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1. The concept of “personality” most clearly embodies the notion of:
A) moral integrity.
B) self-consciousness.
C) temporal consistency.
D) self-actualization.
E) gender identity.
2. Freud became interested in unconscious personality dynamics when he noticed that
certain patients' symptoms:
A) resulted from the physical abuse they received from their parents during childhood.
B) resulted from the loss of an internal locus of control.
C) could not be removed by means of hypnosis.
D) could not be explained readily in terms of neurological impairments.
3. Freud observed that certain symptoms of illness were relieved when patients talked
freely about their past. This led Freud to suspect that these symptoms resulted from:
A) genetic defects.
B) an inferiority complex.
C) psychological processes.
D) an internal locus of control.
E) reciprocal determinism.
4. The use of free association is central to the process of:
A) identification.
B) self-actualization.
C) psychoanalysis.
D) reciprocal determinism.
E) unconditional positive regard.
5. Which of the following techniques would Freud have used to discover the latent content
of his patients' dreams?
A) fixation
B) factor analysis
C) projective testing
D) free association
E) the Barnum effect
Page 1
6. A psychotherapist instructs Dane to relax, close his eyes, and state aloud whatever
thoughts come to mind no matter how trivial or absurd. The therapist is using a
technique known as:
A) fixation.
B) free association.
C) reaction formation.
D) hypnosis.
E) projection.
7. Forgotten memories that we can easily recall were said by Freud to be:
A) displaced.
B) projected.
C) preconscious.
D) fixated.
E) unconscious.
8. According to Freud, the unconscious is:
A) the part of human personality that lacks a sense of right and wrong.
B) the thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories, of which we are largely unaware.
C) a set of universal concepts acquired by all humans from our common past.
D) a reservoir of deeply repressed memories that does not affect behavior.
E) all of the above.
9. Freud believed that ________ are the “royal road to the unconscious.”
A) projective tests
B) dreams
C) erogenous zones
D) psychosexual stages
E) hypnotic trances
10. According to psychoanalytic theory, the part of the personality that strives for
immediate gratification of basic drives is the:
A) id.
B) ego.
C) superego.
D) collective unconscious.
Page 2
11. When 2-year-old Matthew was told he would get no dessert until he finished the food on
his plate, he threw his plate on the floor in a temper tantrum. Freud would have
suggested that Matthew was unable to resist the demands of his:
A) superego.
B) collective unconscious.
C) ego.
D) id.
E) Oedipus complex.
12. Ego is to id as ________ is to ________.
A) personality; collective unconscious
B) morality; biology
C) life instinct; death instinct
D) reality principle; pleasure principle
E) selfesteem; selfserving bias
13. When 16-year-old Hafez received a large inheritance from his grandfather, he was
tempted to purchase an expensive new car. He decided, instead, to deposit all the money
into a savings account for his college education. Hafez shows signs of a:
A) strong self-serving bias.
B) weak id.
C) strong collective unconscious.
D) strong ego.
E) strong external locus of control.
14. According to Freud, the personality system that represents our sense of right and wrong
and our ideal standards is the:
A) collective unconscious.
B) ego.
C) self-concept.
D) id.
E) superego.
15. Janine experiences feelings of revulsion at the prospect of watching a pornographic
video. Freud would have attributed these feelings to Janine's:
A) ego.
B) id.
C) superego.
D) collective unconscious.
Page 3
16. No matter how long and hard Oprah studies, she always feels she hasn't studied as much
as she should have. A Freudian psychologist would suggest that Oprah shows signs of a:
A) weak id.
B) weak ego.
C) weak superego.
D) strong id.
E) strong superego.
17. Bruce wants to be a loving husband but at the same time wants to express his disgust for
some of his wife's habits. According to Freud, Bruce's ________ might enable him to
partially satisfy both desires.
A) actualized self
B) collective unconscious
C) superego
D) Oedipus complex
E) ego
18. During the early psychosexual stages, the id derives pleasure from distinct:
A) gender identities.
B) defense mechanisms.
