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The Solar System
What Makes Up the Solar System?
How Did The Solar System Form?
Scientists believe that the Solar System evolved from a giant cloud of dust and gas.
They believe that this dust and gas began to collapse under the weight of its own
gravity. As it did so, the matter contained within this could begin moving in a giant
At the center of this spinning cloud, a small star began to form. This star grew larger
and larger as it collected more and more of the dust and gas that collapsed into it.
Further away from the center of this mass where the star was forming, there were
smaller clumps of dust and gas that were also collapsing. The star in the center
eventually ignited forming our Sun, while the smaller clumps became the planets,
minor planets, moons, comets, and asteroids.
Our Solar System
• Our solar neighborhood is an exciting place. The Solar System is full of
planets, moons, asteroids, comets, minor planets, and many other
exciting objects.
• What Do You Know About Our Solar System?
The Solar System is made up of all the planets
that orbit our Sun
The Sun:
“It’s Hot”
The sun is a main component of
the solar system, with all the
planets orbiting around it.
The sun produces its own light,
heat, and energy.
The surface temperature of the
sun is around 10,000 degrees
Fahrenheit, which is much cooler
than its core temperature.
The closest planet to the sun.
Mercury has an iron core and a
cratered surface along with
temperatures ranging from 800 to
negative 300 degrees Farenheit.
Did you know that if you moved to
Mercury you would weigh less there
than you would on earth?
This is because Mercury is smaller
and has less gravity.
The Second Planet from the Sun.
This planet is very dry with very
little water.
Did You Know that Venus is
considered Earth’s sister?
They both are about the same
size and both have atmospheres
unlike the other planets.
Welcome Home!
This is Home Sweet Home for Us!
The Earth's temperature, weather,
atmosphere and many other factors
are just right to keep us alive.
About 30% of the Earth's surface is
covered with land, while about 70% is
covered by oceans.
Did you know the earth only has 1
moon named Luna?
Mars is more like Earth than any
other planet due to it’s mild
It is believed that at one time Mars
had rivers, streams, and oceans. But
today the only water on Mars is
Known as the red planet for it’s
color and containment of red dirt
and rocks.
Did you know that Mars has the
highest mountains, deepest
canyons, and largest volcano over
any other planet in the solar
Jupiter is known as the stormy planet
made of gas which does not have a
solid surface.
Known for it’s “red eye” which is a
giant storm that has been raging for
over 300 years.
Jupiter also has rings that can only be
seen when passing in front of the sun.
Did you know that Jupiter is the
largest planet of our solar system and
that over 1000 Earth’s could fit into
this planet?
The 2nd largest planet in our solar
Best known for its beautiful rings
that are made up of ice, dust, and
Saturn is a gas planet made up
mostly of hydrogen and helium.
Did you know that it is believed that
Saturn would actually be able to
float in water due to light density
and components of hydrogen and
Uranus is known as the “Ice Giant”
due to its extremely cold
This planet is made up of Gas and has
a large rocky core.
Because of the tremendous planetary
pressure of Uranus, there could
possibly be trillions of large diamonds
in or on the surface of this planet.
Did you know that it is believed that
Uranus has a huge ocean on its
surface that could actually be up to
5000 degrees Fahrenheit?
Neptune is another gas planet but the
smallest one.
Neptune is a very windy place. No
other planet in the Solar System has
winds that are as strong as Neptune's.
In Neptune's atmosphere, there is a
large white cloud that moves around
rather quickly. The "scooting" of this
cloud around the atmosphere has led
it to be named "Scooter.“
Did you know that for centuries
people did not know that this planet
even existed, not until 1846 was the
planet discovered.
Pluto : No Longer
Considered a Planet
Pluto is no longer considered a
planet, but when it was this was the
smallest planet discovered in our
solar system.
It is now considered a dwarf planet.
Pluto revolves around the sun in an
oval, egg pattern instead of a
circular like the other planets.
Did you know that Pluto is the only
planet to be named by a child? An
11 year old girl from England
suggested this planet be named
after a God of the Underworld.
Other Components of The Solar System
• Moons – That Bright Ball in the Night Sky
• Comets- small, fragile, irregularly shaped bodies composed of a
mixture of non-volatile grains and frozen gases.
• Asteroids- an irregularly shaped rock that orbits the Sun.
The End 
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