Download Pre-service teacher lesson plan Class: Year six Duration: Seventy

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Pre-service teacher lesson plan
Class: Year six
Duration: Seventy minutes
Learning Area: Health and Physical Education (theory lesson)
Lesson topic/focus: Unit focus: What’s happening to my body? Lesson focus: How can we identify the nutrients our body needs whilst it is
Lesson intent/purpose: Students will explore nutrients in foods and discover which foods support the development of their growing bodies.
Links to curriculum elements/essential learnings:
 Content Descriptor: Health and Physical Education: Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS054).
Elaboration: Comparing product labels on food items or nutritional information in recipes and suggesting ways to improve the nutritional
value of meals (Food and Nutrition).
 Content Descriptor: English: Participate in and contribute to discussions, clarifying and interrogating ideas, developing and supporting
arguments, sharing and evaluating information, experiences and opinions (ACEYL0719).
 Elaboration: Using strategies, for example pausing, questioning, rephrasing, repeating, summarising, reviewing and asking clarifying
General Capabilities:
(ICT) capability
Critical and creative thinking
Personal and social capability
Information and Communication Technology
Prior learning/understanding: Students have previously developed the knowledge to identify that changes in their bodies during adolescents
relate to physical and nutritional aspects. The physical aspects that impact these changes have been explored.
Phase /
What are the specific
understandings we’re
going to develop?
Understand that there are
four food groups consisting
of different types of food.
Identify and understand
why different food groups
15 minutes have different nutrients in
them and how they are
important to us.
Hannah Gallon-Kelly
How are we going to learn?
Learning activities, organisation, roles, questions etc
-Introduce topic. State we are going to view a video to help us learn about nutrients.
-Ask students ‘Does anybody think they know what a nutrient is?’ Direct students to
write their ideas in their books.
-Ask students to write down the questions from the board into their books:
-What are the four food groups? (fruit and vegetables, dairy, meat and alternatives,
cereals and grains).
-What is in fruit and vegetables? What do they do? (vitamins and minerals; fight
-What is in dairy? What does it do? (calcium; keeps bone strong).
white board
writing their
answers in
their books.
EDC3100 Assignment One
Discuss, challenge and
evaluate opinions and
apply, test)
Gain understanding of the
visual representation of the
food pyramid.
40 minutes
Identify what the four food
groups are, what foods are
in each of the groups and
show how the food groups
correlate with the nutrients.
Hannah Gallon-Kelly
-What is in meat and alternatives? What does it do? (protein; builds strong muscles).
-What is in cereals and grains? What does it do? (carbohydrates; produce energy).
-What are these foods called? (nutrients).
-Ask students to answer the questions in their books as they hear them on the video.
-Engage students with this video
-Play hot potato by throwing a tennis ball to students and whomever catches the ball
answers a question such as ‘Jimmy, what do you think is in dairy?’ Students who
answer correctly write their answers on the interactive white board next to the
question. Students could also draw pictures of the food types for visual
-When questioning students, ask other students to refer to the classroom Barometer.
Challenge students by asking what is your support of this opinion? Do you agree
entirely with Jimmy (100 on barometer) or do you not agree at all (zero on
-Ask two students to distribute food pyramid handouts to all students. Allow students
to explore the hand out. Elaborate the meaning of the four food groups and explain
that they consist of nutrients such as minerals, carbohydrates, calcium and protein.
-Pose questions to students without the need to answer. How do we know if these
nutrients are in our food? Can we see them? How do we know how much of these
nutrients are in our foods?
-Allow students time to explore and process their thoughts. Explain that we have
nutritional labels on our food packaging which represents the nutrients that are in the
foods we are eating. This also helps us know if the foods we eat have too many bad
ingredients such as sugar, or if they have a healthy amount.
-Show students nutritional labels from a range of foods such as fruit loops, porridge,
eggs, water, soft drink, doritos, frozen pies and muffins. Students can share labels in
pairs to investigate the range of quantities of the nutrients in each food item.
-Can anybody see any of the key words we discussed earlier? (minerals, calcium,
protein, carbohydrates).
-Refer to the video (re watch the video and pause to discuss the information) and food
pyramid and discuss what types of foods are in each food group.
- Ask students if there are any words on the labels that they need to be clarified.
