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Renaissance Study Guide
Chapter One – Section One and Two
1. What is the time period of the Renaissance?
2. What city-states did the Renaissance begin?
3. What was the Renaissance a rebirth of?
4. What were the Medici famous for?
5. List what the Renaissance artists expressed.
6. List the reasons why the Renaissance spread to northern Europe.
7. Why did Italy’s geographic location help it become the “birthplace” of the Renaissance?
8. What kind of person represented the ideals of the “Renaissance man”?
9. What is the BEST description of the Renaissance ideal of humanism that changed modern thought?
10. What is the technique known as perspective most useful in the creation of?
11. What was the effect of the printing press in the 1500s?
12. Erasmus and Thomas More were well-known:
13. List the advantages Italy had over other European countries which allowed the Renaissance to begin.
14. According to Machiavelli, it is better to be __________ than _________ but never __________.
15. Where was the first use of movable type?
16. What was the first full-sized book Gutenberg printed?
17. How did Christian humanists try to reform society
18. During the Renaissance, belief in human __________ achievements became important.
19. How did the Northern Renaissance differ from the Italian Renaissance?
20. Was Lorenzo de Medici assassinated? Yes or No
21. List the subjects that is included in Humanities.
22. Was the consumption of art was used as a form of competition for social and political status? Yes or No
Match the term with the definition:
23. perspective __________
a. intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievements
24. humanism __________
b. writing in one’s own language
25. secular ___________
c. worldly rather than spiritual and concerned with the here and now
26. vernacular ___________
d. using three dimensions in paintings
Match the Italian Renaissance Artist with what they are known for:
27. Sandro Botticelli __________
a. painted the Sistine Chapel
28. Masaccio __________
b. poetic; masters perspective and realism
29. Michelangelo ___________
c. true renaissance man; painted the Mona Lisa
30. Raphael Sanzio __________
d. commissioned to build the cathedral dome
31. Filippo Brunelleschi _______
e. first female admitted into art school
32. Donatello __________
ab. painted the School of Athens
33. Leonardo da Vinci ________
ac. created the Statue of David
34. Artemesta Gentileschi ______
ad. master of naturalism
Match the Italian Renaissance Writers with their works:
35. Francesco Petrarch________
a. wrote “Decameron”
36. Boccaccio _________
b. wrote sonnets
37. Niccolo Machiavelli ________
c. wrote “The Prince”
Match the Northern Renaissance Artist with what they are known for:
38. Albrecht Druer ________
a. an English playwright
39. Jan Van Eyck _________
b. Netherlands artist who used realistic details to show people’s personalities
40. Pieter Bruegel _________
c. Netherlands artist who painted every day life scenes
41. Johann Gutenburg _________
d. German artist who produced woodcuts and engravings
42. Desiderius Erasmus _______
e. wrote “The Praise of Folly”
43. Christine de Pizan _________
ab. wrote about the objects of men on women to be educated
44. William Shakespeare _______
ac. invented the printing press
45. Thomas More __________
ad. wrote “Utopia”