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Name: ___________________________
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PRACTICE Test: Earth Science
1. Please write your first name and your last name on the top of this page.
2. Please use the Periodic Table that is provided with this test.
3. Please use your brain and only your brain.
a. You may not “borrow” your classmates’ brains – any and all cheating will result in a
b. You may not use your notes nor your textbook.
4. Please double check all your answers!
5. Please respect each other’s right to concentrate. This means absolutely no talking at any point
– talking may result in a zero.
6. If you finish early please hand in your test and begin to work on the assignment given on the
overhead. You will have a quiz on this assignment tomorrow.
PART 1: MATCHING (1 mark each = 10 marks)
Please match the term on the left with the best description on the right. Write the correct
matching letter beside the number.
1. ___
A. occurs at the boundary between an oceanic
plate and a continental plate
2. ___
B. occurs where two tectonic plates separate
3. ___
Coriolis effect
C. large, solid but moving pieces of Earth’s crust
4. ___
greenhouse gas
D. partly molten layer of upper mantle
5. ___
El Niño
E. the transfer of thermal energy within a fluid
6. ___
spreading ridge
F. chemical that contributes to trapping solar
radiation in the atmosphere
7. ___
G. a change of direction of moving air or water
due to the rotation of Earth
8. ___
H. unusually warm ocean waters off the coast of
Ecuador that affect climate
9. ___
plate tectonic
I. heat transfer through waves
10. ___
J. heat transfer by contact
K. the sudden release of built-up stress in the
PART 2: MULTIPLE CHOICE (1 mark each = 22 marks)
Please circle the best answer.
1. Which of the following is not a reason for natural climate change?
a. changing ocean currents
b. the composition of Earth’s atmosphere
c. Earth’s tilt, rotation, and orbit around the Sun
d. the increase in greenhouse gases produced by burning fossil fuels
2. What do paleoclimatologists use to study climates from the past?
a. ice cores
b. tree rings
c. fossils
d. all the above
3. Where are the convection currents that move lithospheric plates found?
a. crust
b. mantle
c. outer core
d. inner core
4. What piece of evidence is the best clue to suggest Antarctica was once located closer to the
equator than it is now?
a. its shape
b. Its average temperature is warmer in December than July.
c. Fossils of tropical plants have been found there.
d. All kinds of life currently exist on Antarctica.
5. Alfred Wegener´s Continental Drift Theory was based on which of the following
Fossil distribution
Jigsaw puzzle fit of continents
Matching up of mountain ranges
Magnetic reversals in the ocean crust
I and II only
II and III only
I, II and III only
I,II, III and IV
6. Which of the following locations is a spreading ridge most like to occur?
a. an ocean-ocean divergent plate boundary
b. an ocean-ocean convergent plate boundary
c. a continent-continent transform boundary
d. a continent-continent convergent boundary
7. Which of the following statements correctly compares the Earth´s crust to its mantle?
a. It is thicker and denser than the mantle.
b. It is thinner and denser than the mantle.
c. It is thicker and less dense than the mantle.
d. It is thinner and less dense than the mantle.
Use the following series of map diagrams for the Pacific Coast of North America to answer
question 8.
8. Which of the following processes amounts for the absence of the Farallon Plate in the final
a. The Farallon Plate moved west along a transform fault.
b. The Farallon Plate collided with the Pacific Plate, forming a larger oceanic plate.
c. The Farallon Plate subducted beneath the Pacific Plate and parts of it were renamed.
d. The Farallon Plate subducted beneath the North American Plate and parts of it were
9. Which pair of symbols indicate the presence of a subduction zone?
Use the following detail map of the East African Rift Zone to answer question 10. Use the
data pages for more information.
10. What will occur near the Gulf of Aden as the tectonic activity within the East African Rift
Zone continues?
a. Sea water will flood the East African Rift Zone.
b. A subduction zone will form along the Gulf of Aden.
c. Volcanic activity in the East African Rift Zone will stop.
d. The Arabian Plate will move south along transform faults.
Use the following diagrams showing plate boundaries to answer questions 11 to 13.
11. Identify the mapping symbol associated with the following regions.
12. What is formed at region
a. a mid-ocean ridge
b. a subduction zone
c. a deep ocean trench
d. a volcanic island arc
13. What type of earthquakes can occur at region
a. Deep focus earthquakes only
b. Shallow focus earthquakes only
c. Intermediate focus earthquakes only
d. Shallow, intermediate and deep focus earthquakes
Use the following diagram to answer question 14.
14. What is responsible for the formation of these volcanoes?
a. a hot spot
b. a transform fault
c. a spreading ridge
d. a subducting plate
Use the following illustration of the interior of a recently discovered planet to answer question
15. Which of the following seismic waves could be used to determine the depths of the solid
mantle and liquid core of this planet?
Surface waves
Primary waves
Secondary waves
II only
I and II only
I and III only
II and III only
Use the following information to answer question 15.
84𝑃𝑜 +?
16. Which of the following decay products could complete the nuclear equation?
I only
II only
I and I only
I, II and III
17. What does the mass number of an isotope represent?
a. The number of protons
b. The number of neutrons
c. The number of electrons
d. The number of protons and neutrons
18. Which of the following choices represents an isotope?
a. H2
b. Plutonium
c. Potassium-40
d. Silver sulphide
19. Which reaction occurs when an alpha particle is captured by a beryllium-9 nucleus?
a. 49Be + 42He → 126C + 10n
b. 49Be + 24He → 126C + 01n
c. 49Be + 24He → 126C + 01n
d. 49Be + 42He → 126C + 10n
20. A nuclear reaction combines the nucleus of bismuth-209 with a nucleus of nickel-64 to form
the element roentgenium-272 as shown below.
+ 64
28Ni →
+ 10n
What type of reaction is occurring?
a. Fusion
b. Fission
c. Beta decay
d. Alpha decay
Use the following diagram of nuclear reactions in a Red Giant star to answer question 20.
21. What type of reactions provide energy within a Red Giant star?
a. Fusion
b. Fission
c. Beta decay
d. Alpha decay
22. A rock sample originally contained 8 g of U-235 but now only 2 g of U-235. How old is the
a. 710 Ma
b. 1420 Ma
c. 2130 Ma
d. 2840 Ma
1. What is the difference between the densities of oceanic crust and continental crust?
2. What is the source of energy of convection currents and hot-spot activity in Earth´s mantle?
3. How does a rift valley form?
4. What is the difference between the focus of an earthquake and the epicenter of an earthquake?
5. What are the three kinds of earthquake waves and how do they differ?
 __________________________________________________________________
6. Use the following diagram showing nuclear decay of U-238 to answer the question.
What radioactive particle is produced in the first step?
What radioactive particle is produced in the second step?
What radioactive particle is produce in the third step?