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Material Science Chapter I Lattice Defects CHAPTER 1 Lattice Defects Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy Material Science Chapter I Lattice Defects Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy After completing this chapter, the students will able to: Define the unit cell. Compare between different types of unit cells. Mention different types of lattice defects. Explain the planar defects. Differentiate between Schottky and Frenkel defects. Material Science Chapter I Lattice Defects Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy Lattice Defects Unit Cells The unit cell is the smallest structure that repeats itself by translation through the crystal. We construct these symmetrical units with the hard spheres. The most common types of unit cells are the faced-centered cubic (FCC), the body-centered cubic (FCC) and the hexagonal close-packed (HCP). Other types exist, particularly among minerals. The simple cube (SC) is often used for didactical purpose, no material has this structure. Types of Unit Cell: A unit cell is obtained by joining the lattice points. There are four types of unit cell as follow: Primitive unit cell or simple cubic (SC): In this type, the atoms are arranged only at the corners of the unit cell. 1 8 The total lattice points = x 8 1 Non- Primitive unit cell Body centred cubic (bcc): In this type, the atoms are arranged at the corners and at the center of the unit cell. 1 8 The total lattice points = x 8 1 2 Face centred cubic (fcc): Material Science Chapter I Lattice Defects Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy In this type, the atoms are arranged at the corners and at the centre of each face of the unit cell. 1 8 1 2 The total lattice points = x 8 6 x 1 3 4 Side centred: In this type, the atoms are arranged at the corners and at the centre of set of faces of the unit cell. 1 8 1 2 The total lattice points = x 8 2 x 1 1 2 The Energy of Crystalline Lattice: The lattice energy of an ionic solid is a measure of the strength of bonds in that ionic compound. In addition, it can be defined as the amount of energy that holds a crystal together. The calculation of crystalline lattice energy is dependence on the types of bonds and electrostatic forces between the atoms or the ions. As already well known, each ion in the crystalline lattice is under the effect of attraction and repulsion forces depending on the type of neighboring ions. Thus, the total energy of crystalline lattice is a net of attraction and repulsion forces. Sodium Chloride Lattice (Na Cl) Firstly: The electrostatic attraction energy (Eatr) between two ions is expressed as follow: Eatr Z 1 Z2 q2 4o r (1.1) Material Science Chapter I Lattice Defects Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy Where: Z1 is the charge of positive ion Z2 is the charge of negative ion q is the electronic charge 0 is the permittivity Secondly: The electrostatic attraction energy (Eatr) of double ions is expressed as follow: Eatr A Z 1 Z2 q2 (1.2) 4o r Where: A is the Madelung constant. Thirdly: The electrostatic repulsion energy according to Born can be expressed as follow: Erep B rn (1.3) Hence, the total energy for every mole of ions can be written as follow: Etotal Eatr Erep A NZ 1 Z 2 q 2 4o r (1.4) NB rn E ( r) Where: N is Avogadro’s constant. repulsion From this figure, we can conclude that, the energy of repulsion is dominant at lower B/rn r=r0 r distance, whereas, the energy of attraction is dominant at higher distance. -Z1Z2e2/4πε0r attraction Material Science Chapter I Lattice Defects Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy The energy of repulsion equals to energy of attraction at distance r=r o. Hence, the total energy will has a minimum value at r=r0. So, A NZ 1 Z 2 q 2 dE N nB n 1 2 dr 4o r r but at r=ro , dE/dr =0 0 A NZ 1 Z 2 q 2 4o r B 2 A Z 1 Z2 q2 4o n N nB r n 1 ron 1 (1.5) By substituting from (1.5) in (1.4), we can get: Etotal Etotal A NZ 1 Z 2 q 2 4o ro A NZ 1 Z 2 q 2 4o n ro A NZ 1 Z 2 q 2 1 1 4o ro n This equation is called Lande-Born equation. (1.6) Material Science Chapter I Lattice Defects Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy Lattice Defects Lattice Defects Introduction: Crystalline solids exhibit a periodic crystal structure. The positions of atoms or molecules occur on repeating fixed distances, determined by the unit cell parameters. However, the arrangement of atom or molecules in most crystalline materials is not perfect. The regular patterns are interrupted by crystallographic defects. These defects are classified as follow: Lattice defects are: Point Defects Schootky defects Frenkel defects Linear Defects Edge dislocation Screw dislocation Planar Defects Grain boundaries Antiphase boundaries Stacking faults Point Defects Voids Impurities Material Science Chapter I Lattice Defects Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy Point Defects: Point defects can be divided into Schottky defects and Frenkel defects, and these often occur in ionic crystals. Point defects are defects that occur only at or around a single lattice point. They are not extended in space in any dimension. Strict limits for how small a point defect is, are generally not defined explicitly, but typically these defects involve at most a few extra or missing atoms. Larger defects in an ordered structure are usually considered dislocation loops. For historical reasons, many point defects, especially in ionic crystals, are called centers: for example a vacancy in many ionic solids is called a luminescence center, a color center, or F-center. These dislocations permit ionic transport through crystals leading to electrochemical reactions. These are frequently specified using Kröger–Vink Notation. Vacancy defects are lattice sites which would be occupied in a perfect crystal, but are vacant. If a neighboring atom moves to occupy the vacant site, the vacancy moves in the opposite direction to the site which used to be occupied by the moving atom. The stability of the surrounding crystal structure guarantees that the neighboring atoms will not simply collapse around the vacancy. In some materials, neighboring atoms actually move away from a vacancy, because they experience attraction from atoms in the surroundings. A vacancy (or pair of vacancies in an ionic solid) is sometimes called a Schottky defect. Vacancy, in crystallography, absence of an atom or molecule from a point that it would normally occupy in a crystal. Such an imperfection (crystal defect) in the regular spacing of atoms changes the electrical and optical properties of the crystal. Colour centres are vacancies that give colour to many solids. Vacancies can be created by mechanical deformation of the crystal, rapid cooling from high temperature, or the impact of radiation on the crystal. In the so-called Schottky defect, an atom moves from the inside of the crystal to its surface, leaving behind an isolated vacancy. Material Science Chapter I Lattice Defects Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy Schottky Defects: A Schottky defect is a type of point defect in a crystal lattice. The defect forms when oppositely charged ions leave their lattice sites, creating vacancies. These vacancies are formed in stoichiometric units, to maintain an overall neutral charge in the ionic solid. The vacancies are then free to move about as their own entities. Normally these defects will lead to a decrease in the density of the crystal. Definition: If an ionic crystal of type A+B-, an equal number of cations and anions are missing from their lattice sites so that electrical neutrality as well as stoichiometry is maintained, it is called Schottky Defect. Let’s calculate the energy (Ev) of vacancy formation as follow: If N = number of possible normal lattice sites and n = number of Schottky defects. The total free energy of the crystal can be expressed as follow: F E T S (1.7) Where: F is the total free energy, E is the total internal energy, T is the temperature and S is the entropy. The entropy (S) can be expressed as follow: Material Science Chapter I Lattice Defects Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy S kB x ln P (1.8) Where: kB is the Boltezmann’s constant and p is the probability of Schottky defect formation. The probability of Schottky defects P= N! N n ! n! (1.9) Then by substitution from equation (1.8 &1.9) in equation (1.7), we can get the total free energy for n defects as N! F n E kBT x ln N n ! n ! (1.10) Note that, using Sterling principle: ln X ! X ln X X (1.11) Then, the previous equation can be rewritten as follow: F n E kBT x N ln N N N nln N n N n n ln n n n can be determined by minimizing the free energy and at the thermal equilibrium, we can obtain: F 0 EV kB T n N n n n n T N n EV kB T n n N n EV n kB T n If n<<N, then N-n ~ N (1.12) EV N n k T e B n Material Science Chapter I Lattice Defects EV N k T e B n n N e Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy EV kB T (1.13) Then the number of defects and energy of vacancy formation can be obtained using the previous equation. In addition, the concentration of vacancies can be obtained using the following equation: EV n k T C e B N (1.14) Examples This type of defect is shown in compounds with: highly ionic compounds high co-ordination number small difference in sizes of cations and anions Examples: NaCl, KCl, CsCl, KBr, AgCl. Experimental observations show that at room temperature in an NaCl crystal there is one Schottky defect per 1016 ions. Effect on Density The total number of ions in a crystal with this defect is less than the theoretical value of ions, thus, the density of the said crystal is less than normal. Interstitial defects are atoms that occupy a site in the crystal structure at which there is usually not an atom. They are generally high energy configurations. Small atoms in some crystals can occupy interstices without