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World History
March 30 – April 3, 2015
Week 11
ⓇWHS.11A Summarize the international, political, and economic causes of the global depression.
ⓈWHS.11B Explain the responses of governments in the United States, Germany, and the Soviet Union to the
global depression.
ⓇWHS.12A Describe the emergence and characteristics of totalitarianism.
ⓈWHS.12B Explain the roles of various world leaders, including Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Hideki Tojo,
Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill, prior to and during World War II.
ⓇWHS.18D Identify the historical origins and characteristics of fascism.
ⓈWHS.20D Explain the significance of the League of Nations and the United Nations.
WHS.29F Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing,
contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, drawing inferences and
conclusions, and developing connections between historical events over time.
WHS.30AUse social studies terminology correctly.
College and Career Readiness Standards:
• CCRS 1.3B Analyze causes and effects of major political, economic, and social changes in U.S. and world
• CCRS 1.2C Evaluate changes in the functions and structures of government across time.
• CCRS 1.2D Analyze the basic functions and structures of international economics.
Academic Vocabulary
• role
• international
• emergence
• origin
• totalitarian rule
• reparations
• appeasement
• nationalism
• Nazism
• fascism
• global depression
Assessment (Attach a copy of each assessment.)
Warm-ups, Quizzes, and Tests are attached.
Lesson: Early Civilizations
Checks for Understanding
Engage and Connect:
Asking the students about their day and making a personable
connection with them, I’ve found, helps them relax and focus on the
material to be covered that day.
Warm-Ups – Engages and facilitates
HOT skills
© Houston ISD Curriculum
2114 – 2114
World History
March 30 – April 3, 2015
Week 11
Lesson: Early Civilizations
Introduce New Learning
• totalitarianism
Checks for Understanding
• economic depression
Guided and Independent Practice
Groupwork and independent work in various activities (i.e. debates,
think-pair-share, knowledge transfer, creating a civilization, etc) and
Homework Sheet
• comparing and contrasting
Notes – These will be assessed and
critiqued in order to assist the
student’s learning goals.
Reading Aloud – This serves to
segway into important questions.
Also, hearing the difficult names and
words pronounced builds confidence
in reconciling future words.
Guided Questions
Guided Practice
Reading aloud
Geography Skills
Asking Specific Questions (Socratic Dialogue)
Independent Practice
Reading Silently
In times of crisis, leaders often emerge
and people look to these strong leaders
to offer solutions and hope.
1. What significant leaders emerged in
the early 20th century and to what extent
did their leadership styles offer solutions
and hope to the people/nations they led?
Cite specific examples to support your
2. Why is strong leadership so necessary,
especially in times of crisis? Cite specific
examples to support your thinking.
Assessment Connections
Close the Lesson and Assess Mastery
Daily Quizzes – material covered the
previous day
This is where I will be using most of the Socratic Dialogue. I have
found that a good assessment of questions can be found with the
“Knowledge Transfer” activity I made up.
Tests – Ease the students in with
multiple choice for the first 3 tests,
then switch to Short Answer.
Knowledge Transfer – The students
write down three questions on
separate notecards without their
© Houston ISD Curriculum
2114 – 2114
World History
March 30 – April 3, 2015
Week 11
Lesson: Early Civilizations
Checks for Understanding
names on them. Then as a class,
they exchange with other students (at
random) each of their notecards – one
notecard per student. They keep
exchanging until I feel the notecards
have sufficiently been mixed up.
Then, we go through some of the
questions which need to addressed.
This creates a safe environment to
ask questions as it is now anonymous.
Higher Order Thinking Skills.
Questioning Techniques.
Debates: Debates offer a great opportunity to allow the students to
think outside the box while being able to use logical reasoning in the
form of information presented in class or in the book. It’s a fun activity
which, when done correctly, facilitates differing ideas and the
understanding of these notions presented from a hidden perspective.
Socratic Dialogue towards the end of
class to help the students learn how to
learn. Also, this provides a line of
thinking/perception to other students
which would otherwise be incognito.
Manifests HOT questions in the
Warm-Ups – Engages and facilitates
HOT skills
Exit Pass – Students must write down
one question they have for that day
before they are allowed to leave the
Essay Questions on Tests – Present
on every test, starting with Test 1.
These are HOT questions which are
open ended and primarily look at
reasoning/evaluating/analyzing skills.
This is represents the top two piers of
Bloom’s hierarchy.
English STAAR Reinforcement
English II STAAR
Quiz: 24.2
Chapter: 24.2
Handouts: None
Lesson Structure: Give out Quiz. Read aloud or present the material in an engaging discourse/lecture,
then go over MAP SKILLS if necessary. Allow for Q & A, and Socratic Dialogue.
Homework: Read 24.3 and work on Homework Sheet.
© Houston ISD Curriculum
2114 – 2114
World History
March 30 – April 3, 2015
Week 11
Quiz: 24.3
Chapter: 24.3
Handouts: None
Lesson Structure: Give out Quiz. Read aloud or present the material in an engaging discourse/lecture,
then go over MAP SKILLS if necessary. Allow for Q & A, and Socratic Dialogue.
Homework: Read 24.4 and work on Homework Sheet.
Quiz: 24.4
Chapter: 24.4
Handouts: None
Lesson Structure: Give out Quiz. Read aloud or present the material in an engaging discourse/lecture,
then go over MAP SKILLS if necessary. Allow for Q & A, and Socratic Dialogue.
Homework: Read 24.5 and work on Homework Sheet.
© Houston ISD Curriculum
2114 – 2114