C) erogenous zones.
D) identifications.
E) complexes.
19. Two-year-old Damien frequently refuses to obey his parents because he derives
immense pleasure from demonstrating his independence from their control. Freud would
have suggested that Damien is going through the ________ stage of development.
A) phallic
B) anal
C) genital
D) latency
E) oral
20. According to Freud, boys are most likely to experience the Oedipus complex during the
________ stage.
A) anal
B) phallic
C) oral
D) latency
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21. According to psychoanalytic theory, boys' fear of castration is most closely associated
A) an oral fixation.
B) free association.
C) learned helplessness.
D) the Oedipus complex.
E) the genital stage.
22. One night after he heard his parents arguing, 4-year-old Wei had a vivid dream in which
he saved his mother from being bitten by a large snake. A psychoanalyst would most
likely suspect that Wei's dream reflects a(n):
A) oral fixation.
B) reaction formation.
C) selfserving bias.
D) Oedipus complex.
E) external locus of control.
23. Freud suggested that the process of identification is most directly responsible for the
development of:
A) the Oedipus complex.
B) free association.
C) the superego.
D) erogenous zones.
E) an inferiority complex.
24. Which theory would most likely predict that boys raised without a father figure will
have difficulty developing a strongly masculine gender identity?
A) Allport's trait theory
B) Maslow's humanistic theory
C) Bandura's social-cognitive theory
D) Freud's psychoanalytic theory
25. Gene spends a good deal of time bragging about his numerous sexual exploits. Freud
would have suggested that Gene is fixated at the ________ stage.
A) oral
B) latency
C) phallic
D) anal
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26. Freud referred to a lingering focus of pleasure-seeking energies at an earlier
psychosexual stage as:
A) reaction formation.
B) projection.
C) fixation.
D) displacement.
E) repression.
27. Saleem seeks sexual pleasure by means of solitary masturbation rather than through
sexual interaction with his wife. Freud would have suggested that this illustrates a(n):
A) rationalization.
B) projection.
C) inferiority complex.
D) reaction formation.
E) fixation.
28. Freud suggested that orally fixated adults are especially likely to exhibit:
A) passive dependence.
B) an inferiority complex.
C) an Electra complex.
D) compulsive neatness.
E) messiness and disorganization.
29. Arjean is terribly gullible and accepts as true just about anything she is told. According
to the psychoanalytic perspective, Arjean is most likely fixated at the ________ stage.
A) genital
B) phallic
C) anal
D) oral
E) latency
30. Mr. Hendriks, a high school teacher, washes the chalkboard and realigns student desks
in precise rows before every class. According to the psychoanalytic perspective, Mr.
Hendriks is most likely fixated at the ________ stage.
A) phallic
B) oral
C) latency
D) genital
E) anal
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31. According to Freud, defense mechanisms are used by the:
A) id to defend against the accusations and guilt feelings produced by the superego.
B) ego to prevent threatening impulses from being consciously recognized.
C) superego to prevent expression of sexual and aggressive drives.
D) id, ego, and superego in a repetitive sequence of internal conflicts.
32. When she was 8 years old, Inge was sexually abused by her uncle. At 14, Inge felt
uncomfortable whenever she saw this uncle but was unable to understand why she felt
this way. A psychoanalyst would be most likely to suggest that Inge is using the defense
mechanism of:
A) repression.
B) reaction formation.
C) rationalization.
D) regression.
E) displacement.
33. Freud suggested that slips of the tongue illustrate an incomplete:
A) fixation.
B) displacement.
C) rationalization.
D) projection.
E) repression.
34. An excessive fixation is most likely to contribute to:
A) reaction formation.
B) regression.
C) projection.
D) an Electra complex.
E) displacement.
35. Four-year-old Timmy has not wet his bed for over a year. However, he starts
bed-wetting again soon after his sister is born. Timmy's behavior best illustrates:
A) reaction formation.
B) projection.
C) regression.
D) displacement.
E) repression.
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36. Reaction formation refers to the process by which people:
A) disguise unacceptable unconscious impulses by attributing them to others.
B) consciously express feelings that are the opposite of unacceptable unconscious
C) retreat to behavior patterns characteristic of an earlier stage of development.
D) offer self-justifying explanations in place of the real but unacceptable unconscious
reasons for action.
37. Parents who disguise hostility toward their children by becoming overly protective of
them are very likely using the defense mechanism of:
A) projection.
B) regression.
C) rationalization.
D) reaction formation.
E) displacement.
38. The defense mechanism by which people disguise threatening impulses by attributing
them to others is called:
A) projection.
B) displacement.
C) fixation.
D) reaction formation.
E) repression.
39. Abdul mistakenly believes that his classmates at school are unusually hostile. In fact,
Abdul is the most quarrelsome and aggressive child in the school. According to
psychoanalytic theory, Abdul's belief that his classmates are hostile is a:
A) regression.
B) projection.
C) fixation.
D) reaction formation.
40. Mrs. Smith, who is White and unconsciously in favor of racial segregation, tells her
friends that most Blacks prefer to live in residential neighborhoods inhabited
predominantly by Blacks. According to psychoanalytic theory, Mrs. Smith best
A) fixation.
B) reaction formation.
C) projection.
D) displacement.
E) regression.
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41. The defense mechanism in which selfjustifying explanations replace the real,
unconscious reasons for actions is:
A) projection.
B) reaction formation.
C) repression.
D) rationalization.
E) displacement.
42. Melissa is unconsciously fearful that her husband is a better cook than she. Recently,
she refused his offer to prepare dinner because, said she, “You could better spend the
time playing with our kids.” Melissa's comment best illustrates:
A) regression.
B) projection.
C) rationalization.
D) displacement.
E) reaction formation.
43. While Professor Gomez was going through a painful divorce, he tended to create
unnecessarily difficult tests and gave his students unusually low grades. A
psychoanalyst would be most likely to view the professor's treatment of students as an
example of:
A) reaction formation.
B) rationalization.
C) displacement.
D) projection.
E) regression.
44. Projective tests are most closely associated with the ________ perspective.
A) socialcognitive
B) psychoanalytic
C) humanistic
D) trait
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45. Henry Murray found that children's perceptions of photographs were biased by their
previous participation in a frightening game. Their perceptual reactions most clearly
highlighted the potential value of:
A) projective tests.
B) free association.
C) unconditional positive regard.
D) reciprocal determinism.
E) an internal locus of control.
46. Mr. Dutoit was asked by his psychotherapist to look at some ambiguous pictures and
make up a story about each. Mr. Dutoit was most likely taking the:
B) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
D) Personal Orientation Inventory.
E) Rorschach test.
47. The major reason for the unreliability of the Rorschach inkblot test is the fact that:
A) the test inhibits individuals from communicating honestly in clinical interviews.
B) psychologists often do not agree on how to score the results of this test.
C) the test does not discriminate effectively between those who are suicidal and those
who are not.
D) the test can be used effectively only with individuals who are severely maladjusted.
48. Neo-Freudian personality theorists were most likely to disagree with Freud about the
importance of:
A) the unconscious dynamics underlying behavior.
B) childhood sexual instincts.
C) anxiety and defense mechanisms.
D) distinguishing between id, ego, and superego.
49. Hasina was an abused child; as an adult, she is homeless and squanders any money she
can find on alcohol. Alfred Adler would have suggested that Hasina suffers from:
A) an Electra complex.
B) role confusion.
C) an oral fixation.
D) feelings of inferiority.
E) the Barnum effect.
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50. Karen Horney, a prominent neo-Freudian, disputed Freud's assumption that women:
A) have weak superegos.
B) suffer an Electra complex.
C) often experience learned helplessness.
D) have stronger sexual instincts than men.
E) never experience a phallic stage of development.
51. Which neo-Freudian theorist emphasized the influence of the collective unconscious in
personality development?
A) Jung
B) Adler
C) Horney
D) Maslow
E) Bandura
52. Contemporary psychodynamic theorists are most likely to emphasize the importance of:
A) sexual instincts.
B) free association.
C) motivational conflict.
D) the collective unconscious.
53. Contemporary psychologists are least likely to agree with Freud's belief that:
A) conscience and gender identity form during the process of resolving the Oedipus
B) conscious awareness of our own mental processes is very limited.
C) memories are often distorted and incomplete.
D) defense mechanisms help protect individuals from anxiety.
54. Freud emphasized that emotional healing is associated with the:
A) fixation of repressed sexual desires.
B) projection of repressed fears.
C) recovery of repressed memories.
D) displacement of repressed hostilities.
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55. Survivors' memories of Nazi death camp experiences most clearly challenge Freud's
concept of:
A) fixation.
B) repression.
C) the Oedipus complex.
D) motivational conflict.
E) learned helplessness.
56. Freud's theory of personality has been criticized because it:
A) underestimates the importance of biological contributions to personality
B) is contradicted by recent research demonstrating the human capacity for destructive
C) is overly reliant upon observations derived from Freud's use of projective tests.
D) offers few testable predictions that allow one to determine its validity.
57. The humanistic perspective emphasized the importance of:
A) free association.
B) self-determination.
C) reciprocal determinism.
D) personality inventories.
E) projective tests.
58. Abraham Maslow studied the lives of Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and Eleanor
Roosevelt in order to understand the nature of:
A) reciprocal determinism.
B) unconditional positive regard.
C) self-actualization.
D) personality traits.
59. Self-actualized people, as described by Maslow, are least likely to be highly:
A) compassionate.
B) religious.
C) conforming.
D) self-accepting.
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60. Which theorist emphasized that personal growth is promoted by interactions with others
who are genuine, accepting, and empathic?
A) Allport
B) Jung
C) Rogers
D) Freud
E) Bandura
61. Mrs. Sunstedt believes that parents should accept and try to understand their children's
feelings and should honestly disclose their own inner feelings to their children. Her
approach to parentchild interaction was most explicitly recommended by:
A) Bandura.
B) Allport.
C) Freud.
D) Rogers.
E) Jung.
62. Carl Rogers suggested that the ________ is a central feature of personality.
A) collective unconscious
B) Oedipus complex
C) inferiority complex
D) Barnum effect
E) self-concept
63. Carl Rogers would have suggested that many of the defense mechanisms described by
Freud are used to minimize the perceived discrepancy between:
A) individualism and collectivism.
B) the collective unconscious and the personal unconscious.
C) the actual self and the ideal self.
D) an internal locus of control and an external locus of control.
64. Which psychologists are most likely to criticize standardized personality tests for failing
to capture the unique subjective experience of the individual personality?
A) psychoanalytic theorists
B) trait theorists
C) social-cognitive theorists
D) humanistic theorists
Page 13
65. Humanistic psychologists would most likely be criticized for underestimating the value
A) an internal locus of control.
B) self-serving bias.
C) social influence.
D) the spotlight effect.
E) individualism.
66. Maslow most clearly interjected his own personal values into his study of self-actualized
individuals by:
A) selectively studying people with qualities he admired.
B) interpreting their flattering self-descriptions as a self-serving bias.
C) overemphasizing the value of their loyalty to cultural norms.
D) assuming that self-actualization usually takes priority over all other human
67. The humanistic perspective has been criticized for promoting an excessive degree of:
A) sexism.
B) spiritualism.
C) nationalism.
D) individualism.
E) personality testing.
68. Humanistic theorists have been criticized for:
A) overestimating the impact of childhood experiences on adult personality.
B) underestimating the inconsistency of behavior from one situation to another.
C) overestimating the degree of similarity among people.
D) underestimating the inherent human capacity for destructive and evil behaviors.
69. Freud is to the psychoanalytic perspective as Allport is to the ________ perspective.
A) behavioral
B) humanistic
C) trait
D) socialcognitive
70. Characteristic patterns of behavior and motivation are called:
A) aptitudes.
B) fixations.
C) projections.
D) traits.
Page 14
71. Trait theorists are more concerned with ________ personality than ________ it.
A) predicting; assessing
B) describing; explaining
C) changing; analyzing
D) interpreting; observing
72. Santa Claus is to Superman as ________ is to ________.
A) endomorph; mesomorph
B) pleasure principle; reality principle
C) anal fixation; oral fixation
D) internal locus of control; external locus of control
E) regression; projection
73. The MyersBriggs Type Indicator classifies people according to personality types
identified by:
A) Gordon Allport.
B) Carl Jung.
C) Albert Bandura.
D) Carl Rogers.
E) Abraham Maslow.
74. Factor analysis has been used to identify the most basic:
A) self-serving biases.
B) defense mechanisms.
C) personality traits.
D) psychosexual stages.
75. Coretta is quiet, pessimistic, anxious, and moody. In terms of the Eysencks' basic
personality dimensions she would be classified as:
A) unstable-introverted.
B) internal-impulsive.
C) manic-depressive.
D) external-dependent.
E) passive-aggressive.
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76. A personality inventory that utilizes only those items that have been shown to
differentiate particular groups of people is called a(n) ________ test.
A) factor analytic
B) multiphasic
C) aptitude
D) projective
E) empirically derived
77. Which of the following tests was empirically derived?
B) Rorschach inkblot test
D) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
78. Dr. Zytowics wants to assess the extent to which a client is suffering from depression,
delusions, and other symptoms of psychological disorder. Which personality inventory
would be most helpful for this purpose?
B) Rorschach
D) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
79. Personality inventories typically gather information by means of:
A) projection.
B) factor analysis.
C) free association.
D) selfreports.
E) random selection.
80. The Big Five trait dimensions were identified by means of:
A) the MMPI.
B) free association.
C) projective tests.
D) factor analysis.
Page 16
81. A person who is careless and disorganized most clearly ranks low on the Big Five trait
dimension known as:
A) emotional stability.
B) extraversion.
C) openness.
D) agreeableness.
E) conscientiousness.
82. Which of the following Big Five trait dimensions is most closely related to one's level of
A) extraversion
B) openness
C) emotional stability
D) agreeableness
83. Morning types are to evening types as ________ is to ________.
A) conscientiousness; extraversion
B) agreeableness; openness
C) extraversion; conscientiousness
D) openness; agreeableness
84. The tendency to accept favorable descriptions of one's personality that could really be
applied to almost anyone is known as:
A) the halo effect.
B) the Barnum effect.
C) projection.
D) factor analysis.
E) unconditional positive regard.
85. Frida was informed by a professional palm reader: “You generally communicate openly
with others, but you have certain dark secrets that even your closest friends could never
guess.” The fact that Frida was impressed by the palm reader's insight into her
personality best illustrates:
A) unconditional positive regard.
B) the Barnum effect.
C) the Electra complex.
D) reciprocal determinism.
E) attributional style.
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86. Which theorists have been most directly criticized for underestimating the variability of
behavior from situation to situation?
A) social-cognitive
B) psychoanalytic
C) humanistic
D) trait
87. Walter Mischel's studies of college students' conscientiousness revealed only a modest
relationship between a student being conscientious on one occasion and being similarly
conscientious on another occasion. According to Mischel, this should make
psychologists more cautious about emphasizing:
A) repression.
B) self-efficacy.
C) personality traits.
D) reciprocal determinism.
E) unconditional positive regard.
88. Sheen is usually animated and talkative when he is with his girlfriend, but he is often
quiet and reserved at home. He actively participates in many classroom discussions but
frequently seems reluctant to talk with friends at the campus coffee shop. According to
Walter Mischel, Sheen's behavior should lead us to question the importance of:
A) personality traits.
B) unconditional positive regard.
C) reciprocal determinism.
D) defense mechanisms.
E) self-efficacy.
89. In rejecting claims that personality trait measures fail to predict behavior effectively,
Seymour Epstein emphasized the importance of:
A) multiple behavior assessments.
