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Lesson Planning Document
General Information
Topic: Verbs
Teacher: Jennifer Campbell
Date: 2.6.14
Lesson Number: 2
Class: Human Development
Resources and Materials
Notebook paper
Printed verb “cheat sheet”
Printed article to identify verbs
Goals & Objective
SPI 0801.1.2 Correct use of Verbs
By the end of the lesson, the student will be able to identify 90% of the verbs within a paragraph and
correctly describe the types of verbs (action, linking, helping) used in a sentence 70% of the time.
4. Assessment
I will give the student’s an article to read. They will identify and name the types of verbs that are used in
the article. I will only expect them to identify action, linking and helping verbs since that is what the lesson
will focus on. I will also be using a writing prompt to see how well they can transfer finding and identifying
verbs to properly using verbs in their writing.
Readiness for Instruction
Cognitive Development: I will know that they are cognitively ready for this lesson by activating prior
knowledge about nouns and doing a quick pre-assessment to check how much they know already about
nouns and pronouns. Students at this age are developing their critical thinking and abstract thinking skills.
This will allow them to reflect on the lesson and think about their thinking.
Physical Development: Since this lesson is first thing in the morning, I will need to pay particular attention
to whether students are tired or hungry. I might start my lessons with a stretch or some type of movement to
help wake them up. I am tutoring all girls so I will also want to keep in mind what changes they are going
through during this time of their development.
Social Development: It is natural for students at this age to be social and I think it is important to encourage
that within our tutoring session. I want these girls to feel comfortable to express ideas with each other and
me. Most of our sessions will be collaborative and group discussion led to give them the opportunity to be
Instructional Model, Procedures, and Strategies: I will be using direct instruction as well as
group/individual practice time and time for writing.
Opening and Advanced Organizer
 I will open with discussing how their week has been and what they thought of the tutoring
session last week. We will do a short review of pronouns. I will let them know that today we
will be working on verbs and will be reading an article to look for certain types of verbs as
well as a writing prompt.
Behavioral Expectations
 Listen and pay attention to group.
 Walk quietly into cafeteria and come directly to table.
 Put forth effort and participate in lesson.
 Respect others’ ideas.
 Be prepared by bringing appropriate materials.
Instructional Steps
 Opening: How was your week? Lets talk about last week’s session, what did you like or
didn’t like? Let’s quickly review our lesson from last week regarding pronouns and
antecedents. This week we are going to focus on verbs and more specifically different types
of verbs; action, linking and helping verbs. (4 minutes)
 Instruction: Action verbs are verbs that describe actions and things taking place. She
bought some boots. They laughed at the movie. Our whole lives are full of action verbs.
How about you guys come up with a sentence containing an action verb. Next we will
discuss linking verbs. A linking verb is a verb that connects the subject with an adjective or
noun that describes it. The bird has red feathers. I am a singer. How about you guys come
up with a sentence containing a linking verb. A helping verb (sometimes called an auxiliary
verb) is a verb that is used together with the main verb of the sentence to express the action.
They are working together. She has been studying all morning. Can you guys come up
with a sentence containing a helping verb? Helping and linking verbs can often be confused
with each other. A linking verb is used to CONNECT the subject to something that describes
it—I am tall. The helping verb is used together with an additional verb to express action—I
am running. (7 minutes)
 Article reading: As a group, we will take turns reading paragraphs of an article. After we
have read the article I will give he students individual time to circle verbs and write about
them what types of verbs they think they are. We will then go through the paragraph
together and discuss what they thought and how they got to that answer. (7 minutes)
 Writing: After we finish the article reading and discussion I will give a writing prompt.
“Describe what you did on your ‘snow day’ this past Monday. Think consciously about
using action, linking and helping verbs in your writing. Try to also use vivid and descriptive
verbs.” (7 minutes)
 Closing: After the students are finished we will go through each of their paragraphs and
look for verbs together. I will have them circle and name the verbs that they used just like
we did with the article. I will finish the lesson with a review and let them know that next
week we will be working on adjectives and adverbs so begin thinking about what you
already know. (5 minutes)
Lesson Closure
 I will end the lesson by making sure that they can identify and main the 3 types of verbs that
we discussed: action, linking and helping. I will let them know that next week’s lesson is on
adjectives and adverbs.