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Match the term with the correct definition
A. mutation
B. antigen
C. biopsy
D. neoplasm
excision (removal) of tissue for microscopic examination
tumor, or growth of new tissue
changes in genetic code of a cell
stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies
What is does MRSA stand for? Why is MRSA considered a threat to public health?
Benign tumors:
A) infiltrate surrounding tissue
B) tend to remain capsulated
C) do not compress surrounding tissue or obstruct organs
D) do not resemble the tissue of origin
Malignant tumors:
A) tend to infiltrate other tissue
B) tend to bleed, ulcerate, and become infected
C) may spread to distant sites in the body
D) all the other choice combined
Which statement is true regarding the TNM (tumor, node, metastasis) cancer staging system?
A) assesses the size and spread of the primary tumor
B) is a grading system based on the degree of differentiation of the tumor cells
C) assesses the size and spread of the primary tumor and is a grading system based on the
degree of differentiation of the tumor cells
D) neither assesses the size and spread of the primary tumor nor is it a grading system based
on the degree of differentiation of the tumor cells
Anaphylaxis, serum sickness, arthralgia, and status asthmaticus are:
A) part of aging
B) systemic manifestations of severe allergic responses
C) immunodeficiency disorders
D) mild allergic conditions
Which of the following correctly states the sequence of an allergic response within the body?
A) IgE antibodies enter the body and produce an allergen
B) the release of histamine sensitizes the mast cells and produces symptoms
C) exposure to allergen stimulates the production of IgE antibodies and that can
subsequently trigger symptoms of allergy
D) histamine produces mast cells which stimulate plasma cells
Which of the following most accurately states the orderly steps in making a diagnosis?
A) medical history, physical examination, diagnostic tests, integration of results, diagnosis,
B) medical history, diagnostic tests, physical examination, treatment plan
C) physical examination, medical history, radiographs, prognosis, and integration of all
D) comparison of normals, physical examination, history, treatment plan, and prognosis
Mechanical and chemical barriers, the inflammatory response, and the immune response are:
A) risk factors for disease
B) the combined effects of inheritance and environmental factors
C) agents that damage DNA
D) included in the body's natural defense system against infection
Immunodeficiency disorders result from:
A) a depressed or absent immune response
B) physical trauma
C) motor vehicle accidents
D) an exudative response
Predisposing factors of disease:
A) precisely predict the occurrence of disease
B) make a person or a group more vulnerable to disease
C) never overlap or occur in combination
D) can all be controlled by prevention
Homeostasis refers to:
A) disease related to age
B) internal stability of the body
C) a chronic disease process
D) genetic predisposition to disease
Pathogens cause disease by:
A) invasion of living tissue
B) destruction of living tissue
C) invasion, destruction and intoxification
D) detoxication
The normal protective physiological response to injury and disease is:
A) infection
B) acute inflammation
C) cachexia
D) cancer
Signs of disease:
A) always cause symptoms
B) rarely correlate with symptoms
C) include abnormal objective findings
D) are always described by the patient
Smoking, drinking, nutrition, and lack of exercise are examples of predisposing factors related
A) age
B) environment
C) heredity
D) life style
In preventative health care, the primary emphasis is on:
A) accident intervention
B) prophylactic medical/health services
C) freedom of life style
D) personal rights
Genetic diseases may be:
A) produced by an abnormality or mutation in a single gene
B) caused by several abnormal genes
C) caused by an abnormal presence or absence of a chromosome or an alteration in the
structure of a chromosome
D) all of the other choices combined
Which statement is true about understanding the patient's pain?
A) pain is subjective
B) pain is the same for each patient
C) normal people will be pain free for life
D) pain is objective
Gene therapy is now a common intervention and a proven cure for many diseases.
A) True
B) False
Tumor grade is determined through microscopic examination of the tumor or a biopsy specimen.
A) True
B) False
In a low grade tumor, the cells still look like the normal tissue cells from which they are derived.
The grade for this type of tumor would be described as:
Products lacking FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approval may mean ingredients listed on
the outside of the bottle may not be inside the bottle or in the amount listed.
A) True
B) False
1. Tumor grade is determined through microscopic examination of the tumor or a biopsy
2. Smoking, drinking, nutrition, and lack of exercise are examples of predisposing factors related
A. age
B. life style
C. heredity
D. environment
Benign tumors:
A. do not compress surrounding tissue or obstruct organs
B. do not resemble the tissue of origin
C. tend to remain capsulated
D. infiltrate surrounding tissue
In preventative health care, the primary emphasis is on:
A. freedom of life style
B. personal rights
C. prophylactic medical/health services
D. accident intervention
5. Malignant tumors:
A. tend to infiltrate other tissue
B. all the other choice combined
C. may spread to distant sites in the body
D. tend to bleed, ulcerate, and become infected
6. Homeostasis refers to:
A. genetic predisposition to disease
B. internal stability of the body
C. a chronic disease process
D. disease related to age
7. Which of the following most accurately states the orderly steps in making a diagnosis?
physical examination, medical history, radiographs, prognosis, and integration of all
B. comparison of normals, physical examination, history, treatment plan, and prognosis
C. medical history, diagnostic tests, physical examination, treatment plan
medical history, physical examination, diagnostic tests, integration of results,
diagnosis, treatment
8. Pathogens cause disease by:
A. detoxication
B. destruction of living tissue
C. invasion of living tissue
D. invasion, destruction and intoxification
9. Which statement is true regarding the TNM (tumor, node, metastasis) cancer staging system?
assesses the size and spread of the primary tumor and is a grading system based on the
degree of differentiation of the tumor cells
neither assesses the size and spread of the primary tumor nor is it a grading system
based on the degree of differentiation of the tumor cells
C. is a grading system based on the degree of differentiation of the tumor cells
D. assesses the size and spread of the primary tumor
10. Which statement is true about understanding the patient's pain?
A. pain is subjective
B. pain is objective
C. normal people will be pain free for life
D. pain is the same for each patient
Mechanical and chemical barriers, the inflammatory response, and the immune response are:
A. risk factors for disease
B. included in the body's natural defense system against infection
C. agents that damage DNA
D. the combined effects of inheritance and environmental factors
12. Anaphylaxis, serum sickness, arthralgia, and status asthmaticus are:
A. part of aging
B. mild allergic conditions
C. immunodeficiency disorders
D. systemic manifestations of severe allergic responses
13. Genetic diseases may be:
A. produced by an abnormality or mutation in a single gene
B. all of the other choices combined
caused by an abnormal presence or absence of a chromosome or an alteration in the
structure of a chromosome
D. caused by several abnormal genes
Immunodeficiency disorders result from:
A. an exudative response
B. physical trauma
C. a depressed or absent immune response
D. motor vehicle accidents
What is does MRSA stand for? Why is MRSA considered a threat to public health?
16. Gene therapy is now a common intervention and a proven cure for many diseases.
17. In a low grade tumor, the cells still look like the normal tissue cells from which they are
derived. The grade for this type of tumor would be described as:
18. Predisposing factors of disease:
A. never overlap or occur in combination
B. can all be controlled by prevention
C. make a person or a group more vulnerable to disease
D. precisely predict the occurrence of disease
19. Signs of disease:
A. always cause symptoms
B. are always described by the patient
C. include abnormal objective findings
D. rarely correlate with symptoms
20. Which of the following correctly states the sequence of an allergic response within the body?
A. IgE antibodies enter the body and produce an allergen
B. histamine produces mast cells which stimulate plasma cells
exposure to allergen stimulates the production of IgE antibodies and that can
subsequently trigger symptoms of allergy
D. the release of histamine sensitizes the mast cells and produces symptoms
21. Match the term with the correct definition
1. mutation
2. antigen
3. biopsy
4. neoplasm
A. tumor, or growth of new tissue
B. excision (removal) of tissue for microscopic examination
C. changes in genetic code of a cell
D. stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies
22. The normal protective physiological response to injury and disease is:
A. infection
B. cancer
C. cachexia
D. acute inflammation
23. Products lacking FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approval may mean ingredients
listed on the outside of the bottle may not be inside the bottle or in the amount listed.