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Plate Tectonics: Author’s Motivation & Unit Rationale
“You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to
live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are
here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.”
Woodrow Wilson
My motivation stems from a great love of science sown by my father, himself a great
mathematician and scientist. I have always looked at the world with a sense of wonder
and wanting to know more with every question that pops into my head. I want to inspire
this interest and questioning nature in my students as it can enrich their lives in many
ways. On the practical side promoting questioning, critical thinking and problem solving
can help them in any field they might work in as well as solve every day problems in
their lives. On the inspiring side, interest in learning can be a life long hobby that can
open up many unexpected avenues like meeting new and interesting people, to creating
an interesting side job, to simple enjoyment and pride in accomplishment in learning
something new creating confidence in yourself. My teachers inspired me to love learning
for learning sake and in spite of the society’s misplaced focus on test results proving what
we are doing in the classroom as being successful and the subject needing to be ‘useful’
in a vocational sense, we need to balance this with the human need to explore and
experiment to satisfy our curiosity about this wonderful world. In my opinion, no other
course than Plate Tectonics fully captures that awesome wonder of the Earth. How can
we stay unmoved in the sight of an erupting volcano or learning that the Himalayas were
made by continental collisions?!
Unit rationale: Why Study Plate Tectonics?
When a student finishes this unit I want them to take away a larger sense of the world as
a dynamic system. A greater appreciation for the geologic history of the world and our
relative place in it. This unit has a definite practical side to it which I want the students to
come away with, understanding the dangers of volcanoes and earthquakes but also grow a
sense of wonder of the amazing forces that have shaped the land forms around us. In
addition this unit takes us around the world to different areas connected with geologic
motion including the Himalayas and Hawaii, which I hope will inspire my student’s sense
of wonder about the world as well as their knowledge of other countries and people that
live there. Beyond high school and into college, plate tectonics is the basis of any
geology program. It is also required in some engineering classes that are focused on the
problems of building in certain areas. Geography classes are part of general education
requirement in the first year of college as well and a unit like this would set up a first year
college student well. But also Plate Tectonics is a wonderful way to incorporate all
sciences (geology, chemistry, biology, physics) in an integrated way with physical
evidence around the world which will make science more approachable and relevant to
the students. Our Dynamic Earth as described by Plate Tectonics Theory
Learning Hierarchy Generalization:
Plate tectonics is the process by which mountain building, continental drift, volcanoes,
hot spots, subduction and sea floor spreading can be explained. The theory also provides
a unifying theory to explain the mechanism of mantle convection and the layers of the
interior of the Earth.
Plate tectonics is the process by which mountain building, continental drift, volcanoes,
hot spots, subduction and sea floor spreading can be explained. The theory also provides
a unifying theory to explain the mechanism of mantle convection and the layers of the
interior of the Earth.
Plate Tectonics Concepts
Changing Earth
Strato & Shield
Hot spots
Thrust, Slip &
Transform fault
Secondary & primary
Love & Rayleigh
Ring of fire
Earth’s History
Continental drift
Seafloor spreading
Inside Earth
Mantle convection
Earth’s interior layers
Inner / outer core
Crust /lithosphere
Continental shapes: Bullard,
Fossils: Wegener
Magnetic field:Vacquier
Ocean rifts: Heezen
Wadati & Benioff
Subduction: Hess
Changing Earth
Volcanoes and earthquakes are related to plate movements.
Strato volcanoes are found at plate boundaries.
Shield volcanoes are found at seafloor spreading areas, known as hot spots.
Transform faults develop along plate boundaries.
Primary waves move through the center of the earth and move through liquid.
Secondary waves can not move through liquid and was instrumental in proving
the composition of the interior of the earth.
Love and Rayleigh waves are surface waves that cause a great deal of damage.
The ‘ring of fire’ is an example of the Pacific Rim plate boundaries where there is
a lot of movement and tension, resulting in earthquake and volcanic prone area.
Earth’s History
Continents are made of less dense material than oceanic rock.
Continental plates ‘float’ on more dense rock and crack and move, called
‘continental drift’.
New rock material is made at ocean ridges causing sea floor spreading.
Evidence of the history of sea floor spreading can be seen with the change of
magnetic fields through out history.
Subducted oceanic plate causes heat which result in volcanoes.
Mountains are formed in places where continents have collided and caused the
continental crust to up-swell.
Fossils and similar rocks is evidence for historic continental masses, one
particularly called ‘Pangaea’
Inside Earth:
More dense material is heavier and will subduct under continents.
Mantle convection is the process by which subducted rock material cycles,
cooling material moving downward and hotter, less dense material raises to the
Mantle convection is driven by density differences and thermal heat generated by
radioactive decay.