B) reciprocal determinism.
C) factor analysis.
D) projective tests.
90. People's scores on a test of extraversion are likely to be most strongly correlated with
the number of social conversations they initiate during the course of a single:
A) hour.
B) day.
C) week.
D) month.
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91. An individual's responses to a personality inventory would be most useful for accurately
predicting that person's behavior ________ that involve(s) highly ________ social
expectations or roles.
A) in a single situation; ambiguous
B) in a single situation; unambiguous
C) across a wide variety of situations; ambiguous
D) across a wide variety of situations; unambiguous
92. The humanistic perspective is to Maslow as the socialcognitive perspective is to:
A) Allport.
B) Rogers.
C) Adler.
D) Bandura.
E) Jung.
93. According to Bandura, reciprocal determinism involves multidirectional influences
A) mind, body, and behavior.
B) thoughts, emotions, and actions.
C) behaviors, internal personal factors, and environmental events.
D) id, ego, and superego.
E) learned helplessness, locus of control, and optimism.
94. Randy's substandard academic performance is both a result and a cause of his feelings
of academic inferiority. This best illustrates the importance of:
A) self-serving bias.
B) an internal locus of control.
C) the Barnum effect.
D) reciprocal determinism.
E) reaction formation.
95. Because Mr. Maloney trusts his employees, he treats them very kindly. His kindness
leads them to work diligently on his behalf, which in turn increases his trust in them.
This pattern of trust, kindness, diligence, and increasing trust illustrates what is meant
A) reaction formation.
B) the spotlight effect.
C) displacement.
D) external locus of control.
E) reciprocal determinism.
Page 19
96. Because Greta is extremely extraverted, she frequently goes to parties where she is
encouraged to laugh and socialize. Because Jim is extremely introverted, he frequently
spends weekends in the library where it's easy to quietly reflect and study. Greta and
Jim best illustrate what is meant by:
A) an external locus of control.
B) reciprocal determinism.
C) the self-serving bias.
D) the Barnum effect.
E) reaction formation.
97. The perception that one's fate is determined by luck reflects:
A) reciprocal determinism.
B) selfserving bias.
C) an external locus of control.
D) the pleasure principle.
E) the spotlight effect.
98. Sasha believes that the questions on college tests are so unrelated to course work that
studying is useless. Sasha's belief most clearly illustrates:
A) reciprocal determinism.
B) reaction formation.
C) an external locus of control.
D) the Barnum effect.
E) displacement.
99. Laura fails to recognize any connection between her unsafe sexual practices and the
likelihood of contracting a sexually transmitted disease. Laura's lack of perceptiveness
best illustrates the dangers of:
A) free association.
B) an Electra complex.
C) the spotlight effect.
D) an external locus of control.
E) unconditional positive regard.
100. Emma believes that she will be highly successful in business if she works hard and
carefully manages her time. Her belief most clearly illustrates:
A) reaction formation.
B) reciprocal determinism.
C) unconditional positive regard.
D) an Electra complex.
E) an internal locus of control.
Page 20
101. Compared to those with an external locus of control, people who perceive an internal
locus of control are more likely to:
A) be introverted personalities.
B) give others unconditional positive regard.
C) conform to social pressure.
D) cope effectively with stress.
102. An individual who perceives an internal locus of control would most likely show signs
of a:
A) weak id.
B) strong id.
C) weak ego.
D) strong ego.
E) weak superego.
103. Learned helplessness is most likely to contribute to:
A) collectivism.
B) a self-serving bias.
C) an external locus of control.
D) unconditional positive regard.
E) an Oedipus complex.
104. Dogs strapped into a harness and given repeated and unavoidable shocks developed:
A) a fixation.
B) a reaction formation.
C) learned helplessness.
D) a higher threshold of pain.
E) unrealistic optimism.
105. After experiencing inescapable brutalities as a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp,
Mr. Sternberg became apathetic, stopped eating, and gave up all efforts to physically
survive the ordeal. Mr. Sternberg's reaction most clearly illustrates:
A) an inferiority complex.
