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Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Said Hibatullah Kyamilev (Russian Federation)
Dr. Said H.Kyamilev graduated in 1960 from the Oriental Faculty of
Moscow Institute of the International Relations and in 1966 defended his
Ph.D.Thesis in the Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian
Academy of Sciences where he began to work at the Department of the Arabic
and Islamic studies as a researcher in the field of socio-linguistic problems of
the cultural development of The modern Arabic World in general and the so
called movement of its arabization in particular. His book “The Moroccan
dialect of the Arabic language: comparative study” (Moscow, 1968), a series of
respective articles and participation in several forums of the Orientalists of the
former Soviet Union came as fruits of this poly-aspect scientific work.
The above mentioned interests objectively made Dr. S.H.Kyamilev to
merge his studies with the topics concerned the role of nowaday Islamic
Renaissance (au- uaowatu l-'islomiyyatu l- mu 'ouirah) and especially such its
acute problem as searching for the optimal balance between tradition and
modernity. The results of this academic orientation concentrated in his personal
articles and in his active participation in elaborating and publishing such
collective monographs as “Islam in the history of the Oriental peoples”
(Moscow, 1981), “Journey by Ibn Djoubeir” (Moscow, 1984), “Islam - a short
reference book” (Moscow, 1986). The latter one, compiled by him in
cooperation with other Russian orientalists before perestroyka of the Mid80s,
attracted a big attention of the Russian audience by its very unusual for the
Soviet period positive attitude towards Islam and went through two editions by
50 thousands copies each time.
In the nineties, after the decay of the USSR in 1991, Dr. S.H.Kyamilev
took the initiative of creating in Moscow the Institute of Islamic Civilization
(IIC) - an independent scientific research board of a quite new kind in the
history of Russia and its Capital.
IIC, conducted by Dr. Said H.Kyamilev, concentrates its efforts on the different
aspects of the Islamic Renaissance in Russia and in CIS as a whole. In the
framework of such aims and goals the Institute has organized several scientific
conferences and seminars among which one can mention for example such
research Forums as: “Islam and the Interaction between Civilizations”
(Moscow - May, 1992); “Islam and environment” (Moscow - May, 1993); “La
situation actuelle des musulmans de Russie, d’Asie Centrale et du Caucase”
(Paris - March, 1994, in cooperation with Center d’Histoire de l’Islam
Contemporain en Université de Paris-Sorbonne); “Islam and the
Ethnoconfessional Mutual Understanding in the Changing World” (Moscow May, 1995, in cooperation with the Religious Board of Muslims of Russia’s
Central European region and under the auspices of UNESCO); “Fine Arts of
the Muslim peoples of Russia and CIS” (Jordan - April, 1996, in cooperation
with the Jordanian Royal Society of Fine Arts and Al al-Bayt University,
Amman - Mafraq).
Dr. S.H.Kyamilev is an active participant of the international life of the
Muslim Scholars’ Global community. The List of different conferences
attended by him is rather long and includes for example such forums as: “The
Human Rights in Islam” (Rome - February, 2000); “Enhancing the
Understanding of Islam for Media” (Kuala Lumpur - June, 2000); “AlGhazali's Legacy: Its Contemporary Relevance” (Kuala Lumpur - October,
2001); “Dialog between Civilizations: Theory and Practice” (Tunis November, 2001); “Translation of the meanings of the Glorious Qur’an:
Evaluation of the Past and
Planning for the Future (Madina - April, 2002); “Islam in Central Asia: History
and Modernity” (Kazakhstan - August, 2002); “The VIII Session of the General
Conference of the Islamic Organization for Education, Sciences and Culture ISESCO” (Teheran December, 2003); “Innovations in the Islamic Thought”
(Makkah - January, 2004).
Dr. Said H. Kyamilev was empowered by ISESCO to organize in the city
of Astana - the new Capital of Kazakhstan - an international Seminar “On
Environmental Protection and Ecology Education” (Astana - June, 2002).
IIC, being headed by Dr. S.H.Kyamilev, is not only a research scientific
board. It has a good share in the field of Islamic Enlightenment between
Muslim and non-Muslim population. An Evening University of Islamic Culture
(UIC) was opened in Moscow under the auspices of IIC. In the framework of
Enlightenment activities Dr. S .H.Kyamilev, who headed UIC as its Rector, has
published: a Russian translation of “Learning Muslim Prayer”- a world spread
book after the late sheikh Muhammad Mahmud al-Sawwaf Russian versions of
“The concept of Education in Islam”, “Prolegomena to the Metaphysics of
Islam” by Syed MN. al-Attas; “Cultural Development from an Islamic
Perspective” by Dr. A.O.Altwaijri; “Essentials of Islam” after sheikh Ahmad
ibn Zayn al-Habshi.
Other educative books now have been also already completely prepared
for publication.
In addition to the above mentioned activities Dr. S.H. Kyamilev pays
close attention to a wide range of actual problems concerning the current
development and specific aspects of the Muslim Nations’ life in post-Soviet
Russia and its neighbours from CIS. His and his co-author’s (Dr.Melnikov)
book “The Perspectives of Scripture Base for Turk population on the territories
of the former USSR” deals with a very urgent and rather delicate problem
recently appeared on the socio-political scene of modern Russia and its
neighbours - new independent Islamic States. In 1995 a concise Arabic version
of this topic was specially written by him for an autonomous ISESCO’s
publication. In 1997 the book gained the International Imam Bukhary’s Prize.
The Institute of Islamic Civilization successfully opened in 1997 in
cooperation with the Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPSU) and
ISESCO a specialized Department of Arabic and Islamic studies which is being
directly conducted by Dr. Said H. Kyamilev himself.
Dr. S.H.Kyamilev is a Professor of the MPSU and a Full Member of the
International Academy for Informatization. Recently he has been honored to
become a Senior Fellow of the Royal Academy for Islamic Thought “Mu’assat Aal al-Bayt Almalakiyah li_1-fikr al-Islami”. From 2001 he is a
Member of the Supreme Council at ISESCO for Education and Culture in the
In 2003 Dr. Said H. Kyamilev was awarded by His Majesty the King of
Morocco Muhammad VI with the Order of “Legion’s Officer” (“Dabit alJawq”).
Kyamilev (family name)
Said (1st name)
Born 22.05.1937
Place of birth: Moscow