high energy, such as hydrogen in palladium. Material Science Chapter I Lattice Defects Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy Schematic illustration of some simple point defect types in a monatomic solid. A nearby pair of a vacancy and an interstitial is often called a Frenkel defect or Frenkel pair. This is caused when an ion moves into an interstitial site and creates a vacancy. Example (1.1): Calculate the equilibrium number of vacancies per cubic meter for copper at 1000 0C. The energy for vacancy formation is 0.9 eV/atom; the atomic weight and density at 1000 0C for copper are 63.5 g/mol and 8.4 g/cm3, respectively. Solution: It is first necessary, however to determine the value of N, the number of atomic sites per cubic meter for copper, from its atomic weight Acu, its density , and Avogadro’s number NA, according to the following: N 6.023x10 N 23 NA Acu atoms / mol x 8.4 g / cm3 (10 6 cm3 / m 3 ) 63.5 g / mol N 8 x1028 atoms / m3 Thus, the number of vacancies at 1000 0C (1273 0K)is equal to: Material Science Chapter I Lattice Defects Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy E n NV N exp V KB T 0.9 n 8 x1028 exp 5 8.62 x10 x 1273 n 2.2 x1025 Vanacncies / m3 Frenkel Defects The Frenkel defect is shown by ionic solids. The smaller ion (usually the cation) is displaced from its lattice position to an interstitial site. It creates a vacancy defect at its original site and an interstitial defect at its new location. Definition: A Frenkel defect is a type of point defect in a crystal lattice. The defect forms when an atom or cation leaves its place in the lattice, creating a vacancy, and becomes an interstitial by lodging in a nearby location not usually occupied by an atom. Frenkel defects occur due to thermal vibrations, and it is theorized that there will be no defects in a crystal at 0 K. The phenomenon is named after the Soviet physicist Yakov Frenkel, who discovered it in 1926. Effect on Density This defect does not change the density of the solid as it involves only the migration of the ions within the crystal, thus preserving both the volume as well as mass. Material Science Chapter I Lattice Defects Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy Examples It is shown in ionic solids with large size difference between the anion and cation (with the cation usually smaller due to an increased effective nuclear charge). Some solids which display this defect - ZnS, AgCl, AgBr, AgI (due to the comparatively smaller size of Zn2+ and Ag+ ions) To be noted : Ag Br shows both Frenkel as well as Schottky defects. For example, consider a lattice formed by X and M ions. Suppose an M ion leaves the M sublattice, leaving the X sublattice unchanged. The number of interstitials formed will equal the number of vacancies formed. One form of a Frenkel defect reaction in MgO with the oxygen ion leaving the lattice and going into the interstitial site. This can be illustrated with the example of the sodium chloride crystal structure. The diagrams below are schematic two-dimensional representations. The defect-free NaCl structure Two Frenkel defects within the NaCl structure If N = number of possible normal lattice sites, N/ = number of possible interstitial sites. (N=N/ for most of the cases), and n = number of Frenkel defects. Number of ways to arrange the interstitial atoms: N /! P N / N n ! n! / Number of ways to arrange the vacancy defects: (1.15) Material Science Chapter I Pn Lattice Defects Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy N! N n ! n ! (1.16) The total probability of interstitial atom and vacancy is: Pt P N / x P(n) N /! N! x / N n ! n! N n ! n! (1.17) But as known, the total energy of the system can be expressed as follow: F E T S (1.18) Where E is the activation of enthalpy (internal energy of the system) and S is the activation of entropy and can be expressed as follow: N /! N ! S k B ln P k B ln / x N n ! n! N n ! n! (1.19) By substituting from equation (1.19) in equation (1.15), we obtain N /! N! F E kB T n / x N n ! n! N n! n! If EI energy required to form one defect and by using Sterling's approximation: ℓn(x!) =x ℓnx – x, we can get the following F n EI kB T n N ! n N / / n ! n( n!) n N! n N n ! n( n!) N / n N / N / N / n n N / n N / n n n( n) n F n EI k B T N n N N N n n N n N n n n( n) n F n EI k B T N / n N / N / n n N / n N n N N n n N n 2n n( n) n can be determined by minimizing the free energy and at the thermal equilibrium, we can obtain: Material Science Chapter I Lattice Defects Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy F / 0 EI kB T n N n 1 n N n 1 2 2 n( n) n T EI k B T n N / n n N n 2 n( n) N n N/ n EI kB T n n ( n) ( n) N / n N n EI k B T n n2 If N/ and N ˃˃ n EI N/N n kB T n 2 n2 N / N e n / N N e EI 2 kB T EI kB T (1.20) Material Science Chapter I Lattice Defects Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy Linear Defects: Linear defects can be described by gauge theories. Dislocations are linear defects