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Earth and its place in the solar system
How Earth Moves
Earth spins just the way a top does.
This imaginary line through Earth is called Earth's axis.
The spinning of Earth on its axis is called rotation.
What causes day and night?
How Earth Moves
Earth also revolves around the sun. One trip around the sun is one revolution.
One revolution of Earth takes one year.
When Earth’s northern half is tilted away from the sun we have winter.
When light rays strike part of Earth’s northern half directly, we have
Choose the best answer:
1-Earth moves in several ways. Which of these words is the name for Earth’s
spinning motion?
2-Elena made this drawing of Earth and the sun.
Which sentence describes what Elena showed in the picture?
Earth has an equator.
Earth has four moons.
Earth rotates on its axis.
Earth revolves around the sun.
3-One kind of motion takes Earth around the sun. Which of these words is the
name for one complete trip around the sun?
4-Which of these motions causes Earth to have four seasons?
5-How long does it take Erath to rotate once around its axis..............
a. 1 hour
b. 1 day
c. 12 hors
d. 1 year
6-what does this illustration best show?
a. why Erath rotates
b. why planets orbit the sun
c. why the moon has phases
d. why Earth has seasons
7-Which of the following is responsible for day and night?
A. Earth’s orbit
B. Earth’s revolution
C. Earth’s rotation
D. Earth’s tilt
8 -The imaginary line that passes through the north and south pole of earth is
B-Fill in the blanks to tell how Earth rotates.
Use the words in the box.
day- night -rotates
1-When something ,…………………… it spins like a top.
2-As Earth rotates, the sun lights the sky. Then we have ………………….. Earth
rotates some more.
3-The sky gets dark. Then we have ……………………….
C-Fill in the chart below.
How Do Earth and the Moon Interact?
You may have noticed that over a period of time,
the moon doesn’t always look
the same. It may look like a circle, a half-circle, or just a thin sliver.
The different shapes we see are called moon phases.
This pattern of phases is called the lunar cycle.
The phases of the moon
-Choose the best answer:
1-What causes the full moon to shine?
It makes its own light.
It reflects light from Earth.
It makes shadows on stars.
It reflects light from the sun.
2-Which of these pictures represent full moon?
3-Kim drew this picture to show how the moon looked one night.
Which word is the term for a moon with this shape?
Complete each sentence with the correct term from the box.
1-When Earth moves around the sun, it
2-The different shapes of the moon are called moon
is the imaginary line from one pole of Earth to the other.
What is the solar system?
Earth is not the only planet, or large body of rock or gases, that does this.
All of the planets revolve around the sun.
Each planet revolves in a path called an orbit.
The sun, the planets, and these small objects make up the solar system.
The sun is one of the many, many stars in the universe.
Stars are hot balls of glowing gases that give off energy.
The Inner Planets
The four planets closest to the sun are called the inner planets. The inner planets
are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.
Mercury : the closest planet to the sun
Venus: the second planet from the sun
Erath: the only planet that supports life .
Mars: the red planet
The Outer Planets
The planets farthest from the sun are called the outer planets. They include
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
The planets
Mercury - The smallest planet and the one closest to the sun.
Venus – It is covered with thick yellow clouds.
This makes Venus the hottest planet
Earth - Our world.
It is the only planet we know that has life.
It has one moon.
Mars – It is called the red planet
Jupiter – The largest planet
Saturn – It has large rings made of ice.
Uranus –It has blue green color and it is very cold.
Neptune – It is the blue planet
Choose the best answer:
1-Which of the following is true about Mercury?
A. It has plenty of water.
B. It is far from the sun.
C. It is made of frozen gases.
D. It is very hot
2-Which of these is an inner planet?
a. Neptune
c. Saturn
b. Jupiter
d. Earth
3-which of these is not an inner planet?
a. Jupiter
b. Mercury
c. Mars
d. Venus
Write the name of each planet beside the suitable sentence:
(Mercury –Venus –Earth Mars-Jupiter)
1-The red planet.
2-The largest planet in the solar system
3-The only planet that supports life.
4-The closest planet to the sun.
Match each word to the words that tell about it.
1-solar system
• a large ball of rock or gas that move around the sun
• a path around something
• a huge ball of hot gases
• the sun, the planets, and the planets’ moons
-Arrange the planets of the solar system: