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Review Guide for Living Environment Written Assessment
Topics to review:
I. The Human Body Systems
 Circulatory
 Respiratory
 Excretory (Urinary System)
 Digestive
II. Maintenance of Homeostasis
 Endocrine System
 Nervous System
III. Immunity and Disease
 Blood and its components
 Lines of defense
 Immune System Mistakes
IV. Reproduction
 Asexual vs. Sexual
 Mitotic cell division and the cell cycle
 Meiosis
V. All past material is always fair game…be prepared to answer questions on diffusion, osmosis, active
transport, cellular respiration, photosynthesis and cell parts/organelles.
I. The Human Body
 Organization of multicellular organisms: specialized cells  tissues  organs  organ systems
 Complete the table below:
Body system
Overall Function(s)
Cell organelle with
similar function and why
Excretory (Urinary)
1. What are metabolic wastes?
2. What are the basic wastes of an organism?
3. What occurs when air enters the lungs? How does gas exchange occur?
4. List the type of materials the blood transports to different parts of the body.
5. Why is a transport system in the human body necessary?
6. How do nutrients pass from your intestines into your bloodstream? List the different type of
nutrients you get from your foods.
7. How do nutrients get to the cells of your body?
8. Where does the carbon dioxide you exhale come from?
II. Maintenance of Homeostasis
A. Nervous system- review your handout
B. Endocrine System
 HORMONES are substances that are secreted from various glands and then travels to
target organs or tissues and give messages to the cells. Hormones are chemical
 Complete the following table for each of the given hormones
Hormone secreted
Target cells (organ or
Overall function of the
Growth Hormone
1. How do hormones act as chemical regulators?
2. How do hormones get to their target tissues/organs/cells?
3. How do hormones know what their target cells are?
4. Why are there so many hormones?
5. What do cells have on the surface of their cells that allow them to receive messages form
6. What is meant by a negative feedback mechanism? Give an example using insulin and glucagon.
III. Immunity and Disease
1. Blood and its components
 Define each part of the blood and know the function of each: plasma, red blood cells, white
blood cells and platelets. Especially review and outline the functions of your white blood
 Describe the 3 major functions of the blood.
 Describe the 3 lines of defense against communicable/infectious disease.
 Compare/contrast natural and acquired immunity.
 Define the term PATHOGEN. List examples of various pathogens.
 Define the term ANTIGEN.
 Define the term ANTIBODY and explain how and when antibodies are formed in your
1. What is meant by “disease”?
2. Explain the difference between infectious and non-infectious diseases. List examples of each.
3. Why are many organ transplant operations unsuccessful?
4. Describe what an “immune response” is and how it fights pathogens/disease?
5. How does your body “reject” a transplanted organ such as a kidney or heart?
6. How does your body know it has received an organ from another person?
7. Why would an identical twin be the best donor for a transplanted organ?
8. What do immunosuppressant drugs do? Why do you need to take immunosuppressant drugs after a
9. How does a vaccine protect against a disease?
10. Why doesn’t a vaccine for the measles build immunity for the mumps?
11. What may occur when your immune system makes mistakes?
12. Explain how being infected with HIV and then developing AIDS effects your body. Why is you
body no longer able to fight off disease once a person has AIDS?
13. What are allergies? What causes allergies? How can someone fight off allergies?
V. Reproduction
1. Asexual vs. Sexual
 Explain the similarities and differences between both types of reproduction.
 List and explain the purpose for each kind of reproduction.
 Describe the various forms of asexual reproduction different organisms perform to create a
whole new organism.
2. Mitotic Cell Division and Meiosis
Review how each process creates new cells. Both processes are forms of cell reproduction
but are different in a number of ways:
 Number of daughter cells produced.
 Chromosome number in each daughter (haploid or monoploid number or diploid number)
 Number of cell divisions.
1. What is the difference between gametes and somatic cells?
2. Why do we make gametes? When do we perform mitotic cell division and when do we
perform meiosis?
3. Which process is involved in:
 growth and repair _______________________________________
 creating gametes _______________________________________
 asexual reproduction ____________________________________
 sexual reproduction _____________________________________
 Genetic variability ______________________________________
 healing wounds ________________________________________
producing eggs (ova) ___________________________________
 producing sperm _______________________________________
 identical genes ________________________________________
4. Review your packets and handouts and make sure to be able to identify different phases of
mitosis and meiosis. Review any and all diagrams!
 What is the significance of anaphase in both mitosis and meiosis?
 How are organisms created through asexual reproduction different from organisms
created through sexual reproduction? WHY?