B) repression.
C) learned helplessness.
D) an internal locus of control.
E) reaction formation.
Page 21
106. Learned helplessness is most likely to promote:
A) collectivism.
B) unconditional positive regard.
C) an internal locus of control.
D) the spotlight effect.
E) pessimism.
107. The best indicator of a person's level of optimism is his or her:
A) individualism.
B) ideal self.
C) gender identity.
D) attributional style.
E) unconditional positive regard.
108. Researchers found that new life insurance representatives were less likely to quit during
their first year on the job if they demonstrated the trait of:
A) agreeableness.
B) openness.
C) extraversion.
D) optimism.
109. Martin Seligman's positive psychology differs from the humanistic perspective in that it:
A) denies humankind's capacity for evil.
B) focuses more on a person's interaction with the environment.
C) involves the scientific study of optimal human functioning.
D) has greater application in the educational setting.
110. Unrealistic optimism could best be described as a(n):
A) Electra complex.
B) self-serving bias.
C) reaction formation.
D) fixation.
E) external locus of control.
Page 22
111. Sexually active undergraduate women perceive themselves as much less likely to
experience an unwanted pregnancy than other women at their university. This best
A) an Electra complex.
B) low self-esteem.
C) displacement.
D) the spotlight effect.
E) unrealistic optimism.
112. The social-cognitive perspective suggests that the best way to predict a political
candidate's performance effectiveness after election is to assess that individual's:
A) current feelings of personal control.
B) specific political goals for the future.
C) general feelings of optimism about the future.
D) past performance in situations involving similar responsibilities.
E) personality traits as revealed by the MMPI-2.
113. The social-cognitive perspective is least likely to be criticized for neglecting the
importance of:
A) environmental influences.
B) unconscious motives.
C) personality traits.
D) genetic influences.
114. Larry studies diligently because he is haunted by an image of himself being unable to
gain employment after his college graduation. Larry's diligence best illustrates the
motivational impact of:
A) an internal locus of control.
B) unconditioned positive regard.
C) learned helplessness.
D) possible selves.
E) the spotlight effect.
115. Overestimating the extent to which others notice and evaluate our appearance and
performance is called:
A) external locus of control.
B) self-serving bias.
C) reaction formation.
D) the spotlight effect.
E) fixation.
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116. If we are nervous about our personal appearance after adopting a new hairstyle, we are
likely to ________ the extent to which others notice our nervousness and we are likely
to ________ the extent to which they notice our new hairstyle.
A) overestimate; underestimate
B) underestimate; overestimate
C) overestimate; overestimate
D) underestimate; underestimate
117. Individuals with high self-esteem are more likely than those with low self-esteem to:
A) have a strong ego.
B) experience an external locus of control.
C) dismiss flattering descriptions of themselves as untrue.
D) underestimate the accuracy of their own beliefs.
E) associate with people whose attitudes and personality are very similar to their own.
118. Self-esteem is negatively correlated with:
A) personal control.
B) self-serving bias.
C) depression.
D) individualism.
E) extraversion.
119. A person whose selfesteem is momentarily threatened is especially likely to:
A) demonstrate an independence from social pressure to conform.
B) criticize the shortcomings of others.
C) lack a clear sense of gender identity.
D) experience an internal locus of control.
E) be motivated by a desire for selfactualization.
120. People who are challenged by severe physical disabilities are likely to maintain normal
levels of self-esteem by:
A) displacing their feelings of resentment.
B) developing an external locus of control.
C) comparing themselves with others who are similarly disabled.
D) accepting more personal responsibility for their problems than for their
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121. Athletes often attribute their losses to bad officiating. This best illustrates:
A) an Electra complex.
B) learned helplessness.
C) the spotlight effect.
D) self-serving bias.
E) the Barnum effect.
122. Research on selfperception indicates that most people:
A) suffer extensively from feelings of unrealistically low selfesteem.
B) feel more personally responsible for their failures than for their successes.
C) view themselves very favorably in comparison to most others.
