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Respiratory System Review
1. The job of the respiratory system is to….
a. Produce hormones.
b. Remove liquid waste.
c. Take oxygen and transport it to cells; remove carbon dioxide from the body.
d. Support your body and give it shape.
2. What structure FIRST allows air into the respiratory system?
a. Nostrils
b. Nasal passages
c. Trachea
d. Bronchi
3. True or False The purpose of breathing in oxygen is to ultimately produce ATP.
4. True or False External respiration is the exchange of gases between the blood and tissues.
5. Which of the following is NOT a function of the upper respiratory tract?
a. Moistens the air the is inhaled
b. Heats the air that is inhaled
c. Filters the air that is inhaled
d. Smells the air that is inhaled
e. All of the above are functions of the upper respiratory tract.
6. What substance is the trachea composed of that keeps it from collapsing upon itself?
7. What structures in the trachea help move mucous and lodged particles out of the respiratory
8. Which of the following is the smallest in structure?
a. Bronchioles
b. Bronchi
9. What structure is responsible for the gas exchange of carbon dioxide with oxygen?
10. Put the following in order from largest in structure to smallest.
Capillary, Artery, Arteriole
11. When oxygen and carbon dioxide is exchanged in the alveoli, in what vessel does this exchange
a. Artery
b. Arteriole
c. Vein
d. Venule
e. Capillary
12. Running is an activity that causes the cells in the muscular system to use oxygen at a faster rate.
Which system responds by delivering more oxygen to these cells?
a. Digestive
b. Nervous
c. Circulatory
d. Endocrine
13. True or False During inspiration, the rib cage moves up and out; the diaphragm moves down.
14. True or False Oxygen moves from the alveoli to the capillaries by active transport.
15. What is the tool we used to measure vital lung volume?
a. Spirometer
b. Sphygmometer
c. Pulse Ox Monitor
16. The volume of air breath in and out without conscious effort is called ___.
a. Minute Volune
b. Residual Volume
c. Tidal Volume
17. The volume of air remaining in the lungs after maximum exhalation is known as ___.
a. Minute Volune
b. Residual Volume
c. Tidal Volume
18. What makes it hard to breathe when you have asthma?
a. Inflammation swelling inside the airways
b. Bronchoconstriction muscles tighten around the airways
c. Mucus excess mucus clog the airway
d. All of the above
19. True or False Bronchodilators are medications that relax the bronchial muscles. Relaxing these
muscles makes the airways larger, allowing air to pass through the lungs easier
20. True or False Albuterol is a bronchodilator
21. True or False Accolate is an inhalation medication
22. Asthma cannot be cured, but it can be controlled. Steps to keeping asthma in good control are:
a. Taking asthma medication as prescribed by health care provider
b. Reducing exposure to asthma triggers
c. Monitoring asthma symptoms
d. All of the above
Label the following structures