magnetism, University of Florida, Orlando, FL, USA.
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2010, May). Low temperature/high field on-chip methods to study
quantum spins and the non-linear Meissner effect. Presentation at The 4th International
Workshop on Materials Analysis and Processing in Magnetic Fields (MAP4), Georgia
Tech University, Atlanta, USA. (International)
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2009, October). On-chip methods to study low temperature magnetic
and superconducting samples. Presentation at The second international workshop on
dynamics and manipulation of quantum systems, Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan.
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2009, March). Multiphoton coherent manipulation in large-spin qubits.
Presentation at APS March meeting, American Physical Society, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2009, January). Molecular spins on the road of quantum computation.
Presentation at Aspen Winter Conference on Unifying Themes in Condensed Matter,
Aspen Center for Physics, NSF, Aspen, Colorado, USA. (International)
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2008, November). Multiphoton coherent driving in harmonic and
non-harmonic spin systems. Presentation at Workshop on Quantum Properties of
Magnetic Molecules, Tulane University, New Orleans, USA. (International)
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2008, October). Single and Multi-Photon Quantum Control of Diluted
Spins. Presentation at Dynamics and Manipulation of Quantum Systems, Tokyo
University, Tokyo, Japan. (International)
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2008, September). Quantum computing with diluted spins. Presentation
at 2nd Workshop on "Current trends in Nanoscopic and Mesoscopic Magnetism", NCSR
Demokritos, Greece, Delphi, Greece. (International)
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2008, June). Coherent spin rotation in the presence of a phonon
bottleneck effect. Presentation at 6th edition of Materials for Electrical Engineering & 5th
edition of IEEE-ROMSC, IEEE Romanian Chapter, Univ of Bucharest, Univ of Iasi,
Bucharest, Romania. (International)
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2005). Entangled dynamics of a flux qubit coupled to a harmonic
oscillator. Presentation at Manipulating Quantum Spins and Classical Dots, Ecole de
Physique, Les Houches, France. (International)
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2003, December). Multi-photon induced coherent oscillations of a
superconducting flux qubit. Presentation at International workshop on Physics on
Nanoscale Magnets, NAREGI Nanoscience project, Ministry of Edu, Culture, Sports, Sci
and Tech, Kyoto, Japan. (International)
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Chiorescu, I. (presented 2003, September). Towards robust and accurate quantum computation
with flux qubits. Presentation at Workshop on the European SQUBIT project, SQUBIT
partners, European Science Foundation, Pisa. Italy. (International)
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2003, April). Quantum Dynamics of a Superconducting Flux- Qubit.
Presentation at Workshop Quantum Mechanics on the Large Scale, Banff International
Research Station, Banff, Canada. (International)
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2002, December). Coherent states at work in flux-qubits. Presentation at
Workshop on The Quantum Dynamics of Molecular Magnets, Kyoto University, Awaji
Island, Japan. (International)
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2002, November). Lecture on Flux-Josephson Quantum Bits.
Presentation at Workshop-School "Entanglement at the Nanoscale", International Center
for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. (International)
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2000). Quantum Reversal of the Magnetization in the Molecular
Crystals. Presentation at Conference "7es Journees de la Matiere Condensee", University
of Poitiers, Poitiers, France. (National)
Invited Presentations at Symposia
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2004, August). Coherent dynamics of a flux qubit coupled to a harmonic
oscillator. In Mini-Symposium on Quantum Computing. Presentation at the meeting of
NHMFL-FSU, Tallahassee, FL, USA. (National)
Refereed Presentations at Conferences
Chiorescu, I., Yue, G., Dutoit, C., & Bertaina, S. (presented 2017, March). Forbidden coherent
transfer observed between two realizations of quasi-harmonic spin systems. Presentation
at APS March Meeting, American Physical Society, New Orleans. (International)
Retrieved from
Franco, G., Chiorescu, I., Martens, M., Zabalo, A., Chen, L., & Dalal, N. (presented 2017,
March). Field and temperature dependent cavity coupling for highly sensitive on-chip
spin detection. Presentation at APS March Meeting, American Physical Society, New
Orleans. (International) Retrieved from
Yue, G., Chiorescu, I., Barreda, J., Hu, L., Chen, L., & Bertaina, S. (presented 2017, March).