D) underestimate the accuracy of their beliefs and judgments.
E) are unrealistically pessimistic about their personal future.
123. Jacinda failed her last history midterm. Which of the following conclusions would be
most representative of a self-serving bias on Jacinda's part?
A) “I really didn't prepare well enough for that test.”
B) “I wasn't concentrating very hard during the test.”
C) “I lack ability in history.”
D) “I think the test questions were ambiguous and confusing.”
124. In one survey, Americans were more optimistic that they themselves would go to
heaven than would either Michael Jordan or Bill Clinton. This best illustrates:
A) an internal locus of control.
B) the Barnum effect.
C) an Electra complex.
D) the spotlight effect.
E) self-serving bias.
125. Although Rolf frequently cheats on classroom tests, he justifies his behavior by
erroneously thinking that most other students cheat even more than he does. His
mistaken belief best illustrates:
A) reciprocal determinism.
B) the Barnum effect.
C) reaction formation.
D) an external locus of control.
E) selfserving bias.
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126. Which of the following is most likely to contribute to raising one's self-esteem?
A) the spotlight effect
B) an Electra complex
C) self-serving bias
D) an external locus of control
E) the Barnum effect
127. A collectivist culture is especially likely to emphasize the importance of:
A) social responsibility.
B) personal control.
C) self-actualization.
D) racial diversity.
E) free association.
128. Professor Shankar believes that her students' most important personal characteristics are
those that distinguish them as uniquely different from most other people. Her attitude
best illustrates one of the consequences of:
A) individualism.
B) self-serving bias.
C) reciprocal determinism.
D) reaction formation.
E) the spotlight effect.
129. Individualism is most likely to be emphasized in:
A) Africa.
B) Asia.
C) India.
D) North America.
130. American university students are more likely than Japanese university students to
describe themselves in terms of their:
A) academic abilities.
B) university affiliation.
C) ethnic background.
D) marital status.
E) gender.
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131. Japanese students are more likely than American students to describe themselves in
terms of their:
A) physical appearance.
B) social identities.
C) political ideology.
D) personality traits.
132. A willingness to switch jobs and move from one part of the country to another best
illustrates one of the consequences of:
A) reciprocal determinism.
B) collectivism.
C) free association.
D) learned helplessness.
E) individualism.
133. When Professor Thompson lived overseas for a year, he was very surprised at how
much respect he received from people simply because he was a retired college
professor. His sense of surprise suggests that he had not previously lived in a culture
that valued:
A) social diversity.
B) self-actualization.
C) reciprocal determinism.
D) individualism.
E) collectivism.
134. Individualism is to collectivism as ________ is to ________.
A) personal control; learned helplessness
B) displacement; sublimation
C) independence; interdependence
D) responsibility; freedom
E) pleasure principle; reality principle
135. The importance of romance in marriage relationships is most likely to be emphasized in
cultures that value:
A) role playing.
B) collectivism.
C) reciprocal determinism.
D) individualism.
E) gender stereotypes.
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136. People living in a culture that promotes individualism are more likely than those in
collectivist cultures to experience:
A) divorce.
B) loneliness.
C) homicide.
D) stressrelated diseases.
E) any of the above.
137. Religious and ethnic diversity are most likely to be appreciated in a culture that values:
A) cooperation.
B) individualism.
C) reciprocal determinism.
D) collectivism.
E) nationalism.
138. Parents in collectivist cultures are more likely than parents in individualist cultures to
encourage teenage children to:
A) pick out and purchase their own clothes.
B) participate in household chores.
C) publicly protest against repressive government policies.
D) establish close friendships with ethnically diverse groups of people.
139. Compared with Freud, contemporary research psychologists are less likely to think of
unconscious mental dynamics as involving:
A) parallel processing.
B) motivational conflict.
C) implicit memory.
D) right hemisphere activity.
140. According to terror-management theory, anxiety about our own mortality motivates our
pursuit of:
A) self-esteem.
B) parallel processing.
C) reciprocal determinism.
D) the collective unconscious.
E) an external locus of control.
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