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Name: _______________________________
Global 9
Date: _____________
Period: ___________
Unit 4:
Ancient Greece
& Rome
Unit 4: Ancient Greece and Rome Vocabulary
A large city and the surrounding lands that has its own government (Ex. Athens &
Cultural Diversity
Cultures live near each other but do not interact or learn from each other (usually
because geographic barriers separate them)
Direct Democracy
A type of government in which citizens vote and participate in all decisions
Someone who thinks and tries to understand the world/life
Hellenistic Culture
Cultural blending of Greek civilization with the cultures of the Middle East (after the
conquests of Alexander the Great)
A form of democracy in which people elect leaders who represent them
A wealthy landowner in the upper-class of ancient Rome
A member of the lower class in ancient Rome (farmers, merchants, artisans, traders)
Twelve Tables
First written set of laws in ancient Rome
Pax Romana
Rome’s golden age which included a time of peace and many achievements (aka Roman
Name: _________________________________
Global 9
Date: ____________
Period: ___________
Ancient Greece
Greece is located in _______________________________
The main part of Greece is a __________________ (land surrounded by water on three sides) and the
rest of it is made up of __________________.
Greece juts out into the ________________________________________. The Sea between Greece and
the Persian Empire (present day Turkey) is called the _______________________.
Because Greece has a very _______________________ geography, it was _______________________
________________________. Instead, Greece was divided into _______________________________
_____________________ and experienced ________________________________. Each city-state had
its own ___________________ and __________. The two most famous city-states were:
Direct Democracy- __________________
spent almost all of their lives ____________
Believed in education
Focused on trade, interaction and culture
Known for its philosophers and writers
___________________________ where men
Spartans had _____________ who farmed so
the Spartans could focus on the military
Very isolated
Ancient Greek Philosophers
What is a philosopher?
Name: ___________________________________
Global 9
Ancient Rome
Date: _____________
Period: ___________
Rome began as a small __________________ on the ____________ River in ____________
Why did all ancient civilizations settle near rivers?
Italy is a peninsula that juts out into the ______________________________________
The two main mountain ranges in Italy are the _______________ (in the north) and the
___________________ Mts. (run through the center)
In 509 B.C. Rome established a __________________________________________________________
Citizenship was not granted to ____________ or __________________ and women had no right to vote
______________________________: ____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________. These laws ____________
____________________________________________ since they were displayed in public for all to see
The Romans developed important legal ideas such “_________________________________________
_______________________________” and the use of ________________________ in court
Name: _________________________________
Global 9
Date: _____________
Period: ___________
Rome: Republic to Empire
Creating an Empire:
The Romans had a very strong army and by 264 BC had ______________________________________
_________________ and moved on to conquer North Africa, Spain, and Greece. (See map on pg. 648)
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar ended ______________________________ and turned the government into an
___________________ ruled by ________________
Under Caesar, Rome conquered new lands in ____________and around the ______________________
A group of senators were worried about Caesar’s growing ___________ and__________ him in 44 B.C.
The Roman Empire lasted almost _______________.
Pax Romana (Roman Peace)
200 years of _________________________________________________
The Romans promoted unity by offering ___________________________________________________
They also united their empire by building a large network of _____________________
________________________ spreads
Blended Greek culture into a ________________________________________ civilization
Name: _______________________
Global 9
Date: _____________
Period: ___________
Roman Architecture Used Today
Lime and ________________________
______________________ and durable
Used primarily for ________________
Extremely well made and long lasting
______________ for water run-off)
First to use arch in variety of structures
Able to __________________________
___________ large, heavy buildings
vaulted ceilings and large covered public
_______________________________ of
______________ with ascending seating
o Gladiator combats, chariot races,
animal slayings, or executions
Used to conduct a water stream across hollows
or valleys
Used water was emptied into sewers to remove
waste material
Ancient Rome
Name: ____________________________________
Global 9
Date: _____________
Period: ___________
The fall of Rome
The decline of the Roman Empire:
_____________________________________________________________ which caused:
o ______________________________________________________________________________
(because they knew it was weakened)
o ______________________________________________
o ______________________________________________
In an attempt to govern the vast empire more effectively, the Roman Empire was __________________
______________________ by Emperor Diocletian.
Western Empire
Capital: ____________________
Eastern Empire
( __________________________________)
Capital: ____________________________
Collapsed in the A.D. ______________
because it was a crossroads between _______________
The Byzantines preserved (_____________) ___________
Survived for another ____________ years