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Readme File for Plant Data Set
Column Definitions/Descriptions
Plant ID: The identification number for the experimental plant whose data is presented in that row.
Treatment: The level of the apical meristem mining treatment that was applied to that plant. “I”
represents insecticide applied to the apical meristem. “W” represents water applied to the apical
meristem. “N” represents no manipulation of the apical meristem.
Site: The code for the site within the Ninnescah Reserve where the plant occurred.
Meristem damaged?: Identifies plants in the “insecticide” treatment level that suffered apical meristem
mining in spite of the insecticide application and were excluded from analyses.
Meristem clipped?: Identifies plants in “water control” or “unmanipulated control” treatment levels that
did not experience apical meristem mining. The apical meristems on these plants were clipped to
simulate apical meristem mining.
Root Crown Diameter (mm): diameter measured on the uppermost part of the root, immediately below
the attachment point of basal leaves; measurement made in April.
Rosette Diameter (cm): diameter from tip of longest leaf on one side of stem to tip of longest leaf on
opposite side of stem; measurement made in April.
Initial Height (cm): perpendicular distance from soil surface to tip of apical meristem on the main stem;
measurement made in April.
Survived or Died?: whether the plant survived until flowering or died before flowering. “S” indicates
survived to flowering. “D” indicates died before flowering.
Final Height (cm): height was defined as distance from the ground to the top of the highest flower head
on a plant because by this time in the growing season apical meristems of some plants had been
damaged. Measurements for final height, and for all final architectural measurements, were made
when the most apical flower head on the plant reached full bloom.
Final Number of Primary Branches: number of primary branches off of the main stem (not counting the
main stem itself) counted when the most apical flower head on the plant reached full bloom.
Final Number of Flower Heads: total number of flowerheads produced by the plant. This count includes
flower heads that bloomed as well as flower heads that did not bloom.
Terminal Flower Heads Bloomed: number of flower heads that were at the apices of primary branches
and bloomed.
Axial Flower Heads Bloomed: number of flower heads that were at the apices of secondary or tertiary
branches that bloomed.
Total Flower Heads Bloomed: total number of flower heads that bloomed across both terminal and axial
flower head positions.
Number of Leaves: count of the number of leaves per plant. Leaves were counted in mid-June.
Number of Leaved Damaged: count of the number of leaves per plant that had suffered tissue loss or
damage. Damaged leaves were counted in mid-June.
Mean Area Damaged: Visual estimates of the proportion of leaf area removed or damaged on each
damaged leaf were made in mid-June. These are averages of those estimates across all damaged leaves
on a plant.
Experiment ID: Experimental plants were divided into two groups. One group was used to estimate seed
production and, therefore, flower heads on these plants were bagged and collected once seeds had
dispersed into the bag. The other group was used for floral visitor observations. “S” indicates plants
that were used for measurements of seed production. “F” indicates plants that were used for
quantifying floral visitation.
Total Viable Seed: a count of the total number of viable seeds produced by all flower heads on the plant.
For this monocarpic species, this is plant lifetime seed production.
Mean Viable Seed per Flower Head: the average number of viable seed produced by flower heads that
bloomed. It is ‘Total Viable Seed’ divided by ‘Total Flower Heads Bloomed.’
Total Seed Weight per Plant: the mass in grams of all of the viable seeds produced by the plant.
First Day of Flowering: the date of the first day on which any flower head on the plant had purple florets
Last Day of Flowering: the date of the last day on which any flower head on the plant was observed to
have purple florets.
Flowering Duration (Wks): the number of weeks that at least one flower head on the plant was
blooming, meaning had purple florets exerted.
Date of Maximum Floral Display: the date on which the largest number of flower heads on the plant had
purple florets exerted.