Electron Spin Resonance measurements based on micro-SQUID detection and coplanar
waveguide excitation. Presentation at APS March Meeting, American Physical
Association, New Orleans. (International) Retrieved from
Hu, J., Liu, J., Graf, D., Radmanesh, S., Adams, D., Chuang, A., Wang, Y., Chiorescu, I., Wei,
J., Spinu, L., & Mao, Z. (presented 2016, March). π Berry phase and Zeeman splitting of
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Vita for Irinel Chiorescu
Weyl semimetal TaP. Presentation at APS March Meeting, American Physical Society,
Baltimore, MD. (International) Retrieved from
Liu, J., Hu, J., Graf, D., Radmanesh, S., Adams, D., Zhu, Y., Chen, G., Liu, X., Wei, J.,
Chiorescu, I., Spinu, L., & Mao, Z. (presented 2016, March). Topological semimetal
Sr1−yMn1−ZSb2. Presentation at APS March Meeting, American Physical Society,
Baltimore, MD. (International) Retrieved from
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2004, March). Coherent dynamics of two coupled quantum systems.
Poster presentation at APS March Meeting, American Physical Society, Montreal,
Canada. (International)
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2002, December). Lecture on superconducting flux qubits. Presentation
at Meeting of the Dutch foundation for fundamental research on matter (FOM), FOM,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands. (National)
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2000, March). Quantum Spin Reversal in Molecular Magnets.
Presentation at 18th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the
European Physical Society, European Physical Society, Montreux (Switzerland).
Chiorescu, I. (presented 1999, November). Environmental Effects on a Low Spin Molecular
Magnet V15. Presentation at ITP Program on Quantum Magnetism in Novel Materials
and Geometries, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California at Santa
Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. (International)
Chiorescu, I. (presented 1999, November). Environmental effects on big molecule with spin 1/2.
Presentation at 44th Annual Conference on Magnetism & Magnetic Materials, American
Inst. of Physics and the IEEE, San Jose, CA. (International)
Chiorescu, I. (presented 1999, October). Non-adiabatic Landau-Zener transitions in low spin
molecular magnet V15. Presentation at 3rd EuroConference on Magnetic Properties of
Fine Particles and Their Relevance to Materials Science, University of Barcelona,
Barcelona, Spain. (International)
Refereed Presentations at Symposia
Chiorescu, I. (presented 1999, January). Quantum Reversal of the Magnetization in Molecular
Magnets. In Physique en Clips. Presentation at the meeting of CNRS- Grenoble,
Grenoble, France. (National)
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Vita for Irinel Chiorescu
Nonrefereed Presentations at Symposia
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2009, February). Multiphoton coherent manipulation in large-spin
qubits. In DARPA Review Meeting. Presentation at the meeting of University of New
Orleans, New Orleans. (National)
Chiorescu, I. (presented 2008, January). Quantum computing with diluted spins. In DARPA
Review Meeting. Presentation at the meeting of University of New Orleans, New Orleans.
Invited Lectures and Readings of Original Work
Chiorescu, I. (2017, March). Coherent manipulation of multi-level systems. Delivered at Physics
Dept, University of Tokyo, U of Tokyo. (International)
Chiorescu, I. (2016, March). Keeping Spins in Motion. Delivered at Tulane University, Physics
Dept. (Local)
Chiorescu, I. (2015, June). Coherence effects in diluted spin systems. Delivered at Nat'l Inst. of
Information and Communications Technology, Tokyo, Japan. (International)
Chiorescu, I. (2015, June). Quantum effects in molecular magnets. Delivered at Nat'l Inst. of
Information and Communications Technology, Tokyo, Japan. (International)
Chiorescu, I. (2015, June). Strong coupling regime of photon-spin interaction and sensitive
detection by on-chip methods. Delivered at Nat'l Inst. of Information and
Communications Technology, Tokyo, Japan. (International)
Chiorescu, I. (2015, March). COLLOQUIUM: Keeping Spins in Motion. Delivered at Physics
Dept, Florida State University. (Local)
Chiorescu, I. (2011). COLLOQUIUM: Magnetic strong coupling in spin-photon systems.
Delivered at University of Central Florida. (National)
Chiorescu, I. (2011). Photon manipulation of spins and sensitive detection by on-chip methods.
Delivered at Virginia Tech,, Physics Dept. (National)
Chiorescu, I. (2010, December). Photon manipulation of spins and sensitive detection by on-chip
methods. Delivered at Northwestern University, Physics Department. (National)
Chiorescu, I. (2009, November). COLLOQUIUM: Photon manipulation of spins and sensitive
detection by on-chip methods. Delivered at Tufts University, Physics Department, Tufts
Univ, Boston, MA, USA. (National)
Chiorescu, I. (2009, February). COLLOQUIUM: Photon manipulation of spins and sensitive
detection by on-chip methods. Delivered at FSU, Department of Physics. (Local)
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Vita for Irinel Chiorescu
Chiorescu, I. (2009, February). Multiphoton coherent manipulation in large-spin qubits.
Delivered at Michigan State University, Physics Dept, MSU, East Lansing, MI, USA.
Chiorescu, I. (2007, September). Molecular spins on the road of quantum computation.
