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Examples of previous Anatomy and Physiology A
I-Mention Only
*hormones produced by the gonads
*three major groups of hormones produced by adrenal cortex
*hormones of pituitary gland
*tunics of the eye
*cranial nerves that move the eye
* ways of protection of CNS
*types of neurons(functionally)
*4 posterior body landmarks
*4bones in skull
*bones of the lower limb
*bones of the upper limb
*names of vertebrae
*muscles used for injection
*chewing muscles
*arches of the foot
*muscles causing movement at knee joint
*three paranasal sinuses
*three membranes covering theCN
*two purely sensory cranial nerves
*two hormones of the posterior pituitary
*3 bone markings on temporal bone
*2 dorsal body cavities
*3 paranasal sinuses
*2 types of cartilage
*Parts of the lacrimal apparatus
*Hormones of the thyroid gland
*Types of the ribs
*Bones of the hand
*spinal nerves plexuses
*Muscles of anterior abdominal wall are
*parts of the inner ear
b-sagittal section
f-cholenergic fibres
i-anatomical position
j-haversian canal
k-arrector pilli
n-carpal bones
o-epiphysial line
p-mixed edocrine gland
q-tropic hormone
III-Put (T ) opposite true and (F) opposite false statements:
( )calcitonin is hycalcimic while PTH is hypercalcemic
( )the newborn infant can hear er the first cry
)sagittal section divide the body into right and left parts
)phagocytosis is an active method of transport.
)epidermis isstratified squamus keratinized epithelium.
)osteoclasts are bone eating cells.
)skull bones develoe in cartilage.
)the epigasrtic region lies below the umblical one.
)UL ratio is 1:1 at 15 years old.
)the first 7 ribs are true ribs.
)all sweat glands are exocrine glands.
)sural area is posterior body landmark.
( )-The heart is posterior to the sternum
( )-The knee is distal to the thigh
( )-The right and left lumbar regions lie lateral to the umbilical region
( )-The nucleus contains one or more nucleoli
( )-Lysosomes are membrane bags containing powerful digesting enzymes
( )-Epithelial tissues are avascular
( )-Transitional epithelium is present in respiratory tract
( )-Fibrocartilage is present between vertebrae
( )-Foramen magnum allows the spinal cord to connect with the brain
( )-Circumduction is commonly seen in hinge joints
( )-The CNS consists of the brain and cranial nerves
( )-Transmission of an impulse is electro chemical event
( )-The primary motor area is posterior to the central sulcus
( )-The cornea has no blood vessels
( )-Optic disc has only cones
( )-At the optic chiasma ;the fibres from the medial side of each eye
cross over to the opposite side
( )-The dynamic equilibrium receptors are found in the semicircular
( )-In cretinism the body proportions remain childlike
( )-When blood calcium levels drop below certain level;the parathyroid
releases PTH
( )osteoclasts are bone eating cells.
)skull bones develope in cartilage.
)the epigasrtic region lies inferior to the umblical region.
)UL ratio is 1:1 at 15 years old.
)the first 7 ribs are true ribs.
)all sweat glands are exocrine glands
)axons conduct impulses away from the cell body
)transmittion of an impulse is electrical only
)receptors in the ear are mechanoreceptors
)testosterone produces secondry male sex characters
)anterior pituitary is controlled by thalamus
)glucagon is hypoglycemic hormone
) hyperopia is nearsightedness
)the visual area is located in occipital lobe
)pancreas is exocrine and endocrine gland
)the sympathetic and parasympathetic cause antagonestic effects
III-fill the spaces with proper words:
*deafness due to nervous cause is caaed-------------
*---------------------is hypoglycemic hormone while-----------is hyperglycemic and
both are produced by---------------------*the posterior wall of the eye seen by ophthalmoscope is called------------*the posterior chamber of the eye is filled by while the anterior is filled by--------*in photopupillary reflex pupil will--------------------when exposed to direct light
*the number of cranial nerves is --------while the number of spinal nerves is------*the only cranial nerve that reach chest and abdomen is-----------*------------------is the powerhouse of the cell
*Gonadotropic hormones are released from--------------------------------------and their names are-----------------------and-------------------------*-------------------prepare the body to cope(
)with alarm stage while-----------------------acts during the resistance stage of the stress reponse
*The stimuli that activate the endocrine organs are-----------------------------;-----------------------and-------------------------------------------*blood is atype of -------------------tissue
*the --------------------------nervous system is the house keeping system
*in directional terms;-------------------------means toword the head while---------------- means toword the midline
*--------------------nerves carry impulses to and from the brain
*The specific cell that responds to chemicals dissolved in saliva is called---------*-----------------means old vision
*Increased intraocular pressure is called-------------------while opaque lens is
called--------------*The -----------------------nervous system is the fight-flight system
*Each axonal terminal is separated from the next neuron by----------------------;this gap is crossed by a chemical substance called----------------------------*Muscles use three pathways for ATP regeneration ;they are--------------------------------------;------------------------------------and----------------------------------*Bones of the pelvis are---------------------------;-------------------and----------------*-------------------------is the only movable joint in the skull.
*---------------------carry impulses to and from the brain.
*serous membranes are-------------------------------------epithelium.
*in directional terms;------------------------means towords the head.
*hypertonic solution leads to-----------------------of cells.
* the fibrous connective tissue covering diaphysis is called-------------------------*supporting cells of the CNS are called------------------------*the middle ear is connected to the throat by-----------------*increased intraocular pressure is called-------------------------*--------------------------is the large foramen in occipital bone
*os coxa has a deep socket called------------------------*iodine is needed for------------hormone generation
*--------------------causes uterine contraction
*--------------------hormone causes water reabsorption in kidneys
*the opposite of each of the following is dorsiflexion ---------------invertion-----------------------.abduction---------------------.flxion-------------------.polarisation------------------.
*reflexes that regulate theactivity of smooth muscles;heart and glands are
called----------- while those stimulate the skletal muscles are called--------------------
* ----------------- is located in precentral gyrus while -------------------in postcentral one
IV-Match table A With table B
Table A (
)-pelvic bone
Table A
) -`Proprioceptors
)-Pain receptors
Table B 1- formed of 3 fused bones
2-main bone of the leg
3-posterior wall of the pelvis
4-the longest bone in our body
5-bone of pectoral girdle
6- bone of the arm
7-bone in the forearm
Table B
a-receptors in the tongue
b-receptors in the ears
c-may be rods or cones
d-naked nerve endings
e-in muscles and tendons
f-touch receptors
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Table A
( )-Calcitonin
( )-Parathormone
( )-Glucocorticoids
( )-Thyroxin
( )-Growth hormone
Table B
a-every cell is a target
b-hypercalcemic hormone
c-hyperglycemic hormone
d-deposits calcium in bones
e-related to pituitary dwarfism
f-tropic hormone
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Table A
Table B
( )-Aldosterone
a-male sex hormone
( )-Epinephrine
b-promotes sodium reabsorption
( )-Androgens
c-hypoglycemic hormone
( )-Insulin
d-stimulates milk production
( )-Prolactin
e-female sex hormone
f-secreted by adrenal medulla
Table B
( )-Olfactory nerve
a-activates facial muscles
( )-Vagus
b-first cranial nerve
( )-Trigeminal
c-nerve of hearing and equilibrium
( )-Vestibulococlear
d-supplies thoracic and abdominal viscera
( )-Facial
e-fifth cranial nerve
f-motor nerve for the tongue
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Table A
( )-Quadreseps
( )-Gluteus maximus
( )-Biceps brachii
( )-Sternocledomastoid
( )-Maseter
Table B
a-proper site for injection
b-prime mover for elbow flexion
c-one muscle for mastication
d-flex the head
e-extends the knee
f-toe-dancers muscle
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Table A
Table B
( )-Epiphyseal plate
a-shaft of long bone
( ) –Diaphysis
b-in the temporal bone
( )-Styloid prosess
c-area of hyaline cartilage
( )-Atlas
d-holds pituitary gland
( )-Sella tursica
e-first cervical vertibra
f-bone of face
Table A ( )-diffusion
Table B 1-ATP is needed
( )-filteration
2-important for sodium transport
( )-facilitated diffusion
3- concentration gradient
( )-active trasport
4-pressure gradient
( )-solute pumping
5-passive transport needs protein
6-cell eating
7-isotonic solution
TableA ( )-clavicle
Table B1-formed of three fused bones
( )-femur
2-main bone of the leg
( )-tibia
3-posterior wall of the pelvis
( )-sacrum
4-the longest bone in our body
( )-humerus
5-bone of pectoral girdle
6- bone of the arm
7-bone in the forearm
)- prostaglandin
Table A(
)-brain stem
)-postcentral gyrus
TableA (
TableB 1-hyperglycemic hormone
2-salt and water retention
3-locally acting hormone
4- hypercalcemic hormone
5- major metabolic hormone
6-hypoglycemic hormone
Table 1-control balance and equilibrium
2-plays a role in the awake/sleep cycles
3-crude recognition of sensation
4-plays a role in temperature regulation
5-primary motor area
6-primary sensory area
TableB1-extends to thorax and abdomen
2-purely sensory
3-supplies muscles of facial expression
4-branch of cervical plexus
5-supplies eye muscles
6-spinal nerve
V-Multiple choice
( )- The anatomical term meaning toward the midline of the body:
b. inferior.
c. distal.
d. lateral.
e. medial.
( )- Which of the following is NOT a posterior body landmark?
b. Sternal.
c. Scapular.
d. Occipital
e. Vertebral.
( )The dendrite of a neuron:
a. conducts nerve impulses towards the nerve cell body.
b. conducts nerve impulses away
from the nerve cell body.
c. is the single main cell process of a multipolar neuron.
d. both b and c above are correct.
( )The neuron process termed the "axon" normally:
-a. conducts nerve impulses away from the nerve cell body.
- b. conducts impulses towards the
nerve cell body.
- c. conducts nerve impulses towards the
Central Nervous System.
- d. both a and b above are correct.
- e. both a and c above are correct.
( )The occipital lobes:
- are located within the white matter of the cerebrum.
- help regulate gross movements
performed unconsciously.
- are concerned with vision. are part of the peripheral nervous
- are the most posterior part of the cerebellum.
( )The part of the brain concerned with water balance, appetite, and regulating body
temperature, is the:
- cerebral cortex.
- cerebellum.
- hypothalamus.
-medulla oblongata.
- thalamus.
( )The tightly packed coil of the Schwann cell plasma membranes that encircles certain kinds of
axons is termed the:
- myelin sheath. - neurolemma.
ependymal cells.
- node of Ranvier.
- Nissl granules.
( )Which of the following plays an important role in regulating voluntary movements?
- postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe - basal ganglia. - hypothalamus
gyrus of the frontal lobe
- cerebral peduncles.
- primary motor
( )The basic unit of the nervous system is the ________.
- axon.
- dendron.
- nephron.
- neuron.
- nerve cell body.
( )The brain is part of the:
a- autonomic nervous system.
d- somatic nervous system.
b- central nervous system.
c- peripheral nervous system.
e -splanchnic nervous system.
( )The cerebellum aids in maintenance of:
- balance and posture.
- speech.
- binocular vision.
visual acuity
- emotional behavior.
( )The cerebral cortex is characterized by numerous elevated ridges of tissue called _______.
- gyri.
- sulci.
- fissures.
- neural tubes. -
the cerebral lobes.
( )What is the minimum number of neurons that can be involved in a reflex arc
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
( )This deep groove separates the two hemispheres of the cerebrum:
- thalamus - longitudinal fissure - pons
- cerebellum - Central sulcu
( )Stimulation of the thyroid gland causes the release of:
- insulin
- noradrenaline
( )Androgens are produced by the _______.
- epinephrine
-thyroid hormone
- ovaries
- testes
- hypothalamus i
-islets of Langerhans
( )One of the two hormones made by the pituitary that help regulate reproductive cells is
luteinizing hormone. The other hormone is _______.
- androgen - follicle stimulating hormone- epinephrine -norepinephrine
( )Calcium level in the blood is regulated by the:
- parathyroid and thyroid
posterior and anterior pituitary
- adrenal medulla and pancreas
- parathyroid and thymus
( )Each of the following is both an exocrine and an endocrine gland EXCEPT the:
- ovary
- testes
- pancreas
- adrenal gland
( )Endocrine glands differ from exocrine glands in that:
a-endocrine glands are ductless and exocrine release at the body's surface or into ducts. bendocrine glands release hormones whereas exocrine release waste. c- endocrine glands are
formed by epithelial tissue, but exocrine glands are primarily connective tissue.
d- endocrine glands are all interconnected; whereas exocrine glands act completely
( )Estrogens and progesterone are produced by:
- testes
- ovaries
- adrenal glands
- neurohormones
( )Failure of the pituitary to stop producing growth hormone after body growth is completed
results in _________.
