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TIMELINE | 700 to 1700 | FRANCE
734 A.D.
Country | Description
Charles Martel, son of Pippin of Herstal, stops the Muslims of ‘Abd alRahman who had raided as far as Poitiers, and subsequently extends his
rule over Aquitaine and Provence.
751 A.D.
Pippin the Younger, son of Charles Martel, is proclaimed King of the
Franks and turns his attention to the south. He leads expeditions against
the Lombards, recovers Narbonne from the Muslims and helps to
revitalise trade in the Mediterranean.
800 A.D.
Charlemagne, King of the Franks and the Lombards, is crowned emperor
by Pope Leo III. He extends his power over part of the Germanic world
and southwards beyond the Pyrenees in the ‘Hispanic March’. He
establishes a relationship with the Caliph of Baghdad, Harun al-Rashid.
843 A.D.
Division of the Carolingian Empire. Charles the Bald’s West Francia is
attacked from the north by the Normans and the south by the Saracens
(after 838). Royal authority is limited by the growth of large regional
890 A.D.
The Saracens establish a base in Fraxinetum, Provence, in the
mountains now known as the Maures, staying for more than two
910 A.D.
Foundation of the abbey at Cluny (near to Mâcon), whose monks
followed the Benedictine order. The monks at Cluny travelled throughout
Europe and played an important role in 11th-century reform.
987 A.D.
Hugh Capet, son of Odo Count of Paris, takes the crown of France and
starts a new dynasty.
1047 A.D.
Saracen raid on the Lerins Islands (the most significant of a series of
raids on the Provençal coast). The monks taken are bought back
through the Abbey of Saint-Victor.
1096 A.D.
Start of the First Crusade, preached by Pope Urban II at Clermont. The
People’s Crusade is mostly annihilated, but the Princes’ Crusade reaches
Palestine and takes Jerusalem in 1099, establishing the Frankish
Kingdom in the east.
1108 A.D.
Start of the reign of Louis VI. Establishment and growth of the
commune movement in France.
1146 A.D.
Preaching of the Second Crusade, in particular by Saint Bernard. King
Louis VII returns defeated to France, and Jerusalem is taken back by the
Muslims in 1187.
1187 A.D.
Preaching of the Third Crusade, which is joined by the King of France
Philip Augustus and Richard the Lionheart. Having returned to France
Philip Augustus defeats the troops of Emperor Otto at Bouvines and
greatly extends his kingdom.
1208 A.D.
Albigensian Crusade against Cathars established in southern France
triggers the conquest of the Languedoc by barons from the north of
France. The Kingdom of France experiences an unprecedented period of
economic and cultural expansion.
1246 A.D.
Charles of Anjou, brother of the King of France, marries Beatrice, heir to
the Count of Provence. Sailors from Marseilles become special allies of
the Angevins in southern Italy.
1270 A.D.
Death of Louis IX at the gates of Tunis during the Eighth Crusade
following an initial defeat in Egypt (Seventh Crusade). Louis IX will be
canonised in 1297.
1285 A.D.
Philip the Fair, surrounded by his ‘jurists’, consolidates the authority of
the King of France. Levying taxes on Jews and ‘Lombards’ and
confiscating the riches of the Knights Templar, he enters into a conflict
with the papacy which is only resolved in 1305 with the election of a
French pope.
1348 A.D.
A devastating outbreak of the plague compounds the misery of renewed
famine and a disastrous war with England.
1392 A.D.
The King of France, Charles VI, is afflicted by madness. France falls into
civil war, and the Treaty of Troyes recognises Henry V of England as the
heir to the French throne.
1429 A.D.
Charles VII is crowned in Reims, having been proclaimed the true king
of France by Joan of Arc. A gradual reconquest of the kingdom begins,
to be completed towards the end of the 15th century.
1446 A.D.
Jacques Cœur, based in the south of France, begins profitable trading
with countries in the Near East, particularly Egypt.
1481 A.D.
Provence becomes part of France. The Kings of France inherit the claims
of the Angevins. Start of the Italian Wars.
1515 A.D.
Beginning of the reign of Francis I. Continuation of the Italian Wars,
marked by victory at Marignano and defeat at Pavia (1526). The King of
France effects a reconciliation with the Turks, creating a scandal in the
Christian world.
1535 A.D.
The Capitulations afford French ships and subjects the freedom of the
Ottoman Empire. French consuls gain the right to judge their
compatriots in criminal and civil courts. Trade is greatly facilitated.
1543 A.D.
Barbarossa’s fleet comes to the aid of the French in their struggle
against Charles V.
1589 A.D.
The assassination of Henry III ends the reign of the Valois, which was
marked by Wars of Religion between Catholics and Protestants. The
Catholic League’s recognition of Henry IV, now converted to Catholicism,
allows the kingdom to be reunited.
1598 A.D.
The Edict of Nantes ends the Wars of Religion, affording protestants
considerable rights in the Kingdom of France.
1604 A.D.
Further Capitulations allow subjects of Western Christian nations
(particularly Spanish, Portuguese and Neapolitan) to trade within the
Ottoman Empire ‘with the consent and protection of the banner of
France’. The alliance with the ‘Grand Seigneur’ is renewed in 1597.
1643 A.D.
Cardinal Jules Mazarin becomes prime minister to the regent, Anne of
Austria. He clashes with the ruling classes in the Frondes and emerges
1648 A.D.
The Treaties of Westfalia end the wars between the King of France and
the Emperor of Germany waged since 1636.
1659 A.D.
The Treaty of the Pyrenees ends the Franco-Spanish war and confirms
French possession of Roussillon. The union between Louis XIV and
Marie-Thérèse lays the foundation for a solid alliance, despite the King
of France renouncing his and his successors’ right to the Spanish throne.
1669 A.D.
After the town is forcibly taken by the King of France in 1660, Colbert
grants the Marseilles Chamber of Commerce a special statute, giving it
the power to authorise French subjects to establish themselves in the
Ports of the Levant, and he pays his ‘consuls’ by levying a 20% tax on
goods carried by foreign ships.
1673 A.D.
Renewal of the Capitulations by Louis XIV. The galleys run by each
power ‘must not cause any damage’ to the other.