around which some of the atoms of the crystal lattice are misaligned. There are two basic types of dislocations, the edge dislocation and the screw dislocation. "Mixed" dislocations, combining aspects of both types, are also common. An edge dislocation is shown. The dislocation line is presented in blue, the Burgers vector b in black. Edge dislocation Edge dislocation is caused by the termination of a plane of atoms in the middle of a crystal. In such a case, the adjacent planes are not straight, but instead bend around the edge of the terminating plane so that the crystal structure is perfectly ordered on either side. The analogy with a stack of paper is apt: if a half a piece of paper is inserted in a stack of paper, the defect in the stack is only noticeable at the edge of the half sheet. Material Science Chapter I Lattice Defects Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy Edge dislocation is a linear defect that centers around the line that is defined along the extra portion of plane of atoms (half plane) The screw dislocation The screw dislocation is more difficult to visualise, but basically comprises a structure in which a helical path is traced around the linear defect (dislocation line) by the atomic planes of atoms in the crystal lattice. Screw dislocation can be regarded as formed by applying shear stress to produce distortion. The presence of dislocation results in lattice strain (distortion). The direction and magnitude of such distortion is expressed in terms of a Burgers vector (b). For an edge type, b is perpendicular to the dislocation line, whereas in the cases of the screw type it is parallel. In metallic materials, b is aligned with closepacked crytallographic directions and its magnitude is equivalent to one interatomic spacing. Dislocations can move if the atoms from one of the surrounding planes break their bonds and rebond with the atoms at the terminating edge. It is the presence of dislocations and their ability to readily move (and interact) under the influence of stresses induced by external loads that leads to the characteristic malleability of metallic materials. Dislocations can be observed using transmission electron microscopy, field ion microscopy and atom probe techniques. Deep level transient spectroscopy has been used for studying the electrical activity of dislocations in semiconductors, mainly silicon. Material Science Chapter I Lattice Defects Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy Disclinations are line defects corresponding to "adding" or "subtracting" an angle around a line. Basically, this means that if you track the crystal orientation around the line defect, you get a rotation. Usually they play a role only in liquid crystals. Finally: A dislocation is a line defect within a crystal which arise during crystal growth or as a results of mechanical deformation of a crystal. Planar defects Grain boundaries occur where the crystallographic direction of the lattice abruptly changes. This usually occurs when two crystals begin growing separately and then meet. The internal interfaces that separate neighboring misoriented single crystals in a polycrystalline solid. Most solids such as metals, ceramics, and semiconductors have a crystalline structure, which means that they are made of atoms which are arranged in a three-dimensional periodic manner within the constituent crystals. Most engineering materials are polycrystalline in nature in that they are made of many small single crystals which are misoriented with respect to each other and meet at internal interfaces called grain boundaries. These interfaces, which are frequently planar, have a two-dimensionally periodic atomic structure. A polycrystalline cube 1 cm on edge, with grains 0.0001 cm in diameter, would contain 1012 crystals with a grain boundary area of several square meters. Thus, grain boundaries play an important role in controlling the electrical and mechanical properties of the polycrystalline solid. It is believed that the properties are influenced by the detailed atomic structure of the grain boundaries, as well as by the defects that are present, such as Material Science Chapter I Lattice Defects Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy dislocations and ledges. Grain boundaries generally have very different atomic configurations and local atomic densities than those of the perfect crystal, and so they act as sinks for impurity atoms which tend to segregate to interfaces Grain boundaries Antiphase boundaries occur in ordered alloys: in this case, the crystallographic direction remains the same, but each side of the boundary has an opposite phase: For example, if the ordering is usually ABABABAB, an antiphase boundary takes the form of ABABBABA. Stacking faults occur in a number of crystal structures, but the common example is in close-packed structures. Face-centered cubic (fcc) structures differ from hexagonal close packed (hcp) structures only in