- giantism
- tetany
- kidney failure
( )Name the gland that is located at the base of the throat, just inferior to the Adam's apple.
- pituitary
- pineal gland
- hypothalamus
- thyroid
( ) What gland is located just superior to the kidneys?
- pituitary
- adrenal
- pancreas
- ovaries
( )Most of the endocrine system is regulated by
- negative feedback mechanisms
hormone-receptor complexes
- positive feedback mechanisms
- hormone-gene complexes
( )Nervousness, increased body temperature, and increased blood pressure are indications of
- diabetes mellitus
- hypoglycemia
- hypothyroidism -hyperthyroidism
( )The alpha cells of the pancreas secrete_______ which targets the _____.
- glucagon; liver
calcitonin; thyroid
- melatonin; liver
- glucagon; kidney
( )The growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland is __________.
- somatotropin - prolactin - luteinizing hormone
- follicle-stimulating hormone
( )The rate of metabolism of all body cells is regulated by _____________.
- parathyroid hormone - aldosterone
- calcitonin - thyroid hormone
17-The relatively constant internal environment of the body is maintained by
- negative feedback - positive feedback
- homeostasis - metabolism
18-The secretions from which of these glands differs between males and females?
- adrenal
- parathyroid
- gonad
- pancreas
19-The two regulatory systems of the body are the endocrine system and the
- nervous system
- respiratory system
- immune system
- circulatory system
- skeletal syste ( )Focusing the light rays involves which of the
a-change in the shape of the lens
b- change in the relative position of the lens
c-change in the
shape of the cornea
d- change in the density of the aqueous humor
location of the optic disc
e- change in the
( )A delicate membrane that lines the eyelids and covers the part of the outer surface of the
eyeball is called - lacrimal gland
- cornea
- conjuntiva - retina
- choroid.
( )The area of the retina containing only cone cells is the
- a. uvea. - b. optic disc. - c. fovea centralis.
- e. both b. and d. above are correct.
- d. blind spot.
( )The auditory (or Eustachian) tube is located between the:
- throat and middle ear.
- throat and inner ear.
- throat and trachea - . throat and larynx.
- middle ear and inner ear.
( ) The optic disc marks the
- exit of the Optic nerve, II. - most optically sensitive point of the retina.
junction between the iris and the ciliary body. - the region in the retina where the ganglion cells
are located - the latest recording techniques on CDs.
( )The outer ear consist of except
- pinna
- auditory tube - external auditory canal. -tympanic membrane
( )The transparent anterior portion of the sclera is the:
- choroid.
- ciliary body. - cornea.
- iris.
- retina.
( )When a bright light shines in the eye, what reflex action takes place
- Ciliary bodies secrete tears
- Extrinsic eye muscles contract
- . Radial muscles of the iris contract. - Ciliary muscles contract
. Circular muscles of the iris contract.
( )By age 60, a gradual deterioration and atrophy of the organ of Corti leads to loss in the ability
to hear high tones and speech sounds. condition is called:- presbyopia.
- hyperopia.
- emmetropia.
- otitis media.
( )The term for nearsightedness is called _______ and the term for farsightedness is called
_______.- myopia; hyperopia
- hyperopia; myopia
- hemianopia; hyperopia
- myopia; emmetropia
- presbyopia; hyperopia
( )Rods and cones are distributed over the entire retina except for the _______.
- optic disk
- choroid
- ora serrata
- lens
( )The auditory tube, round window, oval window and ear ossicle are all found within the:
- external ear.
- semicircular canals.
- cochlear duct.
- middle ear.
- internal ear.
( )The only special sense which is NOT functional when the child is born is:
- hearing.
- taste.
- vision.
- smell.
- balance.
( )The receptors for ________ and _______ are classified as chemoreceptors.
- taste; smell - sight; smell - pain; pressure
smell; hearing
- proprioception; pain -
( )What makes up the outermost tunic of the eye?
- choroid and sclera
choroid and iris
- cornea and ciliary body
- retina and ora serrata.
- cornea and sclera
( )What part of the retina contains only cones and is the area of greatest visual acuity?
- ciliary body
- ora serrata
- fovea centralis
- optic disk
- iris
( )When the eyes are suddenly exposed to bright light, the pupils immediately constrict. This is
called the:
- accommodation pupillary reflex.
- stretch reflex.
photopupillary reflex.
- crossed-extensor reflex.
- nociceptor reflex.
( )When there is degeneration or damage to the receptor cells in the organ of Corti, to the
cochlear nerve, or to neurons of the auditory cortex, the condition is called:
- infusion deafness.
- sensorineural deafness.
- direct deafness
- temporal deafness.
- conduction
( )The bending or movement of a limb towards the midline of the body is known as:
- flexion. - extension. - abduction. - adduction. - pronation.
( )The energy source that is directly responsible for muscle fiber contraction is:
- glucose.
- glycogen.
- ADP.
- lactic acid.
( )The muscle whose action is dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot is the
- biceps femoris. - sartorius. - rectus femoris. - tibialis anterior.
- peroneus
( )The muscle that causes flexion of the forearm is the:
- biceps femoris. - buccinator. - biceps brachii. - triceps brachii.- rectus femoris.
( )The bending or movement of a limb towards the midline of the body is known as:
- flexion. - extension. - abduction. - adduction. - pronation.
( )The energy source that is directly responsible for muscle fiber contraction is:
- glucose.
- glycogen.
- ADP.
- lactic acid.
( )The muscle whose action is dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot is the
- biceps femoris. - sartorius. - rectus femoris. - tibialis anterior.
- peroneus
( )The muscle that causes flexion of the forearm is the:
- biceps femoris. - buccinator. - biceps brachii. - triceps brachii.- rectus femoris.
( )The "all-or-none" property of muscles is a phenomenon that occurs on the _____ level.
- cellular - tissue - organ
- groups of muscles
- sarcomere
( )Which of these muscles is located in the abdominal region?
- Rectus femoris - Latissimus dorsi
- External oblique
- Biceps brachii
- Biceps
( )The _______ does NOT cause movement at the knee joint.
- gluteus maximus - quadriceps group - hamstring group - sartorius
( )The primary function of all muscle tissue is:
- twisting. - lengthening. - contraction or shortening. - to generate heat.- to stretch.
( )When several muscles are contracting at the same time, the muscle that has the major
responsibility for causing a particular movement is called the:
- synergist. - prime mover. - fixator. - antagonist. - helper muscle
( )Which of the following are characteristic of cardiac muscle?
- Multinucleated cells - Spindle-shaped cells
- Two sheets or layers, one running circularly and the other longitudinally
Intercalated disks
- Body skeleton attachment
( )Which of the following is the only muscle type that is nonstriated and involuntary?
- Cardiac
- Smooth
- Epimysium
- Skeletal
- Muscle fiber
( )Which of the following refers to one neuron and all the skeletal muscle cells it
- Neuromuscular junction
- Synaptic cleft
- Irritability and contractility
- Motor unit
- Muscle fiber
( )In a typical long bone, spongy bone is found in the
- diaphysis - epiphyses - periosteum - Medullary cavity - tendon
( )In embryos, the skeleton is primarily made of _______, but in the adult most of the
skeleton is _______.
- hyaline cartilage; bone - elastic cartilage; bone - bone; hyaline cartilage - fibrocartilage; bone
- dense regular connective tissue; hyaline cartilage
( )Name the canals that, in dense bone, are the communication from the outside of the bone
to its interior central canals.
- Haversian canals - Volkmann's (perforating) canals - Central canals - Canaliculi
- Concentric canals
( ) Single vertebrae are separated by _______, which cushion the vertebrae and absorb
- ntervertebral disks -bony pad - ligaments - fatty pads
loose areolar connective tissue
( )The ___ bone is inferior to the mandible, superior to the larynx and does not articulate
directly with any other bone.
- mandible - clavicle - hyoid
- vomer
- inferior concha
( ) The coxal bones (ossa coxae) make up the:
- pectoral girdle. - hip and thigh. - pelvic girdle.
vertebral column and sacrum.
- shoulder girdle.
( )The spinal curvatures in the _______ and _______ regions are referred to as primary
curvatures because they are present when we are born.