Delivered at FAMU-FSU, College of Engineering, Tallahassee, FL. (Local)
Chiorescu, I. (2007, April). Molecular spins on the road of quantum computation. Delivered at
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA. (National)
Chiorescu, I. (2006, November). Molecular spins on the road of quantum computation.
Delivered at University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, USA. (National)
Chiorescu, I. (2004). Invited Lectures in various physics departments or research organizations
(prior to FSU). Delivered at : see Additional Information. (Local)
Contracts and Grants
Contracts and Grants Funded
Chiorescu, I. (Jan 2017–Dec 2017). FSU-PG: Study of quantum dynamics of spins strongly
coupled to photons by means of a novel on-chip technique. Funded by Florida State
University (Planning Grants). Total award $12,494.
Chiorescu, I. (Jun 2012–Jan 2016). NSF-Coherent dynamics of spins placed in quantized
electromagnetic fields and studied using superconducting device. Funded by National
Science Foundation. (DMR-1206267). Total award $330,000.
Chiorescu, I. (Apr 2012–Apr 2012). SRAD Distribution 2011. Funded by FSU, Physics
Department. Total award $6,624.
Chiorescu, Irinel (PI). (Apr 2010–Apr 2010). SRAD distribution. Funded by FSU, Physics
Department. Total award $7,425.
Chiorescu, Irinel (co-PI), Engel, Lloyd W. (PI), Englander, Ongi (co-PI), Lee, Peter J. (co-PI),
Popovic, D. (co-PI), & Xiong, Peng (co-PI). (Nov 2008–2009). Advanced Electron and
Ion Beam Nanolithography System. Funded by FSU Equipment and Infrastructure
Enhancement Grant (EIEG). Total award $43,700.
Chiorescu, Irinel (PI). (Jun 2008–Jun 2008). Faculty Travel Grant Application. Funded by FSU
Travel Office. Total award $600.
Chiorescu, Irinel (co-PI), & Meyer-Baese, Uwe H. (PI - College of Eng.). (Apr 2008–Mar 2009).
Next Generation Quantum Computer Simulator. Funded by FSU Planning Grants. Total
award $12,000.
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Vita for Irinel Chiorescu
Chiorescu, Irinel (PI). (Sep 2007–Aug 2009). Advanced Materials For Quantum Computing.
Funded by DARPA, subcontracted from University of New Orleans. Total award
Chiorescu, Irinel (PI). (Feb 2007–Jan 2012). NSF CAREER - Quantum Optics With Magnetic
Molecular Spins. Funded by National Science Foundation. Total award $500,000.
Chiorescu, Irinel (PI). (Feb 2007–Feb 2007). SRAD distribution. Funded by FSU, Physics
Department. Total award $9,000.
Chiorescu, Irinel (PI). (Sep 2006–Sep 2010). Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship.
Funded by Sloan Foundation. Total award $45,000.
Chiorescu, Irinel (PI). (Aug 2006–May 2007). On-Chip Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with
Magnetic Molecules. Funded by MARTECH, Graduate Student Fellowship Office. Total
award $17,000.
Chiorescu, Irinel (PI). (May 2006–Aug 2006). Experimental setup for sensitive detection of
molecular spins. Funded by FSU, First-Year Assistant Professor summer awards. Total
award $15,000.
Chiorescu, Irinel (PI), & Brooks, J. (co-PI). (2006–2009). Time-resolved, high-field studies of
spin relaxation processes in molecular magnets and organic conductors. Funded by NSF
through the UCGP program at NHMFL, O.H. 51%. Total award $174,081.
Contracts and Grants Pending
Chiorescu, I. (Oct 2016). Enhancement of quantum coherence in spin-photon dressed systems
with low spin-orbit anisotropy. Submitted to NSF-DMR.
Contracts and Grants Denied
Chiorescu, I. (Oct 2015). Enhancement of quantum coherence in spin-photon dressed systems
with low spin-orbit anisotropy. Submitted to NSF-DMR.
Postdoctoral Supervision
Bertaina, S. (Sep 2007–Nov 2008).
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Vita for Irinel Chiorescu
Reviews of My Research and Original Creative Work by Other Authors
Reviews Appearing in Journals
Blencowe, M. (2010). Quantum computing: Quantum RAM. Nature, 468, 44. Retrieved from
Makhlin, Y., Schön, G., & Shnirman, A. (2004). The qubit and the cavity. Nature, 431, 138.
Retrieved from
Clarke, J. (2003). Flux qubit completes the hat trick. Science, 299, 1850. Retrieved from
Additional Research or Original Creative Work Not Reported Elsewhere
Chiorescu, I. (2011). "Spins coupled to a persistent current", invited perspective in Nature, vol.
478, p.195. Nature Publishing Group.
Chiorescu, I. (2006). "Microwave Cooling of an Artificial Atom", invited Perspective, Science,
vol.314, 1549. Editor-invited article, to discuss a recent advancement in the field of
quantum computing.
Florida State University
FSU University Service
member, committee for the evaluation of the EIEG grant proposals (2014–2015).
member, University Committee on Faculty Sabbaticals (2013–2015).
Member, FSU Honors Program Policy Committee (2009–2015).
Senator, representing the Department of Physics, FSU Senate (2009–2011).
FSU College Service
elected member, Physics Chair Search Committee (2013–2015).
2-year member, College Teaching Fellowship Committee (2009–2010).
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Vita for Irinel Chiorescu
FSU Department Service
member, Planning Committee (2016–present).
Member, Graduate Affairs Committee (2005–present).
Organizer ('05, '10), Speaker ('05-present), Saturday Morning Physics (2005–present).
FSU Institute or Center Service
member, Jack Crow fellowship selection committee (2013–present).
member, Safety Committee - NHMFL (2013–present).
member, Safety Disciplinary Review Committee (2013–present).
Internal Member, DC Field Facilities User Proposal Review Committee at NHMFL
Member, User Collaboration Grants Program (UCGP, former IHRP) Committee at NHMFL
FSU Program Service
participating faculty, Interdisciplinary Program in Material Science, General Faculty Committee
The Profession
Guest Reviewer for Refereed Journals
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2009–present).
The European Physical Journal B (2009–present).
Nanotechnology (2008–present).
Superconducting Science and Technology (2008–present).
Solid State Communications (2007–present).
IEEE - Transactions on Magnetics (2006–present).
Nature (2006–present).
Page 18
Vita for Irinel Chiorescu
Science (2006–present).
Physical Review A (2005–present).
Physical Review B (2005–present).
Physical Review Letters (2005–present).
Journal of Applied Physics (2004–present).
Proceedings of the 47 Annual Southeast Regional Conf. - Assoc. Comp. Machinery, Clemson, S.
Carolina (2009).
Judge for an Exhibition
Science Fair judge for a regional science contest (mid and high-school). FSU (2013–present).
Reviewer or Panelist for Grant Applications
International Center for Frontier Research in Chemistry (icFRC) (2014–present).
National Science Foundation (NSF, panelist) (2014–present).
National Science Foundation (NSF, panelist) (2013–present).
Indo-US Science & Technology Forum (IUSSTF) (2010–present).
National Science Foundation (NSF) (2006–present).
Fonds de recherche sur la nature et les technologies, Quebec, Canada (2009–2010).
Heinrich Heine Universitat Dusseldorf (2007).
NASA Postdoctoral Program administered by Oak Ridge Associated Universities (2007).
Romanian Ministery of Research (2005).
Service to Professional Associations
Invited member in the Reader Panel, Nature (2009–2010).
The Community
science judge, Apalachee Tapestry Magnet School of the Arts (2017–present).
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Vita for Irinel Chiorescu
science judge, DeSoto Trail Elementary School (2017–present).
presenting demo, Presenting a demo on microwave diffraction and satellite communications
during the S.A.S. Science Night, School of Arts and Sciences (2015–present).
science judge, Judge at a regional Science Fair for middle and high school students, Capital
Regional Science Fair (counties: Jefferson, Leon, Wakulla) (2013–present).
Lecturer, presenting the basic theory and practical implementation of solar panels, NHMFL, res.
experience for high school students (2010–present).
Contributing member, SuperNet (or Emergent Labs) outreach project organized by NHMFL in
collaboration with Inst.for Complex Adaptive Matter (2006–present).
Contributing member, Open House at NHMFL (2005–present).
Presentator for Mechanics Room, Flying Circus at Physics Department FSU (2005–2007).
Additional Service Not Reported Elsewhere
Chiorescu, I. (2013). "External expert" member in an Habilitation committee. Univ. Al. I. Cuza,
Chiorescu, I. (2012). Member of the Local Organizing Committee ICMM. 13th International
Conference on Molecule-based Magnets (ICMM) in Orlando in October, 2012.
Chiorescu, I. (2010). Contributor to the NSF Career workshop. The FSU Office of Research.
Chiorescu, I. (2010). Since 2007, member of the International Advisory Board, organizing the
Joint MmdE- IEEE ROMSC International Conference. IEEE Romanian Chapter.
Chiorescu, I. (2009). Session chair at two ('08, '09) International Workshops on Dynamics and
Manipulation of Quantum Systems, Tokyo, Japan.
Chiorescu, I. (2008). Guest Reviewer of a course textbook on Optics, edited by Cambridge
University Press.
Chiorescu, I. (2005). Session chair and invited at the Round Table on the future of a spin-based
quantum computer. Workshop on Manipulating Quantum Spins and Classical Dots,
Ecole de Physique Les Houches, France.
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