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#: ___ Scientist’s Name: ___________
Intro to Biology
Comp 3
Comp 3 - Investigate and explain how organisms interact with their
a. Describe the criteria that must be present to distinguish between living & nonliving. (DOK 1)
 Homeostasis, adaptation, and response to stimuli
 Growth, development, reproduction, energy use
 Levels of organization
b. Analyze and explain the interactions among organisms for each level of biological
organization. (DOK 2)
 Biotic and abiotic
 Predation, competition, symbiosis, mutualism, commensalism, parasitism, etc.
 Food chains, food webs, and food pyramids
c. Analyze energy flow through an ecosystem by assessing the roles of carnivores, omnivores,
herbivores, producers, and decomposers & determine their effects on an ecosystem. (DOK 2)
d. Predict the impact of human activities (e.g., recycling, pollution, overpopulation) on the
environment. (DOK 3)
Characteristics of Living Things
List 8 characteristics of ALL living things (page 69).
Define homeostasis, stimulus, & response.
List the levels of organization of living things.
Ecology Organism Populations Community Ecosystem Biosphere Draw the Levels of Ecological Organization (page 262).
Natural Population Growth S-shaped Curve Carrying Capacity Limiting Factors (define & list three examples) Unrestricted Population Growth Non-native species J-shaped curve Discuss an example of unrestricted population growth.
Using Figure 16-3 (page 263), explain what might happen to this ecosystem if a tree fungus killed
many of the trees during the summer of one year.
Using Figure 16-3, explain what might happen to this ecosystem if it receives greater
than normal rain one year & all vegetation, including the tree population, flourished.
List the possible effects of an ecosystem due to human involvement (example: clearing land to
plant crops for the growing human population).
Ecological Relationships
Habitat Niche Abiotic factors Biotic factors Producers Consumers 1. Primary consumer ~
2. Secondary consumer ~
3. tertiary consumer ~
4. quartiary consumer Decomposers Predators Scavengers Plant-Herbivore Predator-Prey (predation) Competition Symbiosis -
Three major types of symbiosis (describe & give examples):
1. mutualism 2. commensalism 3. parasitism Food chains ~
Draw a food chain that involves a frog, grass, & grasshopper. Identify the producer
or which type of consumer each is.
Food webs ~
Draw an example.
Pyramid of biomass ~
Draw an example.
Pyramid of numbers ~
Draw an example.
Trophic levels ~
Pyramid of energy ~
Draw an example.
Nutrient Cycles
What is the technical name for these cycles?
In ecosystems, the recycling of __________________, or nonliving, materials enables substances
that are in limited supply on Earth to be reused. Materials are reused in a series of nutrient cycles.
1) Water cycle ~
Sketch the water cycle.
2) Carbon cycle ~
Sketch the carbon cycle.
3) Oxygen cycle ~
Sketch the oxygen cycle.
Where is most of the earth’s oxygen found?
4) Nitrogen cycle ~
Sketch the nitrogen cycle.
What are beneficial bacteria?
Nitrogen fixation ~
Nitrification ~
Denitrification ~
Biome ~
Aquatic biomes
Freshwater Saltwater -
Types of Plants & Animals
Terrestrial biomes
Ecological Succession
Ecological succession -
Primary succession (include example)Pioneer species Climax community Explain the process for a pond to be added & taken away from a community.
Secondary succession (include example)-
Human Impact
All organisms, including humans, depend on Earth for survival. Earth has a __________ supply of
materials needed to support life. Humans have created many ecological problems:
1. population explosion
2. urban development
3. wasting natural resources
4. pollution ~ air, water, soil, fresh water, ocean
Explain how technology has impacted the environment.
Biodiversity ~
Natural resources ~
Renewable resources ~
Non-renewable resources ~
Biodegradable ~
Extinct species ~
Endangered species ~
Threatened species ~
What are the effects of urban development?
Other problems:
1. Deforestation without replanting 2. Biological magnification 3. Algal blooms 4. World-wide concerns:
Thinning ozone Global warming CFC’s Sustainable use conservation -
Competency 3 Review Questions:
1. In an abandoned field, the gradual replacement of grasses by shrubs & then trees is known as Use the following chart to answer questions #2 - 6.
Climax Flora
Climax Fauna
Tropical Rain
Long, severe winters
Heavy Rainfall
Many species of
broadleaf plants
Moose, Black Bear
Succulent plants
2. Which heading belongs in box A?
3. What name belongs in box B?
4. Which characteristic belongs in box C?
5. Which organisms belong in box D?
6. The climax fauna in box E would probably include –
7. An abiotic factor affecting the behavior & survival of such organisms as robins & violets is the
(a) population of rabbits (b) length of daylight (c) presence of harmful bacteria (d) number of
8. Which organism could function as pioneer organisms on bare rock?
9. Which food chain relationship illustrates the nutritional pattern of a primary consumer? (a)
seeds & fruits eaten by a mouse (b) an earthworm eaten by a mole (c) a mosquito eaten by a
bat (d) a mold growing on a dead frog.