Check students
by questioning.
by visual
Tennis ball.
Scaffold for
Food group
Circulate the
room whilst
EDC3100 Assignment One
-Ask students if they would like to choose their own groups responsibly or if they
would like the teacher to do so. This engages the students in their own learning.
Discussing ideas,
questioning peers and
reviewing ones ideas after
this discussion.
Explore a range of foods
and how their nutritional
labels inform us about the
nutrients that we are eating
and how they can help our
bodies be healthy and
remain healthy.
Hannah Gallon-Kelly
- Students will be broken into four groups, each representing a food group. Direct
students to the four tables that have previously been organised. Each table has a food
group name shown by a sign on the table. There are a range of laminated pictures of
foods on the table as well as laminated food labels that match the food items. Students
need to look at the foods and their correlating food labels and decide which foods on
the table belong to the food group station. For example, if students are standing at the
Dairy table students need to decide if the packet of chips or the carton of milk belongs
in this category. Students need to identify this by looking at the information on the
labels and discussing this with their group members (think, pair, share). Students may
also make their decisions based on prior learning. Students will separate the items that
belong and do not belong by the use of a T Bar Organiser in their books. Once
students have placed the correct laminated food labels onto their food group station, a
member of the team (take turns so each student gets a turn) will take a photo of their
station using the IPad (photos from each group will be used for the following lesson).
Students will then circulate to the other tables and continue to categorise their
information in their T Bar Organiser and also take a photo on the IPad of each food
group station they visit. Students should be at each table for five minutes. This is
directed by an online timer accessed via the internet .
-Once a full circulation has been achieved direct students back to their beginning
station. Ask students to share their thoughts, observations, confusions and ideas with
the class.
-Refer to the classroom Barometer. Who agrees with the Dairy team? Who had a
different answer? Why was your answer different? How did you come up with this
idea? Can you understand why the two teams have different answers?
- Promote student directed questioning to engage students in peer interaction.
Highlight the importance to share thoughts with their group members and class.
-How can we make sure we have all four food groups in our diet? What changes
could we make to what we pack for lunch? (This would be explored further in the
following lesson).
Check for an
noise level.
Food group
signs on
images of
foods from
the food
groups and
labels from
One IPad
per group
Circulate the
remind and
responsible use
of ICT.
by statements
such as ‘the
dairy group are
working very
well as a
EDC3100 Assignment One
Students will evaluate their
understanding of the
nutritional value of foods
and how we can identify
15 minutes this through labelling.
Students will summarise
their understandings
through clarifying their
questioning and thoughts.
-Through class discussion review and evaluate the questions previously posed to
students. How do we know if these nutrients are in our food? (We can look on their
labels). Can we see them? (You can see the foods you’re eating and you can
recognise what food groups they belong to). How do we know how much of these
nutrients are in our foods? (By looking at the information on the food labels).
- Do you think your understanding is the same as before the lesson?
- Students can discuss how their understanding of the nutritional value of food has
changed since the beginning of the lesson. This can be a whole class think, pair, share
- Direct students to write the following in their books:
- I enjoyed this lesson because…..
- I found this lesson hard because…..
- I learnt about…… this lesson.
- I think I am….. (beginning, developing, expanding) my knowledge about the
nutrients in the foods I eat.
- I think I interacted……with my peers in this lesson.
Check for
by viewing
-Propose further thinking: How do you think your diet, such as the food you eat for
dinner, matches with the nutrients in the food groups?
Next lesson: Designing a healthy lunch box guided by food labels.
1. Interactive white board and markers 2. Laptop 3. Kids Healthy Eating video 4. Tennis ball 5. Classroom Barometer 6. Food group pyramid
handout 7. Laminated images of foods from the food groups and labels from packaging 8. Food group signs on tables. 9. One IPad per group
10. Online timer
Teacher lesson reflection:
1) Did we achieve the aim of this lesson?
2) What aspects of the lesson were most successful? Why?
3) What aspects of the lesson were least successful? Why?
4) What methods/activities would I alter? How?
5) What aspects of classroom/behaviour management worked well/ need altering?
6) How would you rate the lesson? Fantastic/ Good/ OK/ Disappointing/ Start again!
Hannah Gallon-Kelly
EDC3100 Assignment One