stacking order: both structures have close packed atomic planes with sixfold symmetry— the atoms form equilateral triangles. When stacking one of these layers on top of another, the atoms are not directly on top of one another—the first two layers are identical for hcp and fcc, and labelled AB. If the third layer is placed so that its atoms are directly above those of the first layer, the stacking will be ABA—this is the hcp structure, and it continues ABABABAB. However, there is another possible location for the third layer, such that its atoms are not above the first layer. Instead, it is the atoms in the fourth layer that are directly above the first layer. This produces the stacking ABCABCABC, and is actually a cubic arrangement of the atoms. A stacking fault is a one or two layer interruption in the Material Science Chapter I Lattice Defects Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy stacking sequence, for example, if the sequence ABCABABCAB were found in an fcc structure. Bulk defects Voids are small regions where there are no atoms, and can be thought of as clusters of vacancies. Impurities can cluster together to form small regions of a different phase. These are often called precipitates. Impurities occur because materials are never 100% pure. In the case of an impurity, the atom is often incorporated at a regular atomic site in the crystal structure. This is neither a vacant site nor is the atom on an interstitial site and it is called a substitutional defect. The atom is not supposed to be anywhere in the crystal, and is thus an impurity. There are two different types of substitutional defects. Isovalent substitution and aliovalent substitution. Isovalent substitution is where the ion that is substituting the original ion is of the same oxidation state as the ion it is replacing. Aliovalent substitution is where the ion that is substituting the original ion is of a different oxidation state as the ion it is replacing. Aliovalent substitutions change the overall charge within the ionic compound, but the ionic compound must be neutral. Therefore a charge compensation mechanism is required. Hence either one of the metals is partially or fully oxidised or reduced, or ion vacancies are created. Antisite defects occur in an ordered alloy or compound when atoms of different type exchange positions. For example, some alloys have a regular structure in which every other atom is a different species; for illustration assume that type A atoms sit on the corners of a cubic lattice, and type B Material Science Chapter I Lattice Defects Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy atoms sit in the center of the cubes. If one cube has an A atom at its center, the atom is on a site usually occupied by a B atom, and is thus an antisite defect. This is neither a vacancy nor an interstitial, nor an impurity. Topological defects are regions in a crystal where the normal chemical bonding environment is topologically different from the surroundings. For instance, in a perfect sheet of graphite (graphene) all atoms are in rings containing six atoms. If the sheet contains regions where the number of atoms in a ring is different from six, while the total number of atoms remains the same, a topological defect has formed. An example is the Stone Wales defect in nanotubes, which consists of two adjacent 5-membered and two 7-membered atom rings. Schematic illustration of defects in a compound solid, using GaAs as an example. Also amorphous solids may contain defects. These are naturally somewhat hard to define, but sometimes their nature can be quite easily understood. For instance, in ideally bonded amorphous silica all Si atoms have 4 bonds to O atoms and all O atoms have 2 bonds to Si atom. Thus e.g. an O atom with only one Si bond (a dangling bond) can be considered a defect in silica. Note that: a dangling bond is an unsatisfied valence on an immobilised atom. In order to gain enough electrons to fill their valence shells (see also octet rule), many atoms will form covalent bonds with other atoms. In the simplest case, that of a single bond, two atoms each contribute one unpaired electron, and the resulting pair of electrons is shared between both atoms. Atoms which possess too few bonding partners to satisfy their valences and which possess unpaired electrons are termed free radicals; so, often, are molecules containing such atoms. When a free radical exists in an immobilized environment, for example, a solid, it is referred to as an "immobilized free radical" or a "dangling bond". Material Science Chapter I Lattice Defects Prof. Dr. T. Fahmy Complexes can form between different kinds of point defects. For example, if a vacancy encounters an impurity, the two may bind together if the impurity is too large for the lattice. Interstitials can form 'split interstitial' or 'dumbbell' structures where two atoms effectively share an atomic site, resulting in neither atom actually occupying the site.