10. The organisms that prevent the Earth from becoming covered with the bodies of dead organisms
are known as –
11. A poor land use practice that usually leads to the loss of soil nutrients is 12. What are the abiotic factors
represented in the aquarium
13. What are the biotic factors
represented in the aquarium
14. The number of African elephants has been drastically reduced by poachers for the ivory in their
tusks. African elephants have become 15. Gypsy moth infestations of rural area of New York State may pose a potentially serious threat
to many forested areas. Which would probably be the most ecologically sound method of
gypsy moth control? (a) widespread application of DDT (b) introduction of biological control
(c) removal of forest habitat (d) contamination of food supply.
16. The major cause of species extinction is 17. A food chain involves energy transfer. Explain
energy cycles in food webs.
18. List three main causes of water pollution.
19. The peregrine falcon has been breed in captivity
& then released into areas where there is an
ample food supply. This procedure best illustrates
Use the following diagram for questions #20 - 23.
20. List the biotic factors that are
present or could be present in this
21. List the abiotic factors that
are present or could be present in
this pond.
22. What is the source of energy in
this ecosystem?
23. Are there visible decomposers
in this system? If so, list them. If
not, identify what they would be
& where they would be found.
24. Nitrogen fixing plants have bacteria in nodules on the roots (legumes such as peanut plants or
soy beans). The plant provides the bacteria with nutrients & habitat & the bacteria provide
the legumes with nitrogen compounds that the plant can use. This relationship is called Match the following terms to the concepts for #25 - 32. You may use the terms more than
once or not at all.
A. decomposers
F. biotic factors
B. food chain
C. sun
D. food web E. pyramid of energy
G. abiotic factors H. populations I. ecosystem J. producers
rabbit, frog, plants, hawk, tree, beaver, turtle
beginning source of energy
water lilies -> insects -> frog -> hawk
carnivore communities possess less energy than producers
all the feeding relationships in an area
represented by a picture of a pond
return minerals & nutrients to the ecosystem
water, light, temperature, sand, rocks, sun
Which Biome? Use the following excerpts from these letters to
determine which biome each student is living.
33. “Much of the northern part of the northern hemisphere is like it is here. Actually, about 20% of
the land on Earth is like it is here. Soon, the short growing season will be over. I tried to dig in
the frozen ground a few days ago, but I could only dig a few centimeters down. While I was
digging, I saw an artic hare. Maybe I will also see an artic fox.”
34. “I live near the Equator. We get a lot of rain here-last year we had about 450 centimeters of
rain! There are many kinds of plants here. We have many trees that are about 45 meters tall.
We also have ferns & climbing plants. There are also many animals. Every day I see all kinds
of birds, reptiles, & insects.”
35. “All I can see from miles & miles is grass. There are only a few small trees & some shrubs to
break the monotony. There really aren’t too many different kinds of plants. Last year during
the dry season, we had several small fires. But we have some interesting animals that live
here-for example, zebras & elephants.”
36. “It rained yesterday. We get more rain during some times of the year than
others. Last night I heard a coyote howl. This morning I tried to dig in the
ground to see how long the roots of the sod are. Would you believe that the
roots are about one to two meters long? I couldn’t dig that deep!”
37. “We live between the Tropic of Cancer & the Equator. There is usually a wide
range of temperature between day & night. The soil is very sandy & there are few
plants. It’s hard to grow many plants here, since we get very little rain. I see many reptiles,
though. Most of them are nocturnal.”
38. “We have four seasons. It is warm during the summer & cold during the winter. Most of the
trees lose their leaves in the fall. Many birds migrate to a warmer climate just before the
winter comes. I like to be outside, though, & watch the animals. I like watching squirrels,
raccoons, & deer the best.”
39. “Our house is between 50oN & 60oN latitude. The winters are very cold. Sometimes it is as
cold as –70oC! For this reason, most of the precipitation that we get is snow. The
trees are shaped like cones so that snow falls off them & does not damage them. I
like the summer! Too bad it only lasts for abut two to four months!”
40. “The plants here are quite different from those I am familiar with. Leaf
surfaces are reduced in area; some are only spines. The stems & branches are
thick in order to store water. The roots of the plants spread over a large area
& do not grow deep into the soil. After a rainfall, areas that were barren
suddenly are covered with flowering plants.”