The interior of the Earth is made of different layers that have different
temperatures, densities and compositions associated with them.
The outer core is liquid iron and nickel
The inner core is solid iron and nickel.
The mantel is highly plastic rock: Basalt, more dense, less silicate rock.
The continental plates are made of silicate rock: Granite, less dense.
The temperature of the center of the earth reaches the temperature of the surface
of the sun!
It took over a hundred years to fully develop the Theory of Plate Tectonics
Many scientists were involved.
Alfred Wegener did more than anyone else to create a unifying theory but he did
not get recognition in his lifetime.
It wasn’t until after WW2 that the evidence was found for his theory.
The Theory was generally accepted by 1970s.
New Generation Science Standards for High School
* underlined topics covered in unit
HS-ESS1-5: Earth’s Place in the Universe
Evaluate evidence of the past and current movements of continental and oceanic crust
and the theory of plate tectonics to explain the ages of crustal rocks. [Clarification
Statement: Emphasis is on the ability of plate tectonics to explain the ages of crustal
rocks. Examples include evidence of the ages oceanic crust increasing with distance from
mid-ocean ridges (a result of plate spreading) and the ages of North American continental
crust increasing with distance away from a central ancient core (a result of past plate
HS-ESS2-3: Earth’s Systems
Develop a model based on evidence of Earth’s interior to describe the cycling of matter
by thermal convection. [Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on both a one-dimensional
model of Earth, with radial layers determined by density, and a three-dimensional model,
which is controlled by mantle convection and the resulting plate tectonics. Examples of
evidence include maps of Earth’s three-dimensional structure obtained from seismic
waves, records of the rate of change of Earth’s magnetic field (as constraints on
convection in the outer core), and identification of the composition of Earth’s layers from
high-pressure laboratory experiments.]
Disciplinary Core Ideas
ESS2.B: Plate Tectonics and Large-Scale System Interactions
The radioactive decay of unstable isotopes continually generates new energy within
Earth’s crust and mantle, providing the primary source of the heat that drives mantle
convection. Plate tectonics can be viewed as the surface expression of mantle convection.
Plate tectonics is the unifying theory that explains the past and current movements of the
rocks at Earth’s surface and provides a framework for understanding its geologic history.
Plate movements are responsible for most continental and ocean-floor features and for the
distribution of most rocks and minerals within Earth’s crust. (ESS2.B Grade 8 GBE) (HSESS2-1)
Science and Engineering Practices
*below are science practices incorporated into lessons in the unit
Developing and Using Models :
Develop a model based on evidence to illustrate the relationships between systems or
between components of a system. (HS-ESS2-1),(HS-ESS2-3),(HS-ESS2-6)
Use a model to provide mechanistic accounts of phenomena. (HS-ESS2-4)
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations:
Plan and conduct an investigation individually and collaboratively to produce data to
serve as the basis for evidence, and in the design: decide on types, how much, and
accuracy of data needed to produce reliable measurements and consider limitations on the
precision of the data (e.g., number of trials, cost, risk, time), and refine the design
accordingly. (HS-ESS2-5)
Analyzing and Interpreting Data:
Analyze data using tools, technologies, and/or models (e.g., computational,
mathematical) in order to make valid and reliable scientific claims or determine an
optimal design solution. (HS-ESS2-2)
Engaging in Argument from Evidence :
Construct an oral and written argument or counter-arguments based on data and evidence.
Unit Planning: Evaluation and Transformative Questions
1) What are the race, gender and class underpinnings of your unit?
Throughout the unit I will highlight the contribution of women and people from different
ethnic backgrounds to the field of Geology and Plate Tectonics and focus on different
places in the world to provide a multinational view.
International Places:
I will provide examples of places around the world where Plate Tectonics is taking place
and where discoveries have been made to build a more international focus in the class. I
will try especially to bring in countries students ancestors are from including Mexico,
Africa, India, Middle East, Europe.
Role Plays:
I will provide interesting role plays with people from different genders and ethnic
backgrounds to bring the viewpoints of people of different backgrounds actively into the
Multicultural Scientists:
I will also provide and refer to other current or historic scientists that were/are women or
people of color. For example there are many lists of biographies on the internet including
a resource on 18 and 19 century women geologists, as well as a list of famous black
scientists in history. For more current scientists both National Association of Black
Geoscientists (1981) and the Geological Society of Africa provide a list of active
scientists in the field. But just at a glance I found these scientists that I could have
students research and make posters to decorate the classroom:
Andrés Manuel del Río (1764–1849), Spanish–Mexican mineralogist, discoverer
of vanadium.
Seikei Sekiya (1855–1896), Japanese seismologist, created the model showing the
motion of an earth-particle during an earthquake
Shen Kuo (1031–1095), Chinese scientist, magnetic compass pioneer,
geomorphology theory.
Etheldred Benett (22 July 1776 – 11 January 1845) was an early female English
geologist, considered the 'first lady geologist.' Her fossil collection played a
significant part in the development of geology as a field. Discoverer of
Iguanadon. Ammonites benettianus is named after her.
Current African Woman Scientist: Dr. Maideyi Lydia Meck Geology Department
University of Zimbabwe and her work: Geochemistry for Sustainable
Development in Africa: Zimbabwe Case Study.
Native American Origin Stories:
Another way that I can promote multiculturalism in the classroom is to use stories from
Native American origin ‘myths’ that often tell of volcanic and cataclysmic beginnings
which are thought to be racial memories of great volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and the
even the Ice Age. One in particular from the Native American Klamath Tribe from the
Crater Lake area in Oregon tell of the origins of the crater from a giant eruption 7,700
years ago.
2) How did the lesson content and strategies promote or impede educational equity?
Readiness Activities:
I will provide activities that incorporate different levels of readiness. For example
provide role plays that have different levels of complexity and responsibilities. Provide
lessons for multiple intelligences and provide choices of ways to express knowledge
which encourages the active participation of everyone in the class whatever their learning
style or learning difficulties.
Student Interests and Relevancy:
I will also make every effort to include student interests by surveying possible topics and
activities before the unit as well as link the unit to their own lives to make the topic of
Plate Tectonics relevant. This could include the examples of Plate Tectonics in their areas
or areas that they have seen or been or the evaluation of where to live in terms of relative
safety in earthquake or volcanic areas. Although student interests and relevancy may not
seem to directly promote educational equity, to create a classroom where the students feel
that their point of view, interests and life context is relevant promotes equity in the
3) How did the lesson content and instructional strategies promote cultural plurism and
intergroup harmony within your classroom?
I will make every effort to build an atmosphere of a cooperative learning environment in
the classroom and throughout the unit by engaging the class in cooperative activities
ranging from small everyday activities to bigger projects in the class: small group pair
shares for quick work to end of the unit cooperative group projects. The ethos of the class
must be established that everyone’s point of view is respected and listening to each other
is valued.
4) How does the lesson content correct distortions in the historical/scientific record that
may be linked to racism, exploitation and oppression or particular groups?
Judeo-Christian View:
Plate Tectonics explains the age of the Earth in the geological record and thus
problematizes traditional Judeo-Christian narratives of creation and supports evolutionary
theory. Although many students will come from a Christian-based household, and great
sensitivity must be employed to ensure students feel their beliefs are respected, the JudeoChristian/Western thought has a long history of oppression and exploitation (e.g. so
called racial theories of evolution) that science (hopefully) can help rectify.
Distorted Map Projections:
Plate tectonics also provides an alternative method of envisaging the world that is not
distorted by Eurocentric cartography as illustrated by Greenwich Mean Time (GMT, i.e.
zero degrees longitude), a relic of British imperial history. For example the Gall–Peters
projection is an equal-area map promoted by UNESCO. Plate Tectonics that can be used
to decenter such Eurocentric geographical perceptions. Some other examples are of an
‘upside-down’ world map or one centered on Antarctica (see image at the end of this
5) How did the lesson content and strategies make use of or help to develop collaborative
empowering relationships among parents, teachers, and community?
Throughout the unit I will try to parents and the community. First by providing an
‘Introduction to the Unit’ paper to send home to the parents and have them sign with
some interview questions the student can ask their parents like a pre-assessment that
students can evaluate their own family’s knowledge on the subject. As per the pressures
on family time and involvement I will require this to be brief and maybe only oral
responses. I will also research people in the community that may have some pertinent
knowledge to this unit. For example if a parent works with construction or gardening,
they could have knowledge that I could use about local geology. Depending on the
parent’s time constraints either they could visit the class or I could just tie-in what they
do to the lesson. The final project of the unit could involve an open-house inviting the
community to see what the student’s have done or student’s could take on a relevant
geological issue in the neighborhood and gather information and then report back to the
community or give advice on the issue. This could be a road or hill that is weathering and
threatening the community or another relevant geological topic.
Three examples of different world views:
1)An example of a projection of the world that is different from Eurocentric maps:
Antarctica as the center point – strange but beautiful! And maybe a case could be made
for the international ‘sharing’ of Antarctica?
2) The Galls-Peter Projection that puts Africa in true proportion to the rest of the world.
3) The ‘upside down’ map that brings the world’s hierarchy into question.