- cervical; thoracic - thoracic; sacral
- thoracic; lumbar - cervical; sacral - cervical;
( ) The true ribs:
a - refer to the first five pairs of ribs. b - attach directly to the sternum by costal cartilages. c
- attach directly to the sternum. d- lack sternal attachment. e - are the five pairs of ribs that
either attach indirectly to the sternum or are not attached to the sternum at all.
( ) What are the names of the two types of bone tissue?
- Compact and long - Compact and spongy - Flat and tall - Cartilage and irregular Spongy and hematopoietic.
( )Which of the following is NOT a function of bone?
- Support - Breakdown of proteins into amino acids
- Blood cell formation (hematopoiesis)
- Movement
( )In an osteon, bone cells are arranged in concentric circles around longitudinal tubes called:
- marrow cavities. - Volkmann's canals. - Haversian canals.
- canaliculi.
( ) Tissues that contain a blood supply, lacunae and canaliculi, are known as:
- hyaline cartilage. - elastic cartilage.
dense (fibrous) connective tissue.
- white fibrocartilage.
- bone tissue. - -
( ) Name the structure that is contained within the lacuna of living bone.
- Chondrocyte - Calcium salts - Matrix - Osteocyte squamous epithelium.
- Simple
( ) The glenoid cavity is located where the:
- clavicle articulates with the scapula. - clavicle articulates with the sternum.
humerus articulates with the scapula. - humerus articulates with the clavicle.
humerus articulates with the ulna.
( )The hard palate is composed of the _______ and _______ bones.
- maxillae; mandible - maxillae; palatine - palatine; lacrimal
- vomer; palatine.
( ) The joint between the parietal bones and the occipital bone is called the:
- lambdoidal suture. - squamous suture. - coronal suture. - fontanel.
- sagittal
( ) The mandible bone articulates with the:
- maxilla. - palatine. - sphenoid.
- temporal.
- zygomatic
( ) The mastoid process is part of the _______ bone.
- mandible - occipital - parietal
- temporal
- zygomatic
( ) The pectoral girdle is composed of the following structures:
a- scapula and clavicle. b - ilium, ischium and pubis. c- clavicle and thoracic vertebrae. dscapula and cervical vertebrae. e- ilium, ischium, pubis, and sacrum.
( ) The anatomical term for the "breast bone" is the:
- sacrum. - sternum. - patella. - clavicle. - hyoid
( ) True ribs are attached to the _______ vertebrae
- thoracic - sacral - lumbar - coccygeal
- cervical
( ) The sagittal suture is located between the _______ and _______ bones.
- frontal; parietal
parietal; temporal
- left parietal; right parietal
- parietal; occipital
- temporal; occipital
( )Which of the following bones is one of the bones contains the external auditory meatus?
- vomer - temporal - sphenoid - frontal
- ethmoid .
( ) Which of the following joints permits the greatest degree of movement?
- syndesmoses
- hinge
- condyloid
- ball and socket
( )Most of the cells of the epidermis are:
melanocytes.- keratinocytes. - phagocytes (other than keratinocytes). - monocytes.
- -
( ) The cutaneous glands are all a type of _______ glands .
endocrine - sweat - exocrine - sebaceous - eccrine
( )The deepest layer of the epidermis is called the:
stratum corneum. - stratum lucidum. - stratum granulosum . - stratum spinosum.
- stratum basale.
( )The dermis is abundantly supplied with _______ which play a role in maintaining body
temperature homeostasis.
-nerve endings - melanocytes- blood vessels- lymphatic vessels- phagocytes
( )The epidermis and dermis are normally firmly connected together. However a burn or
friction may cause these layers to separate which results in a:
-sty. - abscess. - scratch. - blister. - pimple
( ) The layer of the skin that is made of stratified squamous epithelium is called the ._______
-epidermis - hypodermis -dermis - subcutaneous fascia - fat layer
( )The protein found in large amounts in the stratum corneum cells, nails, and hair is:
- keratin. - collagen. -melanin. - elastic fiber. - hemoglobin
( )-Most connective tissues are well vascularized except
c. ligaments
d. areolar tissue
e. b and c
( )- The uptake of liquids that contain dissolved proteins or fats into a cell occurs because of:
b. pinocytosis
c. passive transport. d. phagocytosis.
e. diffusion
( )One of the following is not a serous membrane:
( )What kind of membranes is composed of connective tissue?
( )Sebaceous glands secrete:
b- melanin.
e- wax.
( )- Which of the following is not a cranial bone?
a- maxilla
c- occipital
d- frontal
( ) Which of the following is a highly movable joint?
b- synarthrosis c-diarthrosis
d- syndesmosis
( ) Which of the following bones is NOT a part of the axial skeleton?
b-frontal bone
c- clavicle d- vertebra
( ) What are groups of nerve cell bodies in the CNS called?
a- nerves
b- tracts
c- ganglia
d- central area e- nuclei
( ) What detects the amount of stretch or tension in skeletal muscles, their
tendons, and joints?
a-pain receptors
cutaneous receptors
b-pressure receptors
c-heat receptors
( )-The cell bodies of sensory neurons whose fibers enter the cord by the
dorsal root are found in the:
a-ventral root ganglion
b-autonomic ganglia.
c-dorsal root ganglion
d- basal nuclei.
( )-The basic functional unit of the nervous system is the:
b- dendron. c-nerve cell body
d-neuron e-axon.
( )- Between successive Schwann cells, there are gaps called
a-axons. b- nerve cell bodies. c- axon hillock. d- nodes of Ranvier.
( )-The cerebral cortex is characterized by numerous elevated ridges called:
a-the cerebral lobes. b- gyri. c-sulci. d- neural tubes.
( )-The transparent anterior portion of the sclera is the:
a-choroid. b-ciliary body
c- cornea.
d-iris e-retina
( )-The outer fibrous coating of the eyeball is the:
a-iris. b- sclera. c- retina. d- choroid. e- ciliary body.
)-The area of the retina containing only cone cells is the:
a- uvea b. optic disc c. fovea centralis d. blind spot
e. both b and d
( ) -The tip of the tongue is very sensitive to which taste(s)?
a. bitter
b. salty
c. sour
d. sweet
e. both b and d
( )-Androgens are produced by the
b- islets of Langerhans
c- testes
d- hypothalamus
( )-Calcium level in the blood is regulated by the
a-Adrenal medulla & pancreas
b- Parathyroid and Thymus
c-Posterior and anterior pituitary
d- Parathyroid and Thyroid
( )-Hypothyroidism in infancy results in
a-Cretinis b- Addison disease
c- Cushing's syndrome
d- Goiter
( )-A "fight or flight" situation does not stimulate the secreation of anoradrenaline
c- adrenaline
( )-The secretions from which of these glands differs between males and females?
d- gonad
( )-Most of the endocrine system is regulated by a-positive feedback
b- negative-feedback Mechanismc-hormone-receptor
d-hormone-gene complexes
( )-Estrogen and progesterone are produced by
a-uterus b- ovaries
c- testes
d- adrenal glands
( )-Failure of the pituitary to stop producing growth hormone after body
growth is completed results in
a-kidney failure
b- acromegaly
( )-Another name for adrenaline is
d- norepinephrine
( )- The anatomical term meaning toward the midline of the body is:
a.anterior. b. inferior.
c. distal.
d. lateral. e. medial.
( )- Which of the following is NOT a posterior body landmark?
b. Sternal.
c. Scapular. d. Occipital
e. Vertebral.
( )-Most connective tissues are well vascularized except
c. ligaments
d. areolar tissue
e. b and c
( )- The uptake of liquids that contain dissolved proteins or fats into a cell is
a.osmosis. b. pinocytosis
c. passive transport.
d.phagocytosis e-diffusion
( )-One of the following is not a serous membrane:
c-Peritoneum d-Perineum
( )-What kind of membranes is composed of connective tissue? a-mucous
b-parietal c-synovial
( )-Sebaceous glands secrete:
b- melanin.
( )- Which of the following is not a cranial bone? a- maxilla
c- occipital
d- frontal
( )- Which of the following is a highly movable joint?
b- synarthrosis
d- syndesmosis
( )- Which of the following bones is NOT a part of the axial skeleton?
b-frontal bone
c- clavicle
d- vertebra
( ) The rate of metabolism of all body cells is regulated by
a- calcitonin
b- aldosterone
c- thyroxine
d- parathyroid
e- wax.