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Welcome to 8th Grade Humanities!
In order to prepare you for next year’s curriculum it is necessary for you to do a little legwork this summer since there is a disconnect in your depth of knowledge.
You need a basic understanding of the17th and 18th century in reference to the New World.
It is not necessary for you to take copious notes, but you must be able to make connections
to the information when we return to school.
Please refer to the following links for the suggested information:
America: The Story of Us –Episode 1 REBEL The can be viewed on YouTube at this address:
The American Revolution Explained:
You only need to view the “BEGINNING” - which is part I.
Digital History
You are responsible for the 17th and18th century - Colonial Era and American
Revolution information. I have deleted some of the entries that are not so necessary
for your basic understanding. Click on the links below to refer to the “textbook.”
The entries are “short.”
17th Century
The economic, religious, and social developments that led Europeans to colonize
new lands; the differences between Spanish, French, and English colonization; and
the difficulties they encountered as a result of the varied climates and topographies.
European Colonization North of Mexico
Spanish Colonization
English Colonization Begins
Life in Early Virginia
Slavery Takes Root in Colonial Virginia
Founding New England
The Puritans
The Puritan Idea of the Covenant
Slavery in the Colonial North
Struggles for Power in Colonial America
The Middle Colonies: New York
The Middle Colonies: William Penn’s Holy Commonwealth
The Southernmost Colonies: The Carolinas and Georgia
18th Century
England's efforts to create an empire based on mercantilist principles and the
conflicts that these efforts to assert control produce. You will also learn about the
forces that transformed colonial life, including an expanding population, economic
stratification, the Enlightenment, and the Great Awakening.
The Emergence of New Ideas about Personal Liberties and Constitutional Rights
The Great Awakening
The Seven Years’ War
The Rise of Antislavery Sentiment
The Fate of Native Americans
The Road to Revolution
You will need to locate further information on the following:
Be certain to have a good understanding of the (1) Spanish Conquistadors and their impact
on Central and South America; the (2) French and their impact on present day Canada, the
Ohio River Valley, and the English; and lastly, the various (3)English settlers’ reasons for
coming to the Americas, their impact on Native Americans, and the French (namely the
Seven Years War). Also, consider note the British reaction to the Tea Party (Embargo) and
the Declaration of independence.
Be certain to use CREDIBLE sites when searching.
Keep abreast of “Current Events” especially those that relate to the upcoming
elections. Be certain to have an understanding of the major political parties, the
candidates’ platforms, and the propaganda techniques used by the election
committees. Lastly, be certain to keep up with main stories with national, state and
local news.
The following sites will help you with the news: