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Section 2.3 Review Questions
Chemistry of Cells
1. Identify what all organic compounds have in common, and list four principles classes of organic
All organic compounds contain the element carbon.
The four classes are:
1. Carbohydrates
2. Lipids
3. Proteins
4. Nucleic acids
2. Compare the structures of saturated and unsaturated lipids.
Saturated – Each carbon atom is bonded to two hydrogen atoms.
Unsaturated – Some of the carbon atoms are linked by a double bond, each with only
one Hydrogen atom. This produces kinks in the molecule.
3. Describe the three parts of a nucleotide and how they are attached to one another.
Sugar, Phosphate and a Nitrogen Base.
The phosphate is connected to the sugar.
The sugar is connected to the base.
4. Compare the role of ATP in cells with the role of RNA.
ATP – Energy storage
RNA – Key role in the manufacture of proteins (instructions)
5. Molecule X contains a sugar and a phosphate group. What is molecule X